• 一部分着重论述近代福建地区侨乡社会形成变迁

    The first part elaborates the formation and vicissitude of overseas Chinese district society in modern Fujian area emphatically.


  • 人力资本开发活动具有一定制度结构特殊运行变迁规律

    The development campaign of manpower capital has certain system structure, has special operation and changes law.


  • 文章方法时代教学方法缘起变迁入手,阐释了方法后方法概念

    This paper starts with the origin and changes of methods in language teaching method era, explains the notion of method and post-method.


  • 阳平原的形成变迁主要受到地盘沉陷海水变动河川冲积等因素所影响。

    The forming and changing of Lan-Yang Plain was affected by the tectonic sinking, fluctuation of sea level, and alluvial process.


  • 分析东安市场形成变迁过程对于研究近代北京都市空间生成及存在形态具有重要意义。

    The research of the evolution of the Dong'an Market is very significant for the emergence and configuration research of modern urban spaces in Beijing.


  • 这种风情之下,掩藏着新派在时代潮流中的兴起变迁,以及张生记独树一帜的美食主张。

    Underneath this style, the rising and vicissitude of the neo school of Hangzhou food is concealed, which is also in accompaniment of the unique idea of Sir. Zhang's.


  • 发掘湖区丰厚历史文化积淀必要研究洞庭湖形成变迁特别是探究地质变迁内涵

    To discover rich historical and cultural accumulation, we should study the formation and change of Dongting Lake, particularly to explore its connotation of geological changes.


  • 本课题主要深入探讨黄芩道地产区分布变迁因素进而分析总结决定道地品质主要因素。

    Try to discuss distribution of authentic region and factors of change of Huang Qin, and then analyze and summarize the main factors of determining its quality.


  • 一切决定了华北农民经济观念在清末民初的变动一个复杂过程传统变迁最明显的特征

    Determined by these, the change of North China's peasants' economic points of view was a complicated process, whose conspicuous features were tradition and changes.


  • 哈密新疆具体而微,通过勾勒哈密社会生活的轨迹可以对整个新疆社会生活的面貌变迁得以一览。

    Hami is the sample of Xinjiang, therefore, the outline and transformation of the social life in Xinjiang can be given by the description of Hami.


  • 王承云作品中揭示中国当下社会,其作品体现出社会城市化进程变迁之间一种前后相关性。

    Wang Chengyun also reveals the Chinese present moment in his painting, creating a parallel between the urban evolution and the consequences transferred to society.


  • 交易成本理论成本角度分析企业边界形成变迁,企业能力理论则采用比较利益方法收入角度分析

    Transaction cost theory analyzes the formation and change of firm boundaries from cost Angle, firm capability theory adopts comparative advantage method from income Angle to analyze then.


  • 第四章中,以充满谜团“难波之歌”成立变迁线索论述日本古代王权大陆移民利用方式变化

    In the fourth chapter, keeping mysterious Nanbolu Song's set-up and change as the track, discusses the change of the mode which ancient Japanese throne made use of Chinese immigrants.


  • 广义文化传播本文主要文化传播角度探讨不同民族之间长期接触互动中发生的文化交融变迁

    In a broad sense, communication actually is culture. This paper discusses cultural blend and changes between different ethnos from the Angle of communication.


  • 变迁相关环境变化并未得到人们充分认识但是离位于萨维德东北部圣胡安山脉最近的居民却首先受到了影响。

    The environmental changes associated with this transition are not fully understood, but people living closest to the San Juan Mountains, to the northeast of Mesa Verde, were affected first.


  • 甚麽原因造成近年来极端气候以及它们气候变迁有甚麽关连呢?

    What is causing these and other recent extreme weather events and are they linked to climate change?


  • 研究者认为这项调查先前研究不同之处暗示着美国社会变迁

    The differences from previous studies may hint at changes within U.S. society, suggested the authors.


  • 他们或许陆地土壤变迁紧密联系,”瑞典生物学家巴尔道夫正在黏菌工程发现的黏菌品种进行DNA分析

    "They might be tightly linked to the development of soil on land," said Dr. Baldauf, the Swedish biologist, who is analyzing the DNA of species discovered in the Eumycetozoan Project.


  • 正是这种选择时焦虑愧疚以及生活经验不足,加剧了如今消费者意识阻碍社会变迁

    It is precisely the anxiety and guilt that we feel over our choices - and the inadequacy we experience in our lives - that powers today's consumer ideology and prevents social change.


  • 同时企业理解划分顾客交易基底行为方式赶不上技术和市场的变迁

    At the same time, the manner in which companies understand, segment and market to their customer base has not kept pace with technology and marketplace change.


  • 同时企业理解划分顾客交易基底行为方式赶不上技术和市场的变迁

    At the same time, the manner in which companies understand, segment and market to their customer base has not kept pace with technology and marketplace change.


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