• 皮肤暴露太阳皮肤直接相关

    There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.


  • 定向筛查确保一个资源有限的环境合理价格提供口腔筛查服务。

    Targeted screening of this group will ensure that screening can be offered at a reasonable cost in a limited-resource setting.


  • 他们没有援引笔记本使用有关的皮肤发病例证,出于安全的考虑,建议人们不得不电脑放在大腿上时,在电脑加垫一个便携式手提箱其他隔热垫层。

    They do not cite any skin cancer cases linked to laptop use, but suggest, to be safe, placing a carrying case or other heat shield under the laptop if you have to hold it in your lap.


  • 而且,虽然男性同时大量蔬菜水果有着最低风险但是女性似乎可以在仅仅吃大量蔬菜的情况可以降低几率

    And although the men in the study seemed to have the lowest risk if they ate both fruits and vegetables, women appeared to also decrease their risk even if they only ate large amounts of vegetables.


  • 极少情况长期热激红斑导致鳞状细胞,这是种。

    In rare cases, chronic erythema ab igne can lead to squamous cell carcinoma, a form of cancer.


  • 双胞胎分别报告了他们皮肤在没有防晒霜的情况晒黑的情况、他们的体重皮肤吸烟以及喝酒历史

    Each of the twins also separately reported how their skin burned or tanned without sunscreen, their weight, and their history of skin cancer, smoking, and alcohol drinking.


  • 许多便宜的治疗结肠睾丸药物紧缺的情况,许多非洲国家可能买得起如此价格不菲乳腺治疗药物的。

    It is unlikely that many African nations will be able to afford such a costly medicine for breast cancer, when far cheaper ones for colon and testicular cancer are going wanting.


  • 这些病患大都患有林奇综合症,这种基因状况会诱发结肠(直肠),甚至其他可能性增大。

    The patients all had Lynch syndrome, a genetic condition that predisposes people to develop colorectal cancer and other types of cancer.


  • “除了皮肤其他所有皮肤病都会压力加剧,”纽约蒙蒂菲奥里医疗中心皮肤科医生医学博士帕拉梅·佳库布维茨

    "Almost every skin disease except for skin cancer gets worse with stress, " says Pamela Jakubowicz, M.D., a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York.


  • 过多暴露UVAUV B增加皮肤危险包括鳞状细胞的危险。

    Too much exposure to both UVA and UVB rays raises your risk of skin tumors, including a form of cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.


  • 持续在250希弗暴露导致白细胞减少,100毫希弗的暴露中则会增加0.5%的几率

    Accumulated exposure of more than 250 millisieverts can cause the loss of white blood cells, and exposure of 100 millisieverts produces an increase in the risk of cancer of about 0.5%.


  • 也是可能情况皮肤黑色素瘤类似情况牛皮癣

    This is also possible in case of skin cancer like melanoma or in case of psoriasis.


  • 单抗,也是没有用情况鳞状细胞因为导致出血这种类型

    Bevacizumab is also not used in cases of squamous cell cancer, because it leads to bleeding from this type of lung cancer.


  • 长时间暴露太阳引起皮肤

    Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.


  • 在ACS展示研究结果表明,研究者11健康人相同区域皮肤对照的情况,在11位基底细胞患者的皮肤上方获得了VOC剖面

    In the study presented at the ACS, the researchers obtained VOC profiles from basal cell carcinoma sites in 11 patients and compared them to profiles from similar skin sites in 11 healthy controls.


  • 高倍肾上腺皮质显示细胞的多形性、细胞核染色过深。

    Here is an adrenal cortical carcinoma seen microscopically at high power to demonstrate cellular pleomorphism with nuclear hyperchromatism.


  • 高倍细胞边界清楚细胞粉红色胞质均鳞状细胞特征

    The pink cytoplasm with distinct cell borders and intercellular Bridges characteristic for a squamous cell carcinoma are seen here at high magnification.


  • 大多数情况这种过程因为受伤疾病头颈病状手术治疗产生的严重骨骼缺失而是必须的。

    In most cases such procedures are needed because of severe bone loss due to injury, illness or surgical treatment of conditions such as head and neck cancer.


  • 尽管大多数情况HSF - 1可以增加生物体存活生存时间,支持致命现象的反作用。

    While it enhances organismal survival and longevity under most circumstances, HSF1 has the opposite effect in supporting the lethal phenomenon of cancer.


  • 少数情况细胞组织含有脂肪组织造成误诊

    However, a few cases, renal cell carcinoma will also contain adipose tissue, resulting in misdiagnosis.


  • 目的探讨腹腔镜卵巢上皮二次探查可行性可靠性并发症

    Objective To investigate the feasibility, reliability, and complications of laparoscopic second-look exploration for ovary epithelial cancer.


  • 只有淋巴结转移条件淋巴管栓才会影响患者的预后

    Only in instances with no lymph node metastasis, lymph vessel invasion was related with the prognosis of gastric cancer.


  • 目的探讨大肠结肠镜诊断治疗

    Objective: To study the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal carcinoid with colonoscopy.


  • 高倍细胞典型内分泌外观细胞,核小而圆、细胞浆粉红色兰色

    At high magnification, the nests of carcinoid tumor have a typical endocrine appearance with small round cells having small round nuclei and pink to pale blue cytoplasm.


  • 高倍镜具有侵袭性的细胞丰富粉红色细胞质并且细胞边界清楚,呈现出鳞状细胞典型特征

    At high power, these infiltrating nests of neoplastic cells have abundant pink cytoplasm and distinct cell borders typical for squamous cell carcinoma.


  • 目的探讨螺旋CT扫描原发性肝门静脉、肝静脉及腔静脉诊断价值

    Objective: to discuss the value of spiral ct dual phase scanning for diagnosis of tumor thrombosis of venous system of hepatocellular carcinoma.


  • 基底细胞2菱形皮瓣3。菱形皮瓣转位缝合遮盖皮肤缺损区。4术后效果

    Lower eyelid basal cell carcinoma. 2. Rhombic flap. 3. Rhombic flap sutured into the defect. 4. Postoperative result.


  • 食槟榔已知造成口腔白斑口腔黏膜纤维化口腔食道主要危险因子之一。

    The evidence of BQ chewing as one of the major risk factors leading to leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis, oral cancer and esophagus cancers have been well published.


  • 结果超声内镜主要表现边界不清晰(22/32)回声(21/32),伴有总管扩张(19/36)、血管侵犯(26/32);

    The tumor displayed the character of low echo (21/32), obscure boundary(22/32), vascular invasion (26/32), pancreatic duct and common bile duct dilation (19/36).


  • 结果超声内镜主要表现边界不清晰(22/32)回声(21/32),伴有总管扩张(19/36)、血管侵犯(26/32);

    The tumor displayed the character of low echo (21/32), obscure boundary(22/32), vascular invasion (26/32), pancreatic duct and common bile duct dilation (19/36).


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