• 一时之间赞同指责相互作用帖子网上蹿

    Temporarily between, approval tone and censure interaction, let this card be on the net leap up is red.


  • 你们当中有些年轻人追求快乐似乎快乐便是一切他们受到评判指责

    Some of your youth seek pleasure as if it was all, and they are judged and rebuked.


  • 几乎将要赢得一些什么的时候,最终却一无所获本来就是很令人失望。而这时你听到人们对你的批评与指责,你会感觉更加的伤心

    Sagna added: "As a player of course it hurts to hear the criticism because when you are close to winning something and you don't it's a real disappointment."


  • 数千名因卡塔支持者游行穿过该市要求建立一个独立祖鲁王国,因卡塔非国大互相指责对方应为暴力事件负责。

    Inkatha and the ANC have blamed each other for the violence which took place as thousands of Inkatha supporters marched through the city to demand the creation of a sovereign Zulu kingdom.


  • 原告被告你来我往互相指责

    The prosecution and defence were bandying accusations back and forth.


  • 很长一段时间以来,心理学一直那些指责他们没有从事科学的指控作斗争——这在很大程度上是因为许多经典实验发现被证明不可再现

    Psychologists have been battling charges that they don't do "real" science for some timein large part because many findings from classic experiments have proved unreproducible.


  • 的目的尽量找出故障修复问题,避免受到指责,而如果本地远程代理响应时间有任何差别,则立刻可以确定是网络速度降低

    Since you are trying to do fault isolation, to fix the problem and not the blame, any differences in the local and remote agent response times immediately identifies network slowdowns.


  • 反恐组托尼指责尼娜,怪她对梅森杰克之间发生的事情撒谎掩饰

    At CTU, Tony accuses Nina of lying to cover up what happened between Mason and Jack.


  • 克勒珀林表示,观点遭到一些同行的批评,这些同行指责散布过于乐观观点,主流声音唱反调

    Kropelin says he's been criticized by some fellow scientists who accuse him of spreading optimistic views that run counter to mainstream climate scenarios.


  • 采访中,麦当娜提到了埃尔顿·约翰之间恩怨后者曾2004年指责假唱

    Madonna also addresses her feud with Elton John, who in 2004 accused her of lip-synching.


  • 上月贝卢斯科尼人拍到出席在那不勒斯郊外举行的蒂奇娅18岁生日聚会之后妻子指责未成年鬼混在一起”,打算和他离婚

    After Berlusconi was photographed last month attending Letizia's 18th birthday party outside Naples, his wife said she intended to divorce him, accusing him of "frequenting minors".


  • 调查非法毁林巴西当局指责一些英国超市供应商所售肉类大规模破坏亚马逊雨林的活动有关连

    Brazilian authorities investigating illegal deforestation have accused the suppliers of several UK supermarkets of selling meat linked to massive destruction of the Amazon rainforest.


  • 比如指责35小时每周工作制,不仅为了限制雇主而且为了他们能够雇员举行谈判,下放权力

    She has criticised the 35-hour working week, for example, not for constraining employers, but for giving them power to extract concessions from employees.


  • 然而都不必争辩,不必指责因为这民抗拒祭司的人一样

    Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another: for thy people are as they that strive with the priest.


  • 然而巴基斯坦官员指责美国正在策划巴基斯坦建立一种交易关系”,要求转为战略联盟的关系。

    Yet Pakistani officials criticise America for conducting a "transactional relationship" with Pakistan and demand that it shift towards a strategic alliance.


  • 他人指责风险要说这种将奢侈的豪宅艺术结合一种非常有潜力的销售方式。

    Iwould risk setting myself up for criticism by saying this combination of luxuryreal estate and art is one with great potential.


  • 很多公司愿意自己地盘上出现开放式论坛,让人们随便批评指责自己的产品服务

    Many companies don't like the idea of allowing an open forum on their turf where people can freely criticize and slate their products and services.


  • 俄罗斯外交部说,美国批评建立在毫无根据指责有偏见消息上的,这些消息的来源包括欧洲安全合作组织

    The Foreign Ministry also says U.S. criticism is based on groundless accusations and biased sources, including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.


  • 然而,在北极熊列入《濒危物种法》一个美国鱼类野生动物管理局便遭到舆论炮轰,被指责石油公司骚扰北极熊大开方便之门。

    But a month after the polar bear was listed, Dale's agency found itself in hot water when it was accused of granting oil companies the right to harass polar bears.


  • 后来林堡虚伪指责道:“调查白水事件或是该事件有关记者小石城遭到了殴打骚扰。”

    Later, Limbaugh falsely charged that journalists and others working on or involved in Whitewatergate have been beaten and harassed in Little Rock.


  • 风景如画的学院传统大学类似机构赢利性大学已经面临着指责

    For-profit colleges, which range from beauty schools to institutions that resemble traditional universities, were already under attack.


  • 上个月一家德国公共广播电台指责WWF拉丁美洲运作GM食品公司得太

    Last month a German public broadcaster accused WWF of being too close to GM food companies working in Latin America.


  • 但是,因创造了国王如此独依的体制,所以指责这个君主政体那些顾问们实不为过。

    But it is not unfair to criticise the monarchy and its advisers for having created a system where the king is so sorely needed.


  • 但是,因创造了国王如此独依的体制,所以指责这个君主政体那些顾问们实不为过。

    But it is not unfair to criticise the monarchy and its advisers for having created a system where the king is so sorely needed.


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