• 管子下去可以重新开始钻井

    After pumping the tube down the rods drilling can recommence.


  • 倒了一杯下去开始衣服

    He poured out a second glass and drank it too; then he began to change his clothes.


  • 男孩医生手腕石膏下去小提琴吗?

    Boy: Doctor, will I be able to play the violin after this cast comes off my wrist?


  • 老头儿瓶子里还有口水把小下去喝了口。

    The old man still had two drinks of water in the bottle and he used half of one after he had eaten the shrimps .


  • 左边下去,另一个不说什么,也在右边下去

    After he had flopped down on Seven's left, his crony without a word lay down on her right.


  • 于是只要不是下去立即倒地不起好像就睁闭一只眼了。

    Therefore, if not continue eating collapses, immediately after seems to have turned a blind eye.


  • 头儿瓶子里还有两口把小下去 口 。

    The old man still had two drinks of water in the bottle and he used half of one after he had eaten the shrimps.


  • 但是下去血管并不马上下去,就形成一个一个平平红红的暂时性红斑

    But consumers will not immediately go after the blood vessels and shrink down to a flat form of a red temporary redness.


  • 英国议会议员辩论怎么相互讽刺指责,下去一起友好出入威斯敏斯特茶室酒吧

    After they heap scorn and vitriol upon one another in the debating chamber, members of the British Parliament retire companionably together to the bars and tea rooms of the Palace of Westminster.


  • 如此清醒,清醒仿佛只是旁观,旁观别人故事感情苦茶,沉淀下去,你再也不重新起来

    You are so awake, awake to like only watch, watch the story of others, feeling like the cup, after settling down, you never get it back up.


  • 早餐我们袋子空瓶子下去

    After breakfast we'll take the empties down in the sack.


  • 他们不得不做出仔细权衡决定访问继续下去

    They had to take the finely balanced decision to let the visit proceed.


  • 他们一前一蹑手蹑脚地悄悄下去

    They went tiptoeing stealthily down, the one behind the other.


  • 二十世纪60年代还是耶鲁大学心理学系研究生时,我首次开始研究人类动机基础以及人们遭遇挫折如何坚持下去

    I first began to investigate the basis of human motivationand how people persevere after setbacksas a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s.


  • 所幸没有失明的极少数面对着艰难抉择如何肆虐的世界生存下去如何无助的盲眼幸存者们共处

    The tiny minority who have avoided blindness face difficult choices about how to continue their lives in a ravaged country, and how to deal with helpless blind survivors.


  • 完成某个组件就会添加功能这个过程会一直重复下去

    Once a component is finished, additional features are added, with the process repeating indefinitely.


  • 成功关键之一就是失败不断的坚持下去

    One of the keys to that success is consistently going after it again after failing.


  • 某些生物无疑繁盛但是如果一趋势继续下去至少持续几十贻贝海螺所有生有碳酸钙外壳生物生存困难

    Some will no doubt flourish, but if the trend continues, as it will for at least some decades, clams, mussels, conches and all creatures that grow shells made of calcium carbonate will struggle.


  • 觉得自己所的一切真的是微不足道,我一直深爱着足球,继续下去。”博比·查尔顿爵士手中接过奖杯贝克·汉姆含泪

    "I'm humbled to receive an award for something I love doing and continue to love doing, [I am] very humbled," said a tearful Beckham, who accepted the award from Sir Bobby Charlton.


  • 这些观察结果透露SN 1979c出生31年里没有暗淡下去可以想象如果说任何不同,都比不上一个真正黑洞那样激动人心。

    Those observations have revealed that SN 1979c has not dimmed in the 31 years since its birth, as would be expected if this was anything less than a genuine black hole.


  • 回到售车我们开始填写文档,眼睁睁看到钱包如何瘪了下去除非女儿找到工作,否则之内钱包都会患上贫血症了。

    Back to the office we went to fill out the paper work and see how anemic my purse was going to be for the next five years or until my daughter finds a job, whichever comes first.


  • 达到第一标志点想着向下一个,以此类推下去

    When you reach the first landmark, then mentally think of running to the next and so forth.


  • 所有引擎熄火飞机飞下去唯一方法就是保证机头朝上。

    After all the engines are gone, the only way to keep flying will be to keep the nose up.


  • 太阳已经到了西边马上就要落下去我恐怕天黑不到所以决定赶紧回去

    The sun was setting quickly and I was worried about finding my way back in the dark, so I decided to head home.


  • 各方面原因也许是:为了让身材恢复产前的衣而天天吃沙拉造成营养不足,或者每天熬夜哄孩子入睡下去大量美味的酒精在作祟?

    The side effect of all those salads you're consuming to slim down to your pre-pregnancy dress size, or those deliciously deserved glasses of wine after baby finally goes to sleep?


  • 各方面原因也许是:为了让身材恢复产前的衣而天天吃沙拉造成营养不足,或者每天熬夜哄孩子入睡下去大量美味的酒精在作祟?

    The side effect of all those salads you're consuming to slim down to your pre-pregnancy dress size, or those deliciously deserved glasses of wine after baby finally goes to sleep?


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