• 这种经济形势拿到人文学科的学位曾经后悔这么做么?

    A humanities degree in this economy? Do you ever regret that?


  • 尼克斯怎么能在几乎没有罚球,而且满场乱扔情况拿到108呢?

    How have the Knicks scored 108 points while shooting almost no free throws and throwing the ball all over the gym?


  • 三月没有领导者情况下拿到证明阿森纳争冠竞赛有机会。

    Three points behind the leaders at the beginning of March confirmed that Arsenal were very much in a title race.


  • 如果燕子坐在树枝而且希望在不打扰燕子情况拿到树枝,你将怎么办啊?

    If two swallows are sitting on a twig and you wish to get the twig without disturbing the swallows, what shall you do?


  • 真的需要吗?试试不同包装方式包装材料能让在不影响质量的条件下拿到实惠的商品

    Do you really need it? Experiment with different packaging options and packing materials to determine the least expensive option without sacrificing quality.


  • 首先大家说明这个题目,并不是说我认为火箭赛季在明带领拿到冠军

    First of all, I want to say , by this title, I don't mean to say that I think The Rockets will be the final champion of the next season under the leadership of Yao and Tracy.


  • 如果你们,这张表,我会很高兴因为唯一可以拿到你们反馈方法,如果你们觉得需要可以进行改变

    I would appreciate it a lot if you fill out the questionnaire, because that's the only way we can get your feedback and we can make changes if you think these changes are necessary.


  • 拿到新版Kindle的第二天,登上飞机,飞机舱门关闭前,浏览了一书店买了托马斯·佩里的惊悚小说《Runner》。

    The day after I got the new Kindle I boarded an airplane and before the doors closed, browsed the store and purchased Thomas Perry's thriller Runner.


  • 但是即使拿到了上司的许可夫妻二人还是一起度过等待期,段时间里他们可以好好再

    Even when permission was obtained the couple had to go through a one month waiting period in which the they were supposed to think things over.


  • 即便认识一起购物开始砍价时候他们也许会挑一眉毛如果你能拿到他们更好价格只有羡慕的份儿啦。

    Even if you're shopping with people you know, they might raise an eyebrow when you start haggling, but they'll sure be jealous when you get a better price than they did!


  • 研究显示某种情况比起了与考试无关的话题、或是没有东西学生,那些自己考试焦虑心理的学生拿到整整等级的分数。

    The study found that those who wrote about their test anxiety in some cases received a whole grade letter higher than those who wrote about an unrelated event, or did not take the time to write.


  • 顺便提一警察拿到搜查许可证搜查嫌疑犯的房子

    By the way, the police obtained a search warrant to search the suspects' house.


  • 6宙斯修补匠精灵龙传送过来能大多情况扭转局势同时还能拿到2个更多人头

    Level 6 zeus/tinker/puck teleporting will in most cases turn the tide of the battle and come out with 2 or more kills.


  • 因此,我们已经拿到个准备用于零售的NIA样本可以自己测试一的本领,看看真的货真价实,抑或只是又一个骗人的玩意。

    So we've obtained a retail-ready NIA sample and have put it through its paces to see for ourselves if it's the real deal or just another gimmick product.


  • 尽管没有多少厨房用具,而且随便把它们扔在抽屉里,有时候我还是会思考一些方法收拾它们,这样的话,我着急用的时候一拿到了。

    While I have quite little, and just stick everything into a drawer, I sometimes dream about new ways to organize them so they’re easy to grab at a moment’s notice.


  • 英格兰医学杂志一项研究表明即便没有医疗失误情况四分之一原告拿到赔款

    A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that even in cases where no medical error was found, plaintiffs received payments a quarter of the time.


  • 如今家畜饲养一半以上成本为饲料费用,如今饲养业主们不得不家畜没有完全长大的情况拿到市场上去卖。

    Now, livestock owners — who spend half or more of their production costs on feeding their animals — have had to thin the size of their herds and flocks to deal with the increases.


  • 他用钳子火炉里块烧得通红的煤块,拿到莫丝那里,亲吻了一这块煤块,对着小声地说着一些咒。

    He held a glowing coal from Moth's stove out to her with tongs, and she kissed it and whispered secrets to it.


  • 小时结算工资的状况工作更多时间意味着你拿到更多的金钱。

    At a set hourly wage, the more hours you work the more money you will make.


  • 如果一家餐馆不能第一检查拿到A级,卫生署只会打分不会分级,以后卫生署检查员没有事前通知的情况再度检查,然后以此为基础对餐馆进行分级。

    If a restaurant doesn't earn an a during its first inspection, it's considered scored but ungraded and a Health Department official will show up unannounced to re-inspect and possibly award a grade.


  • 英格兰,一些球迷已经网络上放出了多个订单期望可以获得一些球票至少期望可以拿到不太重要的比赛的球票,出现滞销的球票。

    In England fans who placed multiple Internet orders hoping they might get tickets for at least some games are now burdened with unwanted and possibly unsalable tickets.


  • 拿到这里你们可以猜一读音

    You can guess the pronunciation by the fact that I'm even writing about this.


  • 告诉可能会一个礼物”,她无法“拿到的情况媒体上出来他占了多少百分比。”

    She had told me that she mightgive him a gift, ” but she could not “let that get out in the media that he has a percentage, when he does not.”


  • 每次iPhone上的照片总是把手机拿到最近灯泡,她说这样才能清楚

    Every time I show my mom a picture on my iPhone, she holds it under the nearest lamp so she can see it better.


  • 球队艰苦的努力我们得到了1奖励。能够拿到平局对于我们年轻的球队了不起的

    We were rewarded with one point from a hard fight and it is great for this young team to have achieved this draw.


  • 我们拿到一本课本时,考虑一怎样学习呢?

    When we get a new textbook, they should consider how to learn it?


  • 我们拿到一本课本时,考虑一怎样学习呢?

    When we get a new textbook, they should consider how to learn it?


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