• 不要污染所在之地。

    Do not pollute the land where you are.


  • 这个时候不要急着想面试,要解释他们知道兴趣所在

    Don't push for an interview on the spot, but rather explain that you want to let them know of your interest.


  • 大概受邀外甥女詹妮所在的一年级做一个简短讲座不要深奥的,注意,相当地简单比如生活一个陌生地方会是什么样子? 就贝尔法斯特

    About a month ago I was invited to give a brief talk to my nephew Gianni’s first grade classnothing too deep, mind you, rather simply about what it’s like living in a foreign place such as Belfast.


  • 因为志愿者的时间安排和您所在的组织是不同的,不要指望超过几个承诺。

    Volunteers’ schedules often vary, so it’s best not to count on acommitment of longer than a few months.


  • 下一次,再遇到阻碍困难时候,不要阻碍前进,一下为了目标所在尝试所有努力,一切值得的。

    Next time there's an obstacle, don't let it hinder you, think about the fact that whatever you're trying to reach will be that much worth it on the other side.


  • 我们网上考察有希望项目,所以不要吝啬填表,因为良好演示的希望所在

    We look at online demos only for the most promising applications, so don't skimp on the application because you're relying on a good demo.


  • 也许觉得所在公司环境支持着你,不过不要忘了你正是那个为此埋单的那个人。

    You might feel supported by your corporate environment, but keep in mind that you’re the one paying for it.


  • 也许觉得所在公司环境支持着你,不过不要忘了你正是那个为此埋单那个人

    You might feel supported by your corporate environment, but keep in mind that you're the one paying for it.


  • 替换它们可能会是一项艰巨复杂代价高昂的任务就是如果它们表现良好不要改动它们原因所在

    They can be big, complex, and expensive to replace. All of these are good reasons to leave them alone when they are working fine as they are.


  • 一种非常直观的感受—与其威逼某人放弃东西还不如威慑他让他不要攻击,这似乎会是更有效的方法。

    The insight is an intuitive one—threatening someone to convince him not to attack you is much more likely to work than threatening him in order to make him give up something he cares about.


  • 职业专家还建议,不要简历中写你即将离开目前所在城市因为这样做让原本打算给工作老板对你产生怀疑,最终你错失这次机会

    And to those thinking about leaving your address out of your resume: It will only raise the suspicions of an employer who might pass you up for the job, career experts say.


  • 不要避开抱怨者,倾听他们直到能了解问题所在然后努力想出一个良好的解决方案。

    Don't avoid complainers, listen to them just long enough to hear the problem, then try to come up with a solution.


  • 所以太太一起探讨问题症结所在不要告诉你有外遇;一旦你提及此事,那问题就无解了。

    Talk to your wife about where the problem lies. But don't talk to her about your affair, please.


  • 关键所在不要跑步成为生活另一个压力想着乐趣跑步而不是痛苦,没收获。”

    That's really what it's all about. Don't make running another stress in your life. Instead of "no pain, no gain" think "no fun, no run."


  • 以色列官方警告,《精灵宝可梦》暴露所在位置,军人不要基地内玩。

    Israeli officials warned soldiers not to use it on bases as it could reveal their location.


  • 关键所在不要主张局限于利己方面(“根本时间处理这种意义的事儿”),扩展对于公司共同任务投入

    The key is to frame your advocacy not as purely self-interested (" I don't have time for this nonsense "), but instead as a manifestation of your commitment to the company and your Shared mission.


  • 如果参加所在城市雅思机考,不要浪费时间屏幕的作文改为粗体斜体采用文本写作现代模式。

    If you can take CB IELTS (the computer-based IELTS) in your city, don't waste your time bolding or licising text on the screen. Use the Modern Method of composing text.


  • 不要在公共场所哪个球队。这样会疏远现在所在城市球迷,到时就没那么多球迷哭泣

    Never publicly say which cities you want to go. Why alienate all the fans in your present city when most cried every tear with you?


  • 如果知道答案,知道问题的关键所在,先不要说出来。

    So if you know the answer and know what the fix is don't answer this.


  • 如果现代艺术兴趣所在那就不要错过亲眼欣赏安迪·作品机会

    If modern art is right up your alley, then don't miss your chance to see Andy Warhol's works in person.


  • 不要使用蜗牛饵料包含聚乙醛包含摩尔所在可以得到

    Don't use snail bait that contains metaldehyde, fly bait that contains methomyl, and mole or gopher bait where your dog or cat can get to it.


  • 联邦法律选举人投票赢得他们所在大选候选人

    There is no federal law that requires the electors to vote for the candidate who received the most votes in their state.


  • 不要老师任何可以反驳这个问题理由尝试找出这个问题所在,如果觉得这样舒适的话,和老师交谈一下。

    Don't give the teacher a reason to have problems with you. Try to find out what the problem is. Talk to the teacher if you feel comfortable doing this.


  • 不要迟到——明确所在行政班级的选课时间地点。

    Be on time – know what time your Homeroom is scheduled and know what room to go to.


  • 不要隐藏天分,天赐才能必有其道理所在日晷摆在阴影里也是枉然!

    Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade!


  • 所在没有理由无缘无故扣押一个外国人所以转告朋友不要过于担心出境入境容易不对?

    There is no reason for the host country to detain a foreigner. So tell your friend not to worry too much. It is easier to leave than to enter, what do you think?


  • 不要:‘值得公司为我提供2.5%以上加薪’,而是应该谈论工作价值——例如所在部门给公司贡献了多少收入利润

    Don't make it personal. "Instead of saying, 'I'm worth more than a 2.5% raise,' talk about what the job is worth" — for example, how much your department contributes to revenues and profits.


  • 事实上了解如何增加利润财运使然,因此不要因为看到机遇所在便肆意涨价压价

    The fact that you have ideas on how to increase profits is your good fortune, so don't inflate the price you offer because of opportunities you have identified.


  • 事实上了解如何增加利润财运使然,因此不要因为看到机遇所在便肆意涨价压价

    The fact that you have ideas on how to increase profits is your good fortune, so don't inflate the price you offer because of opportunities you have identified.


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