• 如果应用本文描述建模技术,用(使用者用例除外)相同方式服务对应

    If you apply the use case modeling technique described in this article, use cases (except Consumer use cases) will correspond to services in the same way.


  • 创建任务相似,向导提示输入传感器名称、传感器组、描述、启动时间停止时间和频率

    You will be prompted to enter the sensor name, sensor group, description for the new sensor, start time, stop time and frequency, similar to that of a new task.


  • 需要描述地理位置关键时间日期策略业务规则联系

    You need to describe connections to geographical points, to key times and dates, to policies, and to business rules.


  • 名称描述都是用户自定义但是名称必须希望部署处理程序的完整类名称(带有名称)相匹配

    The name and description are user-defined, but the class name must match the full class name (with packages) of the handler you wish to deploy. In this case use


  • 使 BPEL4WS流程内部应用程序Web服务进行交互必须构造2描述其余6个组件

    You have to construct the remaining six components described in Figure 2, to enable BPEL4WS processes to interact with internal applications and Web services.


  • 属性namedescription只是所选择规则名字以及功能描述

    The name and description attributes are just that: a name of your choosing for the rule and a description of what it does.


  • 现在使用以上所描述UserID来进行登录(记住密码用户ID相同)。

    Now log in with the User ID created above. (Remember that your password is the same as your User ID).


  • 必须能够具有高度复杂背景利益相关者进行沟通交流提取细化需求这些利益相关者描述系统的体系结构。

    You must have the ability to communicate with stakeholders of highly mixed backgrounds to extract and refine your requirements and to describe the architecture to those stakeholders.


  • 网站看到了那个房子一条街的幢房子的描述,我好奇他们是不是我们曾住过那个房子?

    I saw that there was another account of a house on this same street on your site and I'm curious to know if they lived in the same house as we did.


  • 前面描述相似这个命令自动地正确处理运行特定组件

    Just like we described earlier, the command will just do the "right thing" to process and run a specific component automatically for you.


  • 使用UDDI注册中心时一样,可能必须修改用来描述服务WSDL文档位置主机口号,以便自己的系统的合适的匹配

    As with the UDDI registry, you may have to modify the hostname and port number for the location of the WSDL documents describing the services to match the appropriate values for your own system.


  • 尝试任务看作实际执行任务类似如果找出这些任务通用描述那么最好尝试编写一个符合描述实用程序。

    Try to think of tasks similar to the one you're actually performing; if you can find a general description of these tasks, it may be best to try to write a utility that fits that description.


  • 构建部署虚拟应用程序模式时,可以以图2描述形式可视化编辑器进行交互

    When you build and deploy virtual application patterns, you interact with a visual editor in the form depicted by Figure 2.


  • 所有模式最佳实践一样应该根据自己环境评估这里描述解决方案,相应地进行调整

    As with all patterns and best practices, you should evaluate the solutions we've outlined here in the context you'll use them in, adding or removing pieces accordingly.


  • 有关加载加载的描述有助于理解这两种方法的权衡。

    The next section on preloading vs. load on demand will help you understand the tradeoffs inherent in making this decision.


  • 以下自由提供机会描述希望私营企业合作方式

    The following free text box gives you opportunity to describe the way you prefer to partner with the private sector.


  • 正如所说的,“[]可以描述业务发现业务合作伙伴使用UDDI技术标准世界交流。”

    As it says "[y]ou can describe your business, discover business partners, and use the UDDI technical standards to communicate with the world."


  • 爱德华·赫希进行《巴黎评论》访谈中曾描述朋友罗伯特·费尔普斯看完了这本书那些够格的,并将它们留在大厅里。

    with Edward Hirsch, you describe this image of your friend RobertPhelps going through his books, taking down the ones that didn’t measure up andleaving them in the hall.


  • JBoss具有一套丰富XDoclet标记用于所能想到生成部署描述相关几乎所有任务Geronimo标记一方面有些落后

    While JBoss has a rich set of XDoclet tags available for nearly every task you can think of related to deployment descriptor generation, Geronimo lags behind in this area.


  • 注册中心概念上说类似于黄页(Yellow Pages),对此感兴趣的人可以从注册中心查找获得WSDL描述发现如何进行集成

    This registry is similar in concept to the Yellow Pages, where interested parties can look you up and obtain your WSDL description to discover how to integrate with you.


  • 构建本文示例必须自已系统中安装下列软件必须拥有这里描述完全一样的软件版本,这一点重要

    To build the example in this article, you must have the following software installed on your system; it is important that you have exactly the same software versions on your machine as described here.


  • 本文中的几个使用XPathPHP的实用示例可供实践但必须假设已经具备了先决条件描述的那些条件。

    This article has several working examples using XPath with PHP that you can practice, assuming that you have the prerequisite skills described in Prerequisites.


  • 发行商申请代销关系时,这个描述申请一起发送,它可能会被发行商用作判断业务是否他们自身利益一致的参考资料。

    When you apply for a relationship with a vendor, this description is sent with the application and may be used to judge whether your business is in line with the vendor's own interests.


  • 以下对于购物态度描述一句相符?

    Which sentence could best describe your shopping attitudes?


  • 描述某人工作关系不好的情景怎样

    Describe a situation where you have less than a perfect working relationship with someone? What did you do?


  • 随着键入参数需要输入下一参数变为粗体显示前面函数描述一样。

    As you type the parameters, the next parameter you need to enter will become bold, as previously described for functions.


  • 然而描述是不是一个良好条件

    However, with your described, I am afraid she is not in a good condition.


  • 描述-只需填写桌面上热带鱼游泳左右

    Description: 3d aqua - Just fill your desktop with water and let the tropical fish swim around.


  • 描述申请人关系

    Please describe your relationship with the applicant.


  • 描述申请人关系

    Please describe your relationship with the applicant.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定