• 政变虽然流产,但是不久以后政府便垮台了

    The coup failed but the government fell shortly afterwards.


  • 自己的研究表明虽然险胜不久将来确实会得到更多,但惜败实际表现一样

    His own work showed that although the narrow winners did get much more money in the near future, the actual performance of the close losers was just as good.


  • 还有很多工作要做,但是我们相信可以在不久的将来解决这个问题。

    We believe that we can solve this problem in the near future though there is still a lot of work to do.


  • 西顿夫人告诉虽然什鲁斯伯里伯爵伯爵夫人到中年,然而却是新婚不久

    Mrs Seton told her how the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury, though both middle-aged, had not been married long.


  • 不久这间小公寓里有了越来越多的孩子虽然小公寓里有些挤,但是从来不拒绝没的孩子们。

    Soon she had more and more children in that apartment, and it was packed, but she never said no to a child who no one wanted.


  • 虽然这些装置现在成本很高不久将来触摸屏用户界面网络连接越来越普及,成本越来越低。

    Right now the cost of that would be prohibitive, but we can imagine a time in the near future when touch screen UIs and Internet connectivity in everyday devices will be commonplace and inexpensive.


  • 不久,它再次开花虽然五彩褪尽

    Soon, though faded, bloom again.


  • 用不着虽然我一直这么他,不久以前作了件好事使良心没法让我掐断脖子了。

    You need not be afraid of harming him: though I hate him as much as ever, he did me a good turn a short time since, that will make my conscience tender of breaking his neck.


  • 不久,公司却发布一个软件补丁意图修复有关故障(虽然苹果公司从来没有就此明确表态)。

    Then, there was a software patch apparently aimed at fixing it (although Apple never explicitly said so).


  • 虽然很难了解别人每天都干什么知道他们在想什么——因为不久也有同样感受

    One has to wonder what each person is doing today, but I know what they are feelingthat was me not so long ago.


  • 不久之后林顿也去世了虽然哈里顿也试图和气,但依然不买账

    Linton dies soon afterwards and, although Hareton tries to be kind to her, she retreats into herself.


  • 虽然不大可能有其它跟进——至少不久将来但是蒙特,美国已开始了首次公费医疗试验

    No state is likely to follow Vermont's lead, at least in the near future. But with Vermont, America begins its first experiment with government-run health care.


  • 丰田汽车面临30零件短缺虽然现在比地震发生不久缺少500种零件时的情形好不少,缺少一种零件汽车装配线陷入瘫痪。

    Toyota faces a shortage of 30 components. That is much better than the 500 it lacked shortly after the quake, but it only takes one missing part to bring an assembly line stuttering to a halt.


  • 虽然起初亚尼的时装专为男性设计的,结果发现它们受到女性欢迎于是不久开始女性设计

    Though they were aimed at men, Armani's fashions proved so popular among women that he soon began designing for them as well.


  • 个月金融市场还曾确信美联储虽然措辞强硬,但不久便减息

    Two months ago financial markets were sure that the Fed, for all its hawkish talk, would soon cut rates.


  • 虽然大多数回去了,听说刚才大声喊叫男人不久石块砸头部

    Most of them turned back, though word has it that the man who spoke up got a stone in the head later.


  • 虽然对于一个打开文件的简单例子来说,这些额外的复杂操作似乎还是比较合理,但添加多功能更进一步异步读取能力应用程序中的时候,你不久麻烦不断了。

    While these extra complications seem reasonable for a simple example like opening a file you soon run into problems as you add more functionality and further asynchronous reads to the application.


  • 目前为止,金价图标没有显示经典的泡沫性质因此上涨步伐似乎还在加快(虽然银价不久已经符合这种模式)。

    As yet gold's price chart does not display the classic bubble characteristic whereby the pace of increase seems to accelerate (although silver has been conforming to that pattern lately).


  • 爱丽丝父亲这个角色虽然没有出场,但却一直给生活带来一丝阴影,而抚育她长大祖母不久去世

    Alice's absent father casts a shadow over her life, while the grandmother who helped raise her has recently died.


  • 虽然知道不久自己也会妈妈一样离开这个世界依然充满梦想充满快乐,她不会就此命运征服,而是乐观的,快乐享受生命实现梦想

    Though she knew, and soon, his mother and would like to leave this world, but she still full of dreams, filled with joy, she won't was conquered, but fate, I enjoy a happy life, realize the dream.


  • 随后他们陷入爱情虽然为时不久

    Later, they fall in love, though not for very long.


  • 丰田汽车现面临30种零件短缺虽然现在地震发生不久时缺少500种零件时的情形好了不少,缺少一种零件就让汽车装配线陷入瘫痪

    That is much better than the 500 it lacked shortly after the quake, but it only takes one missing part to bring an assembly line stuttering to a halt.


  • 虽然暂时生存时间,不久就会食饵困难而死亡

    Although still a temporary existence for some time but it soon died because of predator problems.


  • 之后不久男孩在校车上狠揍了billy一顿,但是billy反而成了被处分虽然为自己辩护校车上安全摄像头可以提供他是无辜的的证据。

    Not long after, a boy on the school bus pummeled Billy, but somehow Billy was the one suspended, despite his pleas that the bus's security camera would prove his innocence.


  • 虽然在当时只是一个理论但是由于我们资源有限的,这个概念不久将来展现其必要性

    Back then, it was just theoretical reasoning, but because of finite resources it will become a necessity in the near future.


  • 虽然不久后艾琳娜盖世太保逮捕受尽折磨始终未供认获救儿童(现在他们已重获新生)以及协助救援者的身份。

    She was later captured and tortured by Gestapo, but refused to identify the children (now living new lives) or her accomplices.


  • 虽然不久后艾琳娜盖世太保逮捕受尽折磨始终未供认获救儿童(现在他们已重获新生)以及协助救援者的身份。

    She was later captured and tortured by Gestapo, but refused to identify the children (now living new lives) or her accomplices.


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