• 为什么抓住这个机会项救生技能呢?

    Why not just take this chance to learn one more life-saving ability?


  • 谦虚意味着能力准确评估自己足之处,同时否认自己的技能优势

    Being humble means you have the ability to accurately assess your deficiencies without denying your skills and strengths.


  • 机器人首先要学习基本技能——如何屋子里移动东西

    Robots first learn basic competencehow to move around a house without bumping into things.


  • 仍然需要所有设计技能

    No. You still need all your design skills.


  • 如果钢琴演奏者地图读者坚持练习,他们技能水平消失更快而且恢复起来大脑处理这项任务联系起来的需要更长的时间

    Unless the piano player or map reader keeps that up, their skill level will diminish more quickly and take longer to recover than a person whose brain is wired to handle the task.


  • 过去几年许多项目雨后春笋般出现,帮助儿童享受暑假,同时还帮助他们丢掉学年所学技能

    In the past several years, a number of programs have sprouted to help children enjoy summer without losing the skills they gained during the academic year.


  • 或者说是结构性,”工人技能雇主需求之间匹配——一个即使再多自动解决问题

    Or is the problem "structural," a mismatch of workers' skills and employers' needs — a problem that more money won't automatically solve?


  • 尽管目前没有新的技能我们UX技能列表存在一种精益UX特别思维方法,如果人们练习的。

    While there are no new skills to add to our UX skill list, there’s a line of thinking that is special to Lean UX that you don’t see when people aren’t practicing it.


  • 使用模式(知道什么时候使用模式)一项技能

    Using them well (or knowing when not to use them) is a skill.


  • 描述工作那段时期时,只需写上那些职业目标相关专业技能活动就可以了

    When writing about your time out of the paid workforce, only include activities that back up the skills relevant to your career goal.


  • 大学职业技能来源,一个可以“两耳窗外事”的所在,所以学生们越来越多地进入大学留在那里。

    Universities can be a source of skills and a place to sit out the doldrums, so students are entering and staying on at university more and more.


  • 如果分享技能知识为什么教教自己帮忙技能或知识传授他人

    If you have a skill or knowledge to share, why not teach your own class that helps spread it to others?


  • 身上最有价值思想、他的恒心、他的写作技能这些东西其实

    What he had had of value was his mind and his persistence and his writing skills, and those, actually, he had taken with him.


  • 其他经济学家担心贝弗里曲线异常表现说明求职者技能工作所需技能之间存在匹配情况

    Other economists are worried that the odd behaviour of the Beveridge curve suggests a mismatch between the skills of jobseekers and those required for new jobs.


  • 如果立刻解决这个问题印度外购技能工作就将达到极限

    Unless this problem is immediately addressed, outsourcing of low skilled jobs to India will reach its limits.


  • 通常一种财务决策,这种决策假定项目担负员工闲置员工核心技能生产性

    This is usually a financial decision that assumes the project cannot afford to have people hanging around, and not being productive in their core skills.


  • 如果因为付学费没有上大学,突出你的天赋才能,就像写作沟通那种没有经过很多训练和培养的技能

    If you simply can't afford it, try to highlight skills that come naturally to you, without having had much training or education, like writing or communication.


  • 他们学习新的技能扩大自身的知识面

    They neither learn new skills nor expand their knowledge.


  • 拉佛这个角色几如果人员合适部分没问题;如果,则没有任何掩盖临时性

    Lafeu is hardly a part that can be acted: it comes right if the right man is available: if not, no acting can conceal the makeshift.


  • 妇女全世界农民大部分我们将充分利用技能的精神。

    And we leverage the skills and perseverance of women, who are the majority of the world's farmers.


  • 尽管它们全面互相排斥,但它们适用强调那些复杂系统开发快速地构建专门技能兴趣组织关键焦点

    Although they are neither comprehensive nor mutually exclusive, they serve to highlight key areas of focus for organizations interested in quickly building expertise in complex systems development.


  • 是的别人工作总是受累讨好,你知道技能和智慧最终帮助别人赚了一大票。

    Yes, it can be thankless to work for someone else, knowing your skillsand talents are ultimately making someone else a bundle.


  • 愿意接受所大学城市一头,我根本每天的交通费,我试着找工作,但是我发现我没有任何的技能证书。

    The colleges which do offer spaces are on the other side of the city and I cannot afford to pay the travel costs.


  • 这些技能发现可能被国税局强行缴税或是无法接受当事人更大项目

    Without them, you may find yourself on the tough end of a conversation with the IRS or simply unable to take on bigger projects for your client.


  • 除此之外世界各地实验室还有更多出名机器人,它们有的能用手安全地抓起东西有的能走上几步,保持特别昂贵头部倾斜。 凭着这些技能,它们得了媒体的头条

    A range of less famous models in labs around the world grab headlines by gripping objects without destroying them, or walking a few steps without tipping onto their extremely expensive heads.


  • 有人否认基本功事实对于一般工人来讲轻松掌握这一些技能估计的。

    No one can deny the basic fact those it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.


  • 希望所有力量技能来为打扮,我希望他母亲看到这个样子

    I want you to use all your powers and all you skills, I don't want his mother to see him this way.


  • 然而感觉自己情绪低落,你要知道一个工作职位技能气质匹配的,求职面试成功通过的你是聪明的。

    However, when you get that sinking feeling, and you know a position is a poor match for your skills or temperament, you are wise to pass.


  • 对于自己正在学习技能,如果坚持下去,要制定实施某种惩罚措施来监督自己。

    Establish and implement some sort of punishment for you in not learning the skill that you are seeking.


  • Khan先生并唯一一个工人技能所提供就业机会之间匹配感到担忧的人。

    Mr Khan is hardly alone in worrying about a mismatch between workers' abilities and the jobs on offer.


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