• 失去不再勉强不再纠缠

    Lost no longer reluctant to entwine.


  • 失去不再勉强不再纠缠

    Losing is no longer reluctantly also no longer entangled.


  • 只要告诉件事就绝纠缠你了。

    I won't bother you any more if you will tell me just one thing.


  • 使我们坦然接受已经发生事情,不再纠缠于过去烦恼平静的面对现状。

    It is an acceptance of what happened along with a choice to stop dragging the unhappy past into the present.


  • 临风垂下低低的叹了口气虽然心里无奈,但是还是明白道理,所以便不再纠缠

    Face a breeze pendency eye, low lowly wept intonation, although the in the mind doesn't wish to join to be helpless, he still understands night clean say of fact, so also then no longer entwine.


  • 于是,公众不再纠缠如果查尔斯王子当了国王之后应该做些什么而是更多地开始关注在等待王位的过程取得哪些成就。

    That debate settled, attention has focused not so much on what Prince Charles might do when he becomes king but what he has achieved as the heir in waiting.


  • 伊朗表示如果联合国安理会不再纠缠,并文件归还IAEA自行处理将应巴拉迪之请签署附加议定书。这几乎不可能的!

    Iran says it would sign the additional protocol as Mr ElBaradei asks if the UN Security Council got off its back and its nuclear file was returned to the IAEA to handle alone.


  • SN 12.15中指出个人不再纠缠任何自我”这一观念时,才能内部外部现象仅仅当作张力升起消失

    As SN 12.15 points out, when one no longer latches onto any idea of "my self," one sees phenomena within and without simply as examples of stress arising and passing away.


  • 北方佬看到他们无法削弱我们的力量,他们感到腻烦,不再纠缠我们到那时候,我们可以一个合我们意的世界里生活养育我们子女了。

    The Yankees will get tired of pestering us when they see they can't even dent us, and then we'll have a decent world to live in and raise our children in.


  • 随着全球经济快速下滑,相关国家或许不再那么挑剔IMF可能愿意以后纠缠取消借款资格的问题

    With the global economy sinking fast, countries may no longer be so fussy, and the IMF may be content with wrestling with disapproval issues later on.


  • 了,高兴不再纠缠

    He's gone, I'm glad to be rid of him.


  • 主要原因就是我们别人眼色左右不再他人漫不经心意见纠缠不清;

    The main reason is that we not others to look around, no longer pay no heed to the opinions of others become entangled in;


  • 就是不再继续纠缠一些感到不快事情上的好处——放下,你得到解脱

    We want you to get hooked on asking, "Which thought feels better?" Let the feeling of relief become what is most important to you.


  • 不再悲伤纠缠不休而是并排下来,像是相识已伙伴之分享的所思、所想。

    She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.


  • 不再悲伤纠缠不休而是并排下来,像是相识已伙伴之分享所思、所想。

    She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts. "George Eliot".


  • 一旦他准备欣然接受这种伤害害怕失去感觉不在了,不再需要纠缠,准备接受她的离去

    The avoidance of this hut is what makes you resist. Once you are willing to feel this hurt, the need to resist disappears. You can then let go. For example, Robert had a fear of losing his wife Jan.


  • 一旦他准备欣然接受这种伤害害怕失去感觉不在了,不再需要纠缠,准备接受她的离去

    The avoidance of this hut is what makes you resist. Once you are willing to feel this hurt, the need to resist disappears. You can then let go. For example, Robert had a fear of losing his wife Jan.


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