• 不论自己还是别人,都不要评判错,好坏。

    Don't justify it to yourself or to another.


  • 详细地说不论是否选择任意那些方法构建特别模型,这应该自己开发过程考虑

    More narrowly, whether or not you choose to model a particular construct within any of those approaches should also be a consideration of your own development process.


  • 我们自己共同点怀有好感,不论共同点有多么微不足道

    We tend to like people with whom we think we have something in common, no matter how trivial the commonality.


  • 不论怎样自己诚实信任这种感受

    In either case, be honest with yourself and trust that feeling.


  • 不论计划多么,也不论自己目标有多肯定,都要为重新考虑预留余地。

    However strong your plan and however sure you are of your goals, make room for periodic reassessment.


  • 不论认为这些观点多么严重误导不论它们多么不准确看待十九世纪金融恐慌今天此行的目的并非这些观点下自己的结论。

    My purpose today is not to render judgment upon such views, however deeply misguided I happen to consider them, and however inaccurate their implicit view of nineteenth-century financial panics.


  • 不论怎么说,明天他们城市一个地方表演他们的技艺时,好玩也许会本来面目,穿着自己的衣服了。

    And anyway, tomorrow, practicing their art in a different part of town, the playful pair might revert to their rightful genders and costumes.


  • 为什么这么说不健康? 因为不论自己还是你的朋友来说,提出“颤抖的肥肉把注意力集中到它身上你的自身形象自尊相当有害的。

    Why it’s unhealthy: Pointing out and focusing on the alleged jiggle, whether to friends or yourself, is harmful to your body image and self-esteem.


  • 履行协议时各方自己过失不论积极行为鲁莽疏忽缺乏技术而给第三造成损害负责

    In connection with the performance of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for damages caused by his fault to third parties whether by positive act, imprudence, neglect or want of skill.


  • 不论认为自己是行还是不行,你都是的。(亨利福特)

    Whatever you think you can or you can't either you are right.


  • 不论是谁希望忽视真相那么就要反自身精神分析厌恶,而且如果精神分析得到批评性的检验,那么首先分析自己

    Whoever wishes not to ignore a truth will do well to distrust his antipathies, and, if he wishes to submit the theory of psycho-analysis to a critical examination, let him first analyse himself.


  • 人类所食用科学利用打猎诱捕以及很多方式利用其他动物不论我们来说他们没有用,他们都有一个自己重视生命

    The other animals humans eat, use in science, hunt, trap, and exploit in a variety of ways, have a life of their own that is of importance to them apart from their utility to us.


  • 不论我们认为自己科学知识多么渊博,死亡恐惧敬畏始终会让我们瞠目结舌。

    However scientifically informed we count ourselves to be, fear and awe still surprise us in the presence of the dead.


  • 不论认为自己还是不行,你都是的。——亨利·福特

    Whether you think you can or your can't, either way you are right. - Henry Ford.


  • 作弊其实是个大麻烦不论学校还是家人朋友当然重要的还是自己的影响。

    It can make mega-trouble for you not just in school, but also with your family, friends, and, sometimes most importantly, yourself.


  • 重要只是我们我们自己解释,我们因此而快乐而且我们也别人的解释

    What matters only is that we have our own interpretation, we are happy with it, and that we don't judge the others as right or wrong.


  • 不论因为市场竞争还是因为自己目标修改生产者都必须定期管道决策进行评估

    The producer must regularly evaluate its channel decisions, whether because of market competition or modifications In its own goals.


  • 惭愧得无地自容不论想到西也好,想到韦翰也好,她总是觉得自己以往未免太盲目,太偏心人存了偏见,而且不近情理

    She grew absolutely ashamed of herself. -- Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think, without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd.


  • 交游,不论自己人格道德学问甚至实质金钱事业上,都只有损害而无益处的。

    These are harmful friends. Associating with harmful friends can only be detrimental to one's character, morality, learning, and even materially to one's wealth and career.


  • 认为优势自己有着很强的自信心不论遇到什么困难都不会退缩也是工作保持较高兴趣原因

    I think my advantage is I to themselves have a strong self-confidence, no matter what difficulties I never retreat, which I also can maintain a higher interest to work the reasons.


  • 我们必须时时刻刻记住自己身为佛教徒并且保持我们的同情心不论美国或是伊拉克不能有所偏袒。

    Always remember we are Buddhists and that we have to maintain a compassionate mind with no partiality towards one side or the other, for Iraq or America.


  • 市场我们传达的信息我们不仅需要考虑风险回报剑历史门户网应该自己预见能力过自信

    The message: Not only do we need to think about risk as well as reward, but also we shouldn't be nearly so confident in our predictive powers.


  • 我们看到了不论老少伊朗人民 不畏危险自己投票权发言权的捍卫。

    We've seen people of all ages risk everything to insist that their votes are counted and that their voices are heard.


  • 一个喜欢付出心甘情愿事情不论什么事情都愿意甚至为你放弃生命自己你的诺言

    Paying to a person who like is willingly of affair, in spite of is what affairs would like to do for you, even is for you to give up life, this be my promise to you.


  • 不论想到达西也好,想到韦翰也好,总是觉得自己以往未免太盲目,太偏心人存了偏见,而且不近情理

    Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think, without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd.


  • 不论想到达西也好,想到韦翰也好,总是觉得自己以往未免太盲目,太偏心人存了偏见,而且不近情理

    Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think, without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定