• 研究抑郁症广告高管获奖不久这样说道:“没有抑郁症,我现在就是失败者有了,我就成功了。”

    Shortly after winning an award, an advertising executive doing research on depression said, "Without my depression, I'd be a failure now; with it, I have become successful."


  • 如果继续这样,将来不久落得可悲下场。

    He'll come to a sticky end one of these days if he carries on like that.


  • 然而不久不会看到这样广告了。

    However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long.


  • 然而这些病毒爆发不久消失了,至少暂时是这样

    However, soon after these fierce outbreaks, the virus died out, at least temporarily.


  • 这个男孩赢得纽约冠军不久马科夫斯基就开始塔尼家人举办 GoFundMe活动这样可以继续他的国际象棋之旅了。

    Soon after the young boy won the New York Championship, Makofsky began a GoFundMe activity for Tani and his family so that he could continued his chess journey.


  • 不久前发生了这样的事。

    This was how things worked not very long ago.


  • 美国不久也会这样

    America may soon do so too.


  • 这次峰会取得成功可能性并不之所以还要召集这次会议是因为如果我不这样做,和平进程失败不久就会成为定局

    There was not a high probability of success for the summit. I called it because I believed that the collapse of the peace process would be a near certainty if I didn’t.


  • 记得德国朋友那里这样轶事统一不久东德一个西德柏林相遇

    But I remember an anecdote I once heard from one of my German friends. Shortly after the unification, an Ossie and a Weissie meet in Berlin.


  • 不久毫无疑问,大英博物馆可能整个档案储存这样一个设备上

    Soon, no doubt, the British Museum might store its entire archive on such a device.


  • 在此之前不久这样消息恐怕让所有的切尔西球迷陷入突如其来的惊慌之中。

    There was a time not so long ago when such news would have sent Chelsea fans into paroxysms of panic.


  • 英雄干掉怪兽继续出发,但不久另一头,就这样一遍又一遍。

    The hero fights and slays the monster, sets off again and soon bumps into another monster.


  • 乌克兰(可能不久以后的吉尔吉斯也是)这样议会制国家中,俄罗斯各种潜在盟友,故其有很多机会运用权谋计策施加影响

    But in a parliamentary republic, such as Ukraine and soon perhaps Kyrgyzstan, Russia has a variety of potential Allies, and thus plenty of chance to engage in intrigues and exert influence.


  • 我们希望该国其他地区不久采用这样电网。

    The hope is that the rest of the country will soon have one, too.


  • 奖励积极行为~~特别是不久将来回来享受这样服务的话。

    Reward positive behaviorespecially if you want to come back for equally great service in the near future.


  • 开始凯茜难过,因为这样一来没有陪她了,不久她就把忘了。

    At first Cathy was miserable, because she would not now have anyone to play with, but she soon forgot him.


  • 从来没想过如果玛丽——一个聪明雄心勃勃的成功女商人——也这样结婚年后不久,他开始感到怀疑

    He never thought it would be that way with Mary, a sharp, ambitious businesswoman in her own right, but not long after they'd been married, five years ago, he'd started to wonder about her.


  • 认为电话发明不久,就有人就这样的电话。

    Not long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed.


  • 你们不久就要结婚,而男朋友整整一年都没有工作,你们彼此这样事实怎么

    What do you say to each other about the fact that your boyfriend is a whole year out of work and you're getting married shortly?


  • 石集团为了摧毁写字楼产权置业,然而签订协议之前最开始是疯狂寻找买家购买被收购方大量产权,但楼市不久就出现暴跌之后这样就让黑石集团免受了大量损失。

    Set on breaking up EOP, it frantically sought buyers for many of the properties before going ahead with the deal, thus insulating Blackstone when the property market plunged shortly after.


  • 每次国家需要斯提这样声音,可喜的,斯提不久永久归回伊拉克

    At a time when his country is in need of voices such as his, it is welcome to hear that Mr Siti sees himself returning to Iraq permanently in the near future.


  • ApacheBeehive项目好像正在开发这样组件不久将来可能会提供一个通用JSR-181实现

    The Apache Beehive project seems to be producing such a component and may provide a general purpose implementation of JSR-181 in the near future.


  • 尽管如此,中国已经全世界第三经济体而且不久将来晋升世界第二位,这样地位会带来更大的责任

    And yet China is already the world's third largest economy and will become the second largest in the not-too-distant future. With that status comes a global responsibility.


  • 是个很溺爱孩子的母亲,”看着刚出生不久的小宝宝从眼前经过,这样想着

    She’s such a doting mother,” I thought, looking at the woman and her newborn passing me by in the park.


  • 可是木偶戏风波”不久的事,真的是从心底里放声大笑!——这样一位老师呀!

    This was after the "Puppet Show", I was really laughing from my heart, because I had such a good teacher!


  • 不久绘制地质地图试图确定有多少文明符合这样的地质关联看看这样关联是不是只是巧合

    It wasn't long before he pulled out his geological maps and began trying to quantify the relationship, to see if the link was just a fluke.


  • 不久媒体提出这样猜想,迈克尔·杰克逊准备遗嘱拥有的甲壳虫乐队歌曲的版权份额留给,”麦卡尼网站上写道

    "Some time ago, the media came up with the idea that Michael Jackson was going to leave his share in the Beatles' songs to me in his will," McCartney wrote on his website.


  • 不久媒体提出这样猜想,迈克尔·杰克逊准备遗嘱拥有的甲壳虫乐队歌曲的版权份额留给,”麦卡尼网站上写道

    "Some time ago, the media came up with the idea that Michael Jackson was going to leave his share in the Beatles' songs to me in his will," McCartney wrote on his website.


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