• 如果我们能够教他们如何远离不好网站以及怎样通过网络学习

    If we teach them how to stay away from bad websites and how to learn from the Internet.


  • 这些不好设计理念网站经营者付出多少代价

    How much do these bad design ideas cost the site owners?


  • 如果设计看起来黑色寂静又阴沉一个夕阳西下的城市天际线这样不好甚至没有正确暗示一下这个网站干什么的。

    If your design is all dark and brooding and has a city skyline at sunset in the header, it's not going to give us even the slightest hint about what the site's purpose is.


  • 仅仅有速度还不能提供易用性(尽管性能网站易用性肯定不好),但是考虑工具可以在不损害站点其他方面的情况下提高性能。

    Speed alone doesn't provide usability (although under-performing sites aren't very usable), but the tools I consider can make a speed difference without harming other aspects of your site.


  • 开始没有流量,相比读者对网站不好感觉,0.09美分收入一个月Adsense广告那么重要吗?

    You just started, you have no traffic or following yet, is that $0.09/month from AdSense really enough to justify cheapening the look and feel of your site?


  • 另外对于模板网站问题可以参考《模板网站到底不好》一文。

    In addition, the template site problem can refer to the template website whether good or not.


  • 一些用户抱怨当天他们访问互联网的效果不好绝大多数人并没有注意多数网站已经开启了IPv6。

    A few users complained they lacked Internet connectivity during the day, but the vast majority did not notice that major websites turned IPv6 on.


  • 当然我们网站重要因为足球还是不好不是问题的关键。

    Of course, our site is important, as FIFA is good or not, but that's not the point.


  • 一个网站调查显示驱动器基地造成沿途反映不好房地产吸引力裂缝

    A site investigation revealed the drive had a poor sub base, causing unattractive cracks along the walk that reflected poorly on the property.


  • 迈克尔本赛季不错,”乔西热情告诉曼联网站。“都记不得什么时候训练比赛的表现不好了。”

    "Michael has had a really good season," enthused Joyce to ManUtd. com. "I can't remember him having a bad training session, let alone a bad game."


  • 为什么网站其他浏览器

    Why my site doesn't look good on other browsers?


  • 所以以后恐怕会有人ID登录并且发表一些不好言论不仅其他日本网上发言在不同网站使用相同ID的人带来很大的影响。

    So, it seems someone could write something very bad using my ID and passwords. This is not only for me but others too who has written in Japan OB and who use the same ID in different sites.


  • 中文的,一个翻译网站翻译的, 我我写不好,我黑色幽默

    I write in Chinese, in a translation website translation, I am afraid I write well, I do not know how this black humor.


  • 英语不好没有网站,没有经验,没有理解市场,没有一个名人引荐,没有一点流量但是却申请超过30个联盟

    Bad English, no website, no experience, no understanding of performance marketing, no qualified references in the industry, not currently running traffic but signed up with 30 networks.


  • 所以一个企业网站搜索引擎表现不好无法客户快速找到你的企业网站

    So when a company's site in search engines when performing well, you can not let your customers to quickly find your business website.


  • 来自相关性网站链接更具价值,来自相关性不好或没有相关性网站的链接可能带来惩罚

    "Only get links from relevant sites, they are worth more and you may get penalized for non-relevant links".


  • 不在乎你的网站排名搜索引擎结果不好

    You don't care if you rank poorly in the search engine results?


  • COM !中国顶尖专业商品评价、商品说明、商品测评、商品导购网站这个东西不好看看评价就知道!

    Com China's top professional commodity evaluation, commodity explanation, commodity assessment, commodity gentlemen website, this thing is good or not, see evaluation know it!


  • 年前注册一个Bidvertiser帐号,几乎没网站上挂过他们的广告,因为我在它的前三个月(三年前)觉得该广告表现

    I have an account with Bidvertiser from last 3 years, but I have hardly ever used them on my sites because they didn't performed very well in the first month (3 years back) I used them.


  • 许多名声不好公司访问他们公司网站窃取个人信息这样为什么不好

    Many disreputable companies get personal information from your computer when you visit their web site. Why is this bad?


  • 不过仅仅技术员不好一个网站的,需要依靠市场策略技术结合起来考虑的人才

    But do not just rely on a Web site technician, and need to rely on marketing strategies and techniques can be considered together talent.


  • 使用RSS中的不好之处只能获得更新像从电子邮件中的更新一样,下文有时候,上博客看到整个网站是一件有乐趣的事。

    One downside of using RSS is that you just get the update (much like getting a blog update into your email, see below). Sometimes it's fun to go to the blog and see the whole site.


  • 她们热衷于最新时尚潮流组织闺蜜晚间聚会,社交网站上跟人暧昧,心情不好花钱东西。

    They obsess over the latest trends. They organise girls' nights out, get hooked on online social networking and spend up big on retail therapy.


  • 11月2日他们一个广告代码放到其中的一个赚钱网站上,在这个网站上Google Adsense表现得

    On 2nd of October, I put their ad code on one of my "money making" site, on which Adsense was not a very good performer.


  • 事实上这样效果,过度繁重结构加大了网站设计构架难度,而且越是复杂系统越是不稳定

    But in fact this effect is not good, over-heavy structure increased the difficulty of site design and architecture, the complexity of the system became more unstable.


  • 事实上这样效果,过度繁重结构加大了网站设计构架难度,而且越是复杂系统越是不稳定

    But in fact this effect is not good, over-heavy structure increased the difficulty of site design and architecture, the complexity of the system became more unstable.


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