• 一眼,态度之真诚是一丝一毫不可怀疑

    I looked at him, and had not the slightest doubt he was sincere.


  • 笛卡尔经院哲学斗争中力图科学数学方法原型构建不可怀疑的具有确定性的哲学体系

    In the struggle against the scholastic philosophy, Descartes want to use science and mathematics method as the prototype, for constructing a new philosophy system which has no doubt.


  • 不可怀疑是,阿里亚迪雷过去自己留在法国转会去其他别的地方职业生涯与现在相比或许有所不同。

    Aliadiere confessed he has wondered in the past how his career may have differed had he stayed in France or moved elsewhere.


  • 公众发现华南虎声明怀疑态度,因为华南虎根本这种地方生长

    The public are skeptical about his claim that he has found a South China tiger, because they can't grow in such an area at all.


  • 不过研究人员也承认,这套系统的测成功率也是能达到100%的,毕竟系统所检测到的只是痛苦恐惧怀疑之类的表情,而这些表情有可能撒谎行为并不相关,比如恐惧表情的来源有可能是因为不被信任,而并不是害怕被抓到。

    What they detect are emotions, such as distress, fear or distrust, and not the act of lying itself.


  • 这个世界上除了死亡一最不可辩驳事物之外,还有什么不能怀疑

    Is there anything on earth which cannot be doubted except death, the only certainty in this world?


  • 如果怀疑的话试着美国一家公司老板提起监管然后你就可以靠等待不可避免爆炸了

    If you doubt her word, try mentioning regulation to the boss of an American company. Then stand back and wait for the inevitable explosion.


  • 早期症状过后,一些本来健康依旧认为自己没有患病,更怀疑自己也许已经感染艾滋10年有余

    After some early symptoms, people who are fit and healthy often continue to feel well and may not suspect they have HIV for as long as 10 years.


  • 可以怀疑其中启明星,却不能怀疑一个长庚星,同样事物拥有不同属性根本是能的。

    One of them I can doubt to be phosphorus the other one I can't doubt to be phosphorus and there's no way that the same thing can have different properties.


  • 目的为了建立信任消除怀疑从而帮助团队意识没有任何不可告人的安排。

    The goal is to replace suspicion with trust, and help your team realize that you don't have any hidden agendas.


  • 全都是科学完成的事,但是自从它们荧幕发生后,我们就将我们怀疑放在一边然后一起去凑那份热闹

    They're all scientific impossibilities, but since they take place on the silver screen, we suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.


  • 进化论怀疑人类是从黑猩猩进化来的——也许的。

    Skeptics of evolution might say there's no way humans evolved from chimps — and they would be right.


  • 对意大利国家电力局数据表示怀疑但是认为这份报告不可忽视。

    He's skeptical of the GSE's number, but the report "can't be ignored."


  • 怀疑他们欧盟犯下了不可饶恕罪行:先是利用他们希望理想,然后又它们弃置一旁,一切只是为了愚蠢货币试验

    I suspect that one day they will say that the EU's unforgivable crime was to take their idealism and hope and throw them away for the sake of a harebrained currency experiment.


  • 说话明显身份鉴别当然,说话人其他人这些绝非要给大家介绍一种怀疑尺度

    That is the most obvious identification of a speaker but of course the speaker could be somebody else and I'm not introducing a measure of skepticism in saying this.


  • 休谟怀疑这种说法,说什么充分反对这些奇迹的正在促使本来可能在自然界发生奇迹变得

    Hume discredits this argument by saying that sufficient opposition to the miracles is realizing the impossibility that such an event could occur in nature.


  • 可以接受犬儒主义怀疑论者的观点,觉得成功永远可望不可即;但你当然也可以相信,只要信念积极态度一切有可能。

    You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can know that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.


  • 普特南给出惊人答案我们前后一致地认为自己”,因而对此的怀疑永远不能取得进展

    Putnam's surprising answer is that we cannot coherently think that we are brains in vats, and so skepticism of that kind can never really get off the ground.


  • 多年以来,怀疑论者一直在提出所谓时间悖论:即没有发现始祖鸟更为古老的带羽毛恐龙因此鸟类起源于恐龙。

    For years, skeptics had raised the so-called temporal paradox: there were no feathered dinosaurs older than Archaeopteryx, so birds could not have arisen from dinosaurs.


  • 一些辩称精神力量不可测试由于怀疑论者或科学家在场而莫名消失

    Some have argued that psychic powers cannot be tested, or for some reason diminish in the presence of skeptics or scientists.


  • 听到金属木头刺耳不禁怀疑这种隐形眼镜听起来不可思议的疗效:能在人睡觉时矫正近视。

    The screech of metal against wood was the moment I began to question the efficacy of miraculous-sounding contact lenses that correct impaired vision while you sleep.


  • 不能出口的目标”(消灭)提及不可言语的抱负引发了不少怀疑

    The Goal Whose Name Must Not be Spoken (eradication) was mentioned, and this unspeakable ambition stimulated considerable scepticism.


  • 而且细胞分裂可能会产生致命基因复制错误据此怀疑主义者们说,走向衰老仍是人类不可避免的未来

    Add that to the dangerous genetic copying errors that occur as cells divide and, for these naysayers, growing old remains an unavoidable future for humanity.


  • 一些美林员工而言,要承仰卡罗莱纳夏洛特那些乡巴佬的鼻息,还得被他们毫不掩饰怀疑过度豪奢,真是士可忍孰不可忍。

    For some at Merrill, answering to bosses in Charlotte, North Carolina, who had done little to disguise their suspicion of Manhattan’s Porsche-drivers was simply too much.


  • 处于接受状态时,提出自己问题接受来自直觉的任何信息,要持有开明的态度,切不可怀疑妄自推测分析

    When in a state of receptivity, ask your question and receive messages from your intuition as they come, with openness, without doubt, and without interpretation or analysis.


  • 因此笛卡尔运用怀疑方法得出,与拥有不可确定身体不同,拥有心理肯定的。

    And so, Descartes used the method of doubt to say there's something really different about having a body that's always uncertain, from having a mind.


  • 从某种程度上说教条怀疑纯粹哲学完全确信世界可以被理解,一个完全确信不可理解。

    Dogmatism and skepticism are both, in a sense, absolute philosophies; one is certain of knowing, the other of not knowing.


  • 还记得那些怀疑论者(特别是英国美国的)充满自信地预言单一货币永远实现,即便实现了,也会不久就分崩离析吗?

    Remember the sceptics (especially in Britain and America) who confidently predicted that the single currency would never happen; or that, if it did, it would soon fall apart?


  • 还记得那些怀疑论者(特别是英国美国的)充满自信地预言单一货币永远实现,即便实现了,也会不久就分崩离析吗?

    Remember the sceptics (especially in Britain and America) who confidently predicted that the single currency would never happen; or that, if it did, it would soon fall apart?


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定