• 的鼻梁骨断颅骨骨折颈部有两根骨头高温熔化而接一起,肋骨骨裂,脊椎处骨折,肩关节脱臼,这处伤至今未曾痊愈。

    I had a broken nose, a skull fracture, two fused bones in my neck, four cracked ribs, a fracture in my spine and my left shoulder is still separated.


  • 颅骨化石来自于条长达50英尺(合15米)的,它2008年发现挪威

    The fossil skull of a 50-foot-long (15-meter-long) pliosaur was found in Norway in 2008.


  • 事实有些品种的狗颅骨形状变化已经海象种群中发生的变化还要大。

    In fact some dog breeds’ heads vary in shape by more than the variation between cats and walruses.


  • 两个当时杰出解剖学家(专长颅骨重建)也参与进来,他们基本支持霍顿结论

    Two of the most prominent anatomists of the day, both experts in the reconstruction of skulls, weighed in with opinions generally supportive of Haughton’s conclusions.


  • 不过位来自华盛顿国家自然历史博物馆the National Museumof Natural History)的古生物学家,汉斯·苏伊士(HansSues一封电子邮件中提醒说,现在断定颅骨世界最大的一具还为时过早

    Yet Hans Sues, a paleontologist at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., cautioned in an email that it's too early to say if the skull is indeed the largest.


  • 人类颅骨不同,不仅表现在其延长了颅骨还有前额中央裂缝也是人类颅骨所没有的。

    The dissimilarities to human skulls are not only the elongated skull, but the crack down the center of the forehead, which is nonexistent in human skulls.


  • 很长的时间内,通过特别设计微型渗透以及颅骨很小钻孔药物直接注入肿瘤

    Drugs were infused directly into the tumors over an extended period of time, using specially-designed miniature osmotic pumps and a very small burr hole in the skull.


  • 颅骨基部以及其它特点十分原始

    The base of the skull is quite primitive in its muscle margins and other features.


  • 张照片显示重度癫痫患者颅骨临时移开置于患者大脑两种类型电极

    This photo shows two kinds of electrodes sitting atop a severely epileptic patient's brain after part of his skull was removed temporarily.


  • 方法观察30个75干燥颅骨标本鼻腔外侧壁结构,测量自前鼻棘至有关结构长度和矢状角。

    Methods the structures of the lateral nasal wall were observed on 30 cadaver head specimens and 75 dry half skulls.


  • 研究人脸颅骨肌肉组织特点基础给出了人脸特征定义及选取规则。

    On the research of human cranium and head muscle, the definition of the facial feature points is given.


  • 方法100例颅骨按照一定的方法,应用游标卡尺颧骨形成的皮下进行测量

    Methods On 100 cranial bones according to specified methods using vernier to measure the subcutaneous segment of each bone suture that is made by zygomatic bone and approximal bone.


  • 事实,枕骨可供固定区域有限如果进行枕骨下颅骨切除术,则进一步受限,这现有的固定技术构成挑战

    In fact, the area available for the implant fixation is limited and can be restricted further when a suboccipital craniectomy has been performed, posing a challenge to current fixation techniques.


  • 存在于非洲直立人中国直立人之间颅骨特征差别主要体现特征的表现程度方式的不同。

    The differences between African and Chinese Homo erectus for these cranial features are mainly the expression pattern and extents of development.


  • 基础求出17个牙齿大小推算颅骨大小回归方程

    On the basis of the significant coefficients 17 regression formulae of estimating cranial size from the tooth size were listed.


  • 为了治疗癫痫,病人另一次手术中移除了一部分颅骨,所以传感器直接连在大脑表皮

    The sensors were attached to the surface of the brain the patient had had part of his skull removed for another operation to treat his condition.


  • 颅骨图像几何具有对称性特征,根据转动惯量在几何对称性对象所具有良好性质提出一种改进计算对称轴算法,该算法利用计算机语言编程实现。

    A modified computing symmetry axes algorithm is proposed for the geometry symmetry good property of skull image and the moment of inertia on the symmetry objects.


  • 本文内蒙古林西井沟子遗址西区墓地出土春秋—战国时期颅骨进行了人类学的考察,该组颅骨种族特征可归入现代亚洲蒙古人种中的北亚人种范围。

    In this article, twenty ancient human skulls(9 male, 11 female) unearthed from the Spring and Autumn-Warring states period cemetery at the Jinggouzi site in Linxi county, Inner Mongolia, were studied.


  • 本文内蒙古林西井沟子遗址西区墓地出土春秋—战国时期颅骨进行了人类学的考察,该组颅骨种族特征可归入现代亚洲蒙古人种中的北亚人种范围。

    In this article, twenty ancient human skulls(9 male, 11 female) unearthed from the Spring and Autumn-Warring states period cemetery at the Jinggouzi site in Linxi county, Inner Mongolia, were studied.


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