• 有犯罪感-明确自我与他人的边界

    Said no more often without feeling guilty - strong personal boundaries.


  • 这份生平记述对光彩之处略表,没有提及监狱的日子。

    This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison.


  • 仪式盛大铺张

    The service was grand without being pompous.


  • 妖。

    Her face is classically beautiful.


  • 他们使理想主义希望火炬熄灭奋斗

    They struggled to keep the torch of idealism and hope alive.


  • 滑稽粗鲁,难以把握分寸。

    He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.


  • 旅馆服务工作有效率夸张

    The service at the hotel is efficient and unobtrusive.


  • 问题在于如何权力分散造成无政府状态。

    The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy.


  • 调查显示各企业正在任其库存减少生产新的产品

    But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products.


  • 摇头表示“”,并非放诸四海皆准。

    Shaking your head for 'No' is not universal.


  • 科学家们现在为了资金相互竞争,彼此共享信息

    Scientists now have to compete for funding, and do not share information among themselves.


  • 久病亡。

    She died after a long illness.


  • 久病亡。

    He died after a long illness.


  • 他们有时犹豫令人着

    They can be irritatingly indecisive at times.


  • 他们谦虚地谈论了他们油轮保持付出的英勇努力

    They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat.


  • 环境问题各方都是口惠至。

    All the parties pay lip service to environmental issues.


  • 已经因为自己选举中的活跃表现受到了谴责。

    He has already been blamed for his party's lacklustre performance during the election campaign.


  • 剧目卖座停演了

    The show was taken off because of poor audience figures.


  • 他因专业的操作解雇。

    He was fired for unprofessional conduct.


  • 为什么蜘蛛要结房子?

    Why does a spider have a web and not a house?


  • 所有其他的人都应该工作如果他们由于工作挨饿更糟

    All others should work, and if they didn't, and went hungry, so much the worse for them.


  • 例如鸵鸟羽毛构造使羽毛

    For example, the ostrich has plumage that is so constructed that the feathers are long but not too dense.


  • 看到附近有个驯兽师,就问为什么这些动物只是站在那里试图逃跑

    He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn't try to get away.


  • 目前合作伙伴关系涉及处理生产阶段废料涉及未售出商品

    At the moment, the partnership only addresses waste at the production stage and not unsold goods.


  • 有一种妥协可能推迟生育,生育

    A compromise may be the postponement of children, rather than childlessness.


  • 如何做到一点直接别人?

    How do you do this without directly asking the other person?


  • 早上上学上班时候地铁坐车明智的。

    It is sensible to go to school or go to work by subway instead of by car in the morning.


  • 他们饿,知道怎么足够的,惹出闲话。

    They're that hungry they don't know how to get enough to eat without makin' talk.


  • 机器人首先要学习基本技能——如何屋子里移动东西

    Robots first learn basic competencehow to move around a house without bumping into things.


  • 机器人首先要学习基本技能——如何屋子里移动东西

    Robots first learn basic competencehow to move around a house without bumping into things.


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