• 不经所说的话可能误解。

    What you mean as a casual remark could be misinterpreted.


  • 看似不经地处理这件事。

    She handled the matter with seeming indifference.


  • 不经地幻想着发生什么事。

    He wondered idly what would happen.


  • 鲁克不经心地询问在哪儿

    Incautiously, Crook had asked where she was.


  • 审讯随意扣押常有的

    Arbitrary arrests and detention without trial were common.


  • 转身不经撞了

    As I turned around, I accidentally hit him in the face.


  • 编辑事实核查不经态度

    The editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking.


  • 不经地想过要报警最终没有

    I toyed with the idea of calling the police, but in the end I didn't.


  • 一句不经的话可能使笔交易告吹

    One careless word could blow the whole deal.


  • 不经运动容易受伤

    You are more liable to injury if you exercise infrequently.


  • 不经,丝毫没有察觉麻烦

    He was blithely unaware of the trouble he'd caused.


  • 不经心地斜倚着

    He was leaning nonchalantly against the wall.


  • 今天昨天多了。”不经地说。

    'It's much colder than yesterday,' he remarked casually.


  • 不经心地笑了笑没有理会问题

    He smiled vaguely, ignoring her questions.


  • 梅拉妮把化妆盒漫不经心地扔到了椅子上

    Melanie plunked her cosmetic case down on a chair.


  • 不经地挥了挥手。

    He waved his hand in a negligent gesture.


  • 每天24小时营业很快就证明的。

    It soon proved uneconomical to stay open 24 hours a day.


  • 主意听上去荒诞不经,事实上却并非如此。

    This idea is not as outlandish as it sounds.


  • 称之为荒诞不经悲惨历。

    He called it the most grotesquely tragic experience he's ever had.


  • 他们自己的车技充满信心,以致漫不经心。

    They are blasé about their driving skills.


  • 确信似乎不经姿态有意装出来的。

    He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate.


  • 律师看似不经意的问题为了使证人措手

    The lawyer's apparently innocent question was designed to catch the witness off (his) guard.


  • ","不经心地说道,"回去。"

    "Oh," he said carelessly. "I'm in no hurry to get back."


  • 他用特有的漫不经心的口吻答道:“又怎么样?”

    He replied with characteristic insouciance: "So what?"


  • 觉得整个事件荒诞不经,更用说可信了

    I found the whole story bizarre, not to say unbelievable.


  • 咖啡送达同时不经心地翻阅份报纸

    I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.


  • 不经胸前一个古怪装置上面的曲柄

    He was idly turning a crank on a strange mechanism strapped to his chest.


  • 一位不经目击者认为他们晚上出来闲逛3个男人

    A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.


  • 消费者认为职员态度不经通常冒犯这些顾客

    Consumers found the attitude of its staff offhand and generally offensive to the paying customer.


  • 擅自侵入小偷小摸行为出自男孩子私有财物不经的轻视态度。

    Acts of trespass and petty theft often grew out of the blithe disregard that boys had for private property.


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