• 中国疾病防治控制中心调查显示,我国目前烟民人数3亿。

    The number of Chinese smokers has reached 300m, according to a survey by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 计算机网络通信技术用来电力系统模型控制中心模型相联接

    The communication technique of computer network is used to link the power system model with the control center model.


  • 紧急情况下,乘坐地铁列车乘客可以通过安装节车厢里无线对讲设备控制中心联系

    In the event of an emergency, passengers riding on the subway trains are able to contact the control center through the wireless intercom devices installed on every carriage.


  • 美国正在捷克共和国波兰罗马尼亚谈判将来建立标准- 3拦截系统基地和欧洲的指挥控制中心

    The US negotiations have been with the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania to establish future bases for SM-3 interceptors and a European command and control centre.


  • 发现基于美国各地医院全国医疗安全网提交数据疾病预防与控制中心感染监测系统

    The new findings are based on data submitted by hospitals across the U. S. to the National Healthcare Safety Network, which is the CDC's infection monitoring system.


  • 比如,在飞机最后一次与控制中心联系之后几乎11个小时才向塔希尔检查点派出救援队伍

    After the plane's final communication, for example, it took nearly 11 hours for a search team to be sent to Tasil Point.


  • 联邦疾病预防控制中心一半以上的儿童某个时段,尤其在2到12岁之间的某个时段容易晕车

    Up to half get carsick at some time, and the condition peaks between ages2 and12, says the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 标准不仅包括变电站内部保护控制等设备包括变电站之间以及变电站控制中心SCADA之间的接口

    The specification includes protection and control equipment in substation, interfaces between substations, as well as interfaces to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) of control centers.


  • 2000年中,居住控制中心的“星”加入,当年稍后国际太空站接受第一常驻乘员俄罗斯人和一名美国人

    In mid 2000 a habitat and control-centre module was added, and later in the year the ISS received its first resident crew, comprising two Russians and an American.


  • 位于亚特兰大美国联邦疾病预防控制中心特里·皮查西科说:“显著迹象,显示我们取得的伟大进步已经停止了。”

    "This is the most dramatic indication that the great progress we're making has stalled," said Terry Pechacek of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.


  • 美国国会要求下机构计划(美国疾病预防与控制中心其他机构)提出一项提案,将今年7月实行新的自愿广告准则

    At the request of Congress, the agency plans to submit a proposal (with the CDC and other agencies) for new "voluntary" advertising guidelines by July.


  • 通过实施CDC预防战略医院持续拉低重症监护病房的某些感染方面取得了重大进展,”疾病预防与控制中心主任医师ThomasR

    "Hospitals continue to make impressive progress in driving down certain infections in intensive care units through implementation of CDC prevention strategies," CDC director Dr. Thomas r.


  • 个位于亚特兰大市疾病预防与控制中心另一个马里兰州弗雷德里克美军传染病医学研究所以及一个位于加拿大(温尼伯的新建中心)不够的。

    CDC in Atlanta, and the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick, Maryland and one in Canada at the new center in Winnipeg is not enough.


  • 他们指出了残酷数据根据国家伤害预防控制中心(National Centrefor Injury Prevention and Control),2006年田纳西州大约有950枪杀

    They can point to grim statistics: roughly 950 people were killed by guns in Tennessee in 2006, according to the National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control.


  • 疾病控制中心发现试图减肥超重成年人中,只有不到四分之一的表示他们锻炼饮食结合起来。

    The Centers for Disease Control found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.


  • 例如疾病控制中心发现试图减肥超重成年人中,只有不到四分之一的人表示他们锻炼饮食结合起来。

    The Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.


  • 对于小儿麻痹症世界卫生组织(WHO)主要合作伙伴国际扶轮社、疾病控制中心、UNICEF发挥中心作用

    For polio, the World Health Organization (WHO) has played the central role with Rotary International, the Centers for Disease Control, and UNICEF as key partners.


  • 然而节育药在这里得更多美国疾病预防控制中心周三报道

    Sterilization, however, is used more here, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday.


  • 成功实现命令创建如图9所示(DB 2控制中心显示的相同)。

    Successful completion of this command will create the tables shown in Figure 9 (as displayed in the DB2 control center).


  • 世卫组织卫生儿童福利部以及卫生饮水卫生方面的合作伙伴一道首都哈拉雷成立霍乱指挥控制中心

    A Cholera Command and Control Centre has been set up in the capital, Harare, by WHO, together with MoHCW, and health and water and sanitation partners.


  • 研究者正在太平洋西北国家实验室一起努力,开发诸如灾难一次响应之类的紧急状态下指挥控制中心使用的技术

    The researchers are working with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop technologies for command and control in emergency situations, such as first response to disasters.


  • 控制中心子系统中,对于图像进一步定位识别

    In control center subsystem, further image localization and recognition of image will be done.


  • 图集CERN控制中心整洁外观物理学相适应的作品

    The exterior of the Atlas control center at CERN is spruced up with physics-appropriate artwork.


  • 采用防爆计算机CAN现场总线井下各控制分站井上控制中心进行联网

    With the explosion protected computers and can field bus, the underground control substations and control center can be linked into network.


  • 本次活动得到福建省疾病预防控制中心爱白教育文化中心支持,一并表示感谢

    Great thanks to the support from fujian CDC and aibai education and culture center towards this activity.


  • 本次活动得到福建省疾病预防控制中心爱白教育文化中心支持,一并表示感谢

    Great thanks to the support from fujian CDC and aibai education and culture center towards this activity.


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