• 他们看到市场一个竞争激烈商机

    They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition.


  • 赢得头衔时候竞争不激烈

    He earned his titles during a time when golf was lacking top-notch competition.


  • 如果争论变得更加不激烈足为奇

    It is hardly surprising if the rhetoric has become more muted.


  • 如果竞标手表相对,竞争也激烈,那可以大便宜

    If you find yourself bidding for a relatively new watch with little competition, you could snag a bargain.


  • 他们消极一面就是抗争激烈彻底,对压迫势力妥协。

    However, they also had their negative aspects, that is, their struggle, being not fierce and complete, easily surrendered before the oppressing forces.


  • 竞争从来激烈的,未来从来都是预测的,领导对于组织成功重要性也从来是可超越的。

    Competition has never been fiercer, times have never been more unpredictable, and leadership has never been more significant for organizations to succeed.


  • 创作状态非常轻松一点激烈。我画画和玩一样,我很喜欢那种状态我觉得画画最快乐时候呢

    I am at easy in my creation state and have no little acute. I paint likes I play. I like the state, I feel painting is my happy times.


  • 但是他们对条款公开批评却是克制而不激烈的,因为他们担心过激言论导致法令制定者迅速报复或者自己沦为“反对银行业”的政客口诛笔伐的对象。

    But their criticism in public is measured, out of fear that it could prompt retribution by regulators or make them fodder for bank-bashing politicians.


  • 其他沃尔玛水土服的有德国短暂采购时间包括周末购物的习惯以及来自两个折扣连锁AldiLidl激烈竞争

    Other surprises for Wal-Mart were Germany's short shopping hours, including almost no Sunday trading, and fierce competition from Aldi and Lidl, two discount chains.


  • 如果坦承你们这项厚爱有加决定所引起相当激烈争议我就有失疏忽了。

    And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated.


  • 就招致更为激烈反对乔治·舒尔茨这位坚定共和党支持者的共同努力下,兴起了运动

    This has led to fierce resistance, with the No campaign, co-chaired by a Republican stalwart of credibility, George Shultz.


  • 股票交易是程序员问答网站讨论最激烈问题之一,课件开发者角度来看这个问题意见多么统一。

    A very activedebate on the programmersquestion and answer site, StackExchange, shows just how varied opinions are on the subject from a developer’s perspective.


  • 各种想法在心里此起彼伏画室里越来越激烈的思绪交锋,艺术灵感层出

    Mentally embattled, he retired to his studio for increasingly long hours to struggle with his furies and be inspired by his MUSES.


  • 市场竞争当然激烈得很采取主动,也指望工作会从天上掉下来

    Without question the market's competitive, but if you're not actively looking for work, don't expect it to fall in your lap.


  • 如今全球经济竞争激烈,那些圆滑辞退或者被接替

    In today's ultra-competitive and global economy, people that skate by are expendable and easily replaced.


  • 其他国家在为居高失业率愁眉展的时候,硅谷却处在优秀的人才激烈竞争中。

    While the rest of the nation struggles with high unemployment, there is a vicious war for talent here.


  • 假设说,激烈冷战时期迫切军事实验理由总是,“如果我们这样俄罗斯人就会这样做。”

    He supposes that at the height of the Cold War, the most pressing argument for a military experiment was, "if we don't do it, the Russians will."


  • 担心比赛的节奏或者激烈程度但是可能需要一些时间适应

    I am not worried about the pace or ferocity, but I might need some time to adapt.


  • 就让过去吧已经温习那么激烈情绪了。

    But let that pass, I can not afford to study a less intense emotions.


  • 话说,可能身体某处略微有点舒适可以使舒适感越来越激烈,越来越成问题。

    In other words, there can be a slight discomfort in a part of the body, and you can focus on it and make it more and more intense, more and more of an issue.


  • 是否允许进入“成员国行动计划一阶段一问题上踌躇正是以德国为首的一些所谓欧洲国家,由此引起特别激烈辩论

    It was the countries of "old" Europe, led by Germany, that balked at granting the two states the next stage of accession, known as the "Membership Action Plan" causing a particularly bitter debate.


  • 北约威胁如果履行条款,将采取更为激烈措施

    NATO threatened more drastic action if its terms were not met.


  • 西方人华人批评之一,就是华人“表示”,而西化的华人对一般华人批评尤为激烈

    One of the criticisms leveled by Westerners and, far more vehemently, by Westernized Chinese, at Chinese people in general is that they don't "show love".


  • 同时表明亚洲原油市场竞争依然非常激烈如果产油国采取行动油价可能会持续上涨

    But what it also shows is that the Asian crude market remains extremely competitive, which argues against any sustained price rally in the absence of producer action.


  • 企业文化整合过程中价值理念管理风格文化上差异引发的激烈冲突导致的企业整合失败屡见鲜。

    There are many cases of enterprise integration failures, due to the intensive conflict resulting from the cultural difference such as ideological value and administrative style.


  • 市场竞争日趋激烈今天危机无时无刻威胁我们企业,就连一些看上去非常强大的企业,如果没有处理好所遭遇的危机。

    Now market competition is becoming so acute day by day that crisis constantly threatens our enterprise. Some of them looking very strong can suffer crushing defeat.


  • 所有企业来说,整个市场竞争日益激烈、价格战层出穷的环境下,如何做好客户关系管理一个非常重要课题

    In the situation where market competition is very drastic, how to treat the manage of client is a very important subject for all the enterprise.


  • 催生市场竞争十分激烈建陶行业例外

    Under all strives for to expedite the market competition to be very intense, constructs the ceramic profession not to be exceptional.


  • 如果我们采取激烈措施形势有所好转

    The situation wouldn't improve unless we took drastic measures.


  • 我们开局错,希望领先之后如此输球埃弗顿进球他们打了强心剂,让比赛变得激烈

    We started the game well enough, but you don't want to lose a goal so quickly after taking the lead, and Everton's goal galvanised them and gave them some incentive.


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