• 经验思想,思想是行动之子,了解他人书本

    Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action. We cannot learn men from books.


  • 虽然相互关联生活同一街区,但是认为不可发生人际传播。

    Although the two cases are related and lived in the same neighbourhood, human-to-human transmission is considered unlikely.


  • 推测暗物质占宇宙总质量的25%,存在的间接主要是由于观察到其施加星系恒星引力作用。

    Much indirect evidence for dark matter — supposedly 25 percent of the mass in the universe — comes from observing its invisible gravitational effect on visible galaxies and their stars.


  • 澳大利亚皇家海军资深历史学家约翰·佩里曼所说,出于战时安全考虑悉尼号沉没秘密不可逾越挡住了。

    According to John Perryman, a senior historian with the Royal Australian Navy, an impenetrable wall of secrecy surrounded the sinking of the Sydney because of war-time security concerns.


  • 计算出这些加州大学圣地亚哥分校研究人员介绍,大部分的数不可的。

    According to the researchers at the University of California in San Diego who came up with these Numbers, the vast majority of this data is invisible to humans.


  • 医生分开她们几乎不可的。

    Doctors were quoted as saying it would be nearly impossible to separate them.


  • 新兴媒体技术不可避免得也随之转变他们角色——加拿大学者们首次发现媒体转变消息提供者。

    New media technologies inevitably change the works they transmit-the medium becoming the message, as the Canadian scholar first observed.


  • 然而库马尔医生,事实上一些重症病例中普通口腔拭子检测不可这可能是因为本次的甲流病毒喜欢感染肺部深层而不是咽喉部。

    However, standard swab tests have proved unreliable in severe cases, says Kumar, possibly because the viral infection is deep in the lungs rather than in the throat.


  • 位于厄丁顿英国一家自然主义者疗养酒店店主介绍,厄丁顿不可不谓绝佳去处

    But according to the owner of Britain's first naturist spa hotel, it's the perfect spot.


  • 英国《每日邮报9月2日报道,近日摄影师印度南部拍摄到了不可思议照片:一只眼镜蛇一只印度在野外激烈厮杀。

    According to Daily Mail of September 3, a set of unbelievable pictures were taken in southern India: a King cobra and a grey mongoose clashed in classic battle in the wild.


  • 英国《每日邮报》8月1日报道,科学家人脑智力极限,物理上讲人类已经不可变得聪明了。

    Mankind’s brain power has reached its peak and it is physically impossible for us to become any smarter, scientists say.


  • Pedercini说,苹果通知移除PhoneStory的邮件声称,以不可接受应用程序特定准则来看款游戏越过界限

    According to Pedercini, Apple's email informing him of Phone Story's removal claimed the game had crossed four specific lines, in the form of specific guidelines for unacceptable apps.


  • 这个篮球场迪奥介绍,位于达喀尔邻近的帕萨雷斯阿萨尼斯(ParcellesAssainies),这里是生长地方,也是他九年NBA生涯不可想象起点。

    The basketball court, DeSagana Diop explains, is in Parcelles Assainies, the neighborhood in which he grew up in Dakar and the unlikely starting point for a nine-year N. B. A. career.


  • 专家表示这座雕像损坏不可挽回的。

    According gto experts the damage done to the statue is irreversible.


  • 如此之深不可挖掘出来威廉斯

    The hole is so deep, it's impossible to dig out , according to Williams.


  • 现在期待着拥抱婴儿她的丈夫说,她告知可以自然分娩虽然专家不可的。

    She is said to now be looking forward to hugging her babies and, according to her husband, has been told she can give birth naturally although experts say this is impossible.


  • 经验思想,思想是行动之子,了解他人不可书本。㪺。

    Experience eis the child of thought, and thought is the child of action. We cannot learn men from books.


  • 英国广播公司报道,一名英国化学教授表示,他经过计算发现,世界杯冠军奖杯大力神杯实心纯金制成,否则奖杯太重球员无法将头顶。

    British chemistry professor has calculated that if the World Cup trophy was really solid gold, it would be too heavy for footballers to lift, BBC News reported.


  • 今日我们收到纽约拍来电报该电称:他们开出不可撤销的信用证

    We are today in receipt of cable advices from New York that they have issued an irrevocable credit.


  • 哈尔滨冰城皮肤病医院肖主任介绍患上牛皮癣关键选择正确治疗方法

    According to the ice city of Harbin hospital Xiaozhu Ren skin introduced suffering from psoriasis is not terrible, the key is choosing the right treatment.


  • 新浪网报道,福彩中心曾劝说奖金获得者接受媒体采访但是似乎已经不可了。

    It was reported that the center would try to persuade the winner to accept interviews, but that seems unlikely, according to sina. com.


  • 可靠消息报告,目前山脉不可云外

    Reliable sources also report that mountains have been known to hide out in clouds.


  • 印度时报》报道,一位俄罗斯科学家,虽然听起来不可思议,某些黑洞中的星球可能生活着外星人

    It sounds very far-fetched, but a Russian scientist claims there is a possibility that colonies of aliens may be living on planets within certain black holes, the Times of India reported.


  • 本文运用认知隐喻观着重分析了“可分析显性”习语发现习语语义并非完全不可预测,隐喻概念之提供了部分语义理

    From the perspective of cognitive metaphor, idioms are found to be analyzable instead of lack of motivation. Metaphorical concept provides motivation for compositional and transparent idioms.


  • 无论我们给予赞扬惊叹所有人类艺术成就,都是永恒不可力量的证明。

    All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of resistless force of perseverance. (No. 43)


  • 无论我们给予赞扬惊叹所有人类艺术成就,都是永恒不可力量的证明。

    All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of resistless force of perseverance. (No. 43)


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