• 韧带保留半环槽减压符合生物力学解剖学特点

    The groovy decompression at supraspinal ligament remained with hemi-circle could be accordant with biomechanics and anatomy.


  • 结果分析可以认为结构特别是韧带棘间韧带维持脊柱稳定,防止胸腰椎过度屈曲起重要作用

    We concluded that the posterior column structures, especially the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments, would play an important role in maintaining the stability of the spine.


  • 如果东西不久就跑步沉重就会直接拉扯连横膈膜韧带而导致疼痛

    If you are running too soon after eating, your heavy stomach may literally be tugging at the ligaments connected to the diaphragm.


  • 恢复膝关节平移旋转稳定性关键点韧带重建时股骨建立正确隧道

    Proper placement of the femoral tunnel in ACL reconstruction is key to restoring translational and rotational stability to the knee.


  • 目的探讨肌腱附着点内侧韧带断裂进行重建修复方法和疗效

    Objective To investigate the effect of transposition of semitendinosus tendon in repairing the injury of medial collateral ligament of knee joint.


  • 30侧成年尸体膝关节标本研究了交叉韧带动态长度面积

    The strain and transversal area of human anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) were investigated in 30 samples of the knee joint.


  • 方法12新鲜膝关节脂肪韧带等组织结构进行观测

    Methods:Subpatellar fat pad and patellar ligament were observed and measured on 12 fresh knee joints.


  • 重建前交叉韧带功能关键充分理解韧带前内侧束后外侧束股骨起点的解剖

    To restore ACL function, a thorough understanding of the anatomic femoral footprint of both the AM and PL bundles of the ACL is critical.


  • 认为关节镜术韧带损伤诊断治疗具有准确性高、损伤小、康复快、疗效好的特点。

    Therefore, arthroscopy is a good measure for accurate diagnosis and the proper way for the treatment of injury of the anterior transverse ligament of the knee.


  • 使得胸筋膜,成为一个强有力连接肌肉的韧带系统帮助维持腰段脊柱稳定发挥重要作用。

    It is suggested that such arragement of the posterior layer may constitute a substantial muscle-linked ligamentous system which aids in the stabilisation of the flexed lumbar vertebral column.


  • 目的阐明韧带分隔网膜SRLS意义及内侧胃膈韧带存在

    Objective:To describe and explain the importance of the hepatogastric ligament in dividing the superior recess of the lesser sac (SRLS) and the exist of gastrodiaphragmatic ligament.


  • 髁:骨骼末端圆形尖起,位于通常韧带连结

    Epicondyle: a rounded projection at the end of a bone located on or above a condyle and usually serving as a place of attachment for ligaments and tendons.


  • 手术麻直视下行肩胛韧带切断、松解肩胛神经

    In operation of local anesthesia with direct vision, superior or inferior transverse ligament of scapula was amputated and suprascapular nerve was released.


  • 在与罗马尼亚比赛开始小时,突然感到膝盖韧带疼痛不得不在替补席完了比赛

    About half an hour before entering the pitch to face Romania, the striker suffered a knee ligament problem which forced him to watch the match from the sidelines.


  • 膝盖基本都是来自于膝盖附近过度松弛韧带肌腱,而不正确的瑜伽体式可以引起加剧这种松弛。

    Since hyper-extended knees are basically a problem of too-loose ligaments and tendons around the knee, you can cause or exacerbate such looseness through poor alignment in yoga poses.


  • 棘间韧带损伤:因棘间韧带损伤所致,疗法封闭加小针刀解术等。

    Interspinal ligaments injury can be most effectively treated by the combination of blocking and needle knife loosing.


  • 这个韧带膝关节中间,用于将股骨固定胫骨

    This ligament is in the center of the knee. It helps anchor the femur to the tibia.


  • 模型通过切断、棘间韧带切除术,建立动静力失衡性颈椎病大鼠模型;

    The animal models were established by removing the muscle groups, the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments in the neck of rats.


  • 改进术式常规术式不同之处在于睑提缩短术与韧带悬吊术两种手术相结合。

    The difference between this improve surgery and the routine surgery is that combine levator muscle shortness and superior transverse ligament suspension.


  • 气腹空间呈现宽下尖的树叶样,左右缘对称,腹部可见中央的韧带箭头1),右下腹壁可见局限性粘连改变(箭头2)。

    The image showed leaf-like peritoneal cavity filling with air. Both ligamentum teres hepatic (arrow 1) and local abdominal adhesions (arrow 2) were seen clearly.


  • 塞尔维亚后卫认为应该在06世界杯大放异彩,却因为膝盖韧带受伤错过整个世界杯

    The Serbian defender was expected to be one of the stars of the 2006 World Cup but ended up missing the entire competition after suffering a knee ligament injury before the tournament began.


  • 对阵阿森纳的比赛名中场球员在板凳目睹了加西亚十字韧带前部受伤的一幕。

    The midfielder watched from the bench as Garcia ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee against Arsenal last week.


  • 骨骼韧带连接,附着肌肉使关节可活动。

    It is held together by ligaments and moved at the joints by the muscles, which are attached to it.


  • 方法18新鲜膝关节标本,标出关节内交叉韧带重建点位置测量其距离和测韧带骨复合体的髌韧带长度。

    Methods: the location of the reconstructed cruciate ligament and the bone patellar ligament bone (b PL b) were measured on 18 knees of fresh cadavers.


  • 这位英格兰前锋冠四分之一决赛输给拜仁的首回合比赛脚踝韧带受伤。

    The England striker sustained ankle ligament damage in a Champions League Quarter-Final defeat to Bayern Munich on Tuesday night.


  • 外侧支持带深层包括韧带外侧韧带髁髌韧带

    The deep layer of the lateral patellar retinaculum included the transverse ligament, the lateral patellotibial ligament and the epicondylopatellar ligament.


  • 复杂手术暴露肘部受伤技术要求很高因为高密度神经血管周围韧带要素肘部。

    Surgical exposures for complex injuries about the elbow are technically demanding because of the high density of neurologic, vascular, and ligamentous elements around the elbow.


  • 阿森纳射手因为踝关节韧带损伤缺席赛季球队大部分比赛,但是俱乐部的这个损失反倒成为了国家队南非世界杯的一个收获

    The Arsenal striker missed most of the domestic season with ankle ligament damage but his club's loss has been his country's gain in South Africa.


  • 关节重建后交叉韧带现有技术水平最为理想的选择

    The reconstruction of PCL under arthroscopy is the best choice at the existing technological level.


  • 关节重建后交叉韧带现有技术水平最为理想的选择

    The reconstruction of PCL under arthroscopy is the best choice at the existing technological level.


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