• 这些地方包括图书馆读书俱乐部与历史有关协会举行活动的餐馆、以及麻省理工学院哈佛研究生院和宿舍等等

    These places included libraries, book clubs, historical societies, restaurants that host poem readings, graduate schools and dorms at MIT and Harvard, etc.


  • 作为文化一部分,历史健康教育交流有关

    As part of culture, tea has a relationship with history, health, education, communication and so on.


  • 人类偏见在所难免的,历史表现中,偏见的另一种来源材料本身短暂有关

    Human bias is inevitable, but another source of bias in the representation of history has to do with the transitory nature of the materials themselves.


  • 中国坚持对话协商方式处理有关国家历史遗留问题现实分歧

    China remains committed to solving the issues left over from history and real differences with related countries through dialogues and consultations.


  • 为了一个计算目标很好案例分析师应该讨论一下历史趋势通过有关同行业组合进行比较分析这些趋势。

    In order to make a good case for a target price, the analyst should include a discussion of the historic trends and an analysis of these trends through a comparison to a relevant peer group.


  • 日本关于著名的的故事也许这个国家现存历史最悠久——《古事记》有关这部编年史可以追溯到大约世纪末。

    Perhaps the most celebrated tale in Japan concerning dragons is related in the country's oldest existing book, the Kojiki, a chronicle dating from around the end of the seventh century.


  • 自然历史影片传播他们工作有关知识发挥重要作用了解周围世界继续努力保护我们生态系统非常重要

    Natural history films play a major role in spreading knowledge of their work. And understanding the world around is vital in the continuing endeavour to preserve our ecosystem.


  • 虽然不清楚框架是否能够真正解决持久性有关所有那些历史问题但是显然这种方法引起业界越来越大兴趣

    While it's unclear that such frameworks truly solve all the historic problems associated with persistence, it is clear that such approaches are garnering increasing industry interest.


  • 没有罗德里格斯有关行为改变课程训练同等价值的艾滋病药物滥用历史

    She doesn't have Rodriguez's training in the curriculum of behavior change, but she does have something that can be equally valuable - a history of AIDS and drug abuse.


  • 一座新的博物馆武汉市揭幕,一部这次历史有关电影在全国的电视放映

    A new museum opened in Wuhan. A historical movie was aired on state TV.


  • 有些倾向特殊的人群有关拿破仑华盛顿,能让人想起那些特别历史人物

    Some tend to be associated with a particular generation, and a few such as Napoleon and Washington evoke particular historical figures.


  • 生命(Lifecycle)范畴包含学习对象历史当前状态有关特性以及演化过程中发挥作用那些特性。

    The Lifecycle category groups the features related to the history and current state of this learning object and those who have affected this learning object during its evolution.


  • 当晚Goodrich晚餐告诉顾问剪掉NeilRoberts有关的场景游戏真实事件编剧改成历史虚构作品

    That night, Goodrich told the men at dinner that he would excise the scene with Neil Roberts from the game and change the game into a work of historical fiction rather than a sort of docudrama.


  • 没有上下文历史,也没有语境有关的观点中找出可能性能力

    it has no holistic sense of context and no ability to to survey possibilities from a contextual perspective;


  • 这个词源推论更加站得住脚,因为ransacked历史上来看,房屋不是鞋子有关,而ramshackle建筑有联系。

    This etymology has the advantage that the word ransacked is historically related to houses or buildings and not shoes and ramshackle similarly applies to buildings.


  • 我国历史最初150多年中,几乎成功自励文献聚焦称为品德标准方面。

    During the nation's first century and a half, almost everything in the literature of success and self-help focused on what could be called the character ethic.


  • 有关历史书籍重大历史题材的影视作品正在受到越来越多的人们关注

    Books and movies about history and historical events get attention from more and more people.


  • 泰姬陵有关历史令人心酸

    The history connected with the Taj Mahal is a very poignant one.


  • 因为历史女巫审判,塞勒姆有游人开设的历史事件有关的博物馆游览地。

    Because of the history of the witch trials in Salem, created exclusively for visitors to this historic event-related museums and tourist sites.


  • 历史文学所有艺术社会研究东亚研究有关的学问、几乎任何以“研究”结尾的、哦…罗马语文学,还有最后民俗神话学

    History, Literature,? All things related to Art,? Social studies, East Asian studies, pretty much anything that ends with "studies",? Ugh... Romance Languages, and finally Folklore and Mythology?


  • 食品加工历史有关第二共同点延长产品货架期所带来好处

    The second common factor associated with the history of food processing is the interest in extending the shelf life of the product.


  • 作品一方面建筑物完美结合,一方面又和荷兰历史息息有关

    On the one hand fitting perfectly into the architecture of the building, and on the other with a referential twist on Dutch history.


  • 集中代理信息以及部分证券价值有关历史事实有限强制披露制度可能有效率

    The limited mandated disclosure system focusing on agent information and some historical facts related to securities value may be more efficient.


  • 集中代理信息以及部分证券价值有关历史事实有限强制披露制度可能有效率

    The limited mandated disclosure system focusing on agent information and some historical facts related to securities value may be more efficient.


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