• 植物不平衡施用生长素反应时,总是产生乙烯

    Whenever a plant responds to applied, I. E., unbalanced, applications of auxin, ethylene is produced.


  • 如果脊椎受力平衡,那么你的背部脖子肩膀甚至你的关节可避免问题

    If your spine is not balanced, you will inevitably have problems in your back, your neck, your shoulders and even your joints.


  • 矿物成分很好油性肤质亲和,加上自然防晒系数,就能提高皮肤中的氧化酶保护效应,从而帮助抵御皮肤的幼一些不平衡基调

    "Minerals work well with oily skin, have a natural SPF, and enhance the protective effect of antioxidant enzymes in the skin that help prevent fine lines and uneven tone, " advises Graf.


  • 曾经有一个朋友,经常谈论租金控制纽约租赁市场平衡,我也认可他观点

    I had a friend once who would go on and on and on about rent control and how it unbalanced the rental market for the rest of New York, arguments I found mostly convincing.


  • 同时清醒看到中国经济回升态势脆弱稳定巩固不平衡

    At the same time, we are fully aware that the stabilization and recovery of China's economy is still very fragile and not yet steady, solid and balanced.


  • 因为CRESPO聪明MP3的“录音,这个权利平衡降低了

    That power imbalance was reduced only because Crespo was smart enough to press the "record" button on his MP3 player. Why aren't all interrogations recorded?


  • 大提琴拧紧一次悠扬奏起《夜色美丽》,颤音仍然颤抖如同平衡轮胎

    I picked up my cello, screw tight the hairs of the bow and soar once more into Belle Nuit, the vibrato still wobbling like an unbalanced tire.


  • 人们一直希望通过转子运转状态下获得振动信息经济、快捷识别出转子的不平量,尚未成熟可行方法

    Peoples always wish to identify rotor unbalance with the vibration information obtained from the operating rotor, but there are no mature and practicable methods available yet.


  • 经常行动者一面生命经验平衡

    Oftentimes, the doer side is missing or out of balance in your life experience.


  • 心里不平衡于是刻意去看

    Imbalance inside her heart, so deliberately did not see him.


  • 只是挖掘被动恢复治疗力量愚蠢的不平衡的。

    It would be foolish and unbalanced to keep on digging without the recuperative and healing power of passivity.


  • 如果脊椎受力平衡那么背部脖子肩膀甚至关节都可避免问题

    If the spine is not balanced, you will inevitably have problems in back, neck, shoulders and joints.


  • 为了有效降低回转机械由于质量平衡引起振动故障基于转子动力学理论有限元数值分析方法,进行了柔性转子系统虚拟平衡研究

    A virtual balancing method of a flexible rotor based on rotor dynamic and finite element method is proposed in this paper to decrease the vibrations caused by mass unbalancing.


  • 目前经济增长商品价格强势也许反映澳元汇率中,全球各投资者越来越多关注国家经常项目赤字不平衡因素

    But economic growth and the strength of commodity prices are probably priced in by now, while investors around the world are focusing more on imbalances such as national current account deficits.


  • 不平衡推力我国独创边坡稳定分析方法滑坡稳定分析和治理中得到广泛应用。

    Imbalance thrust force method (ITFM) is originally developed approach for slope stability analysis in China, which has been widely used in the field of landslide stability analysis.


  • 按期调换狗粮能够确保避免饮食平衡或者适量。

    Changing foods periodically helps to ensure that no dietary deficiencies or excesses build up over time.


  • 补偿难点在于如何补偿三相不平衡以及如何有效低次谐波尤其是2次谐波。

    How to deal with three-phase unbalance compensation and how to filter the low-order harmonics, especially the2nd-order, are the two difficulties for reactive power compensation.


  • 双转子航空发动机由于转子系统避免存在不平量,两个转子转速比较接近时,发动机会出现现象,拍振引起振动强度过大问题。

    There is inevitable unbalance in the dual-rotor system of the aero-engine, the beat vibration will occur to engine when two rotors are operating at approximately the same speed.


  • 介绍了埋管热泵使用差异由此导致土壤放热平衡

    The difference about the areas where the ground source heat pump be used in was presented, which lead to the thermal imbalance of soil between absorbing and releasing.


  • 协助部门经理经常对各部门员工进行观察分析确保各尽其职,避免安排平衡,或人浮于事;

    To assist the dept. manager to observe and analyze all staffs constantly so as to ensure the balance of company human resource.


  • 但是准确说,疼痛不平衡并非来源于错误练习

    But, to be precise, it is not that the feeling of pain and imbalance has come due to wrong practice.


  • 这种不平衡现在交流双方及时介绍对方同时代文学

    Which is shown by the fact that the two parties have rarely introduced the other's contemporary literature in time.


  • 大提琴拧紧一次悠扬奏起《夜色美丽》,颤音仍然颤抖如同平衡轮胎

    I picked up my cello, 18 screw tight the hairs of the bow and soar once more into Belle Nuit, the 19 vibrato still wobbling like an unbalanced tire.


  • 最近很多文章谈到分数膨胀的问题,丑闻但是丑陋方在于是多么不平衡

    There's been a lot of handwringing lately over grade inflation, and it is a scandal, but the most scandalous thing about it is how uneven it's been.


  • 但是高度管理了系统只有这些平衡变成看得见并且已经麻烦的时候管理者识别初现的不平衡

    But in a highly administered system, supervisors can identify emerging imbalances only when these imbalances become visibly large and are already troublesome.


  • 来巧妙回避一个关于英国处于不平衡复苏中的问题

    And he batted away a question about the lopsided nature of the British recovery with "Look, what we do, our target is inflation".


  • 同时本文对电能质量有关指标:电压偏差、频率偏差、各种功率、谐波含量、电压波动三相不平衡的计算和检测方法,进行了详尽阐述。

    And some indexes of power quality: voltage deviation, real power, reactive power, harmonic content, voltage fluctuation and unbalanced three-phase voltage and current, are discussed at length.


  • 同时本文对电能质量有关指标:电压偏差、频率偏差、各种功率、谐波含量、电压波动三相不平衡的计算和检测方法,进行了详尽阐述。

    And some indexes of power quality: voltage deviation, real power, reactive power, harmonic content, voltage fluctuation and unbalanced three-phase voltage and current, are discussed at length.


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