• 无开理资本反在一订火平上造约了敏捷

    This kind of unreasonable capital structure restricted of the quick development of MeiLing company to some extent.


  • 他们没有沙滩,他们是海里靠近海滩个岩石上造了一座庙

    They didn't build a temple on a beach, the temple was built on a rocky outcrop in the sea near the beach.


  • 根顶端带有气囊特殊导管房间隔(心房心房之间)

    A special catheter with a balloon in the tip is used to create or enlarge an opening in the atrial septum (wall between the left and right atria).


  • 方法第四代混合上造粉碎性股骨髁骨折AO/OTA33-A3)的模型

    Methods: A comminuted supracondylar femur fracture (AO/OTA33-A3) gap model was created in fourth-generation synthetic composite bones.


  • 为了这个目的非农业目的最近几十研制风力涡轮机总体上造得非常庞大复杂昂贵

    Wind turbines developed in recent decades for this purpose, as opposed to being for agricultural purposes, are generally very large, complex and expensive to manufacture.


  • 2008年威尼斯建筑双年展他们用树枝俄罗斯阳台一个鸟巢”,这个作品后来又分别在巴黎卢森堡展出。

    In 2008, they built a "nest" of branches on the balcony of the Russian pavilion at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice and have exhibited in Paris and Luxembourg.


  • 米克每个轮子取下零件男孩了一新的轮子。

    Mick took parts from each to build a new set of wheels for the boy.


  • 世界亲切最慷慨这样一手把幸福希望摧毁得一干二净;而且谁也不敢,他下的这个冤孽何年何月才能了结。

    He had ruined for a while every hope of happiness for the most affectionate, generous heart in the world; and no one could say how lasting an evil he might have inflicted.


  • 英国卫报网站报道这个试验性地球工程项目号称为“世界最大实验”。该项目计划在本月底启动

    The trial geoengineering project, dubbed one of the "world's biggest ice-making experiments," is scheduled to begin later this month, the Guardian newspaper reported on its website.


  • 就是处理,有时候,基本最终产品材料整个过程简化

    Then there's the handling, something that's simplified when the end-product is basically pelletized material.


  • 俄罗斯曾经世界顶级海军强国之一,而目前修复艘拟定出售给印度航空母舰都极其艰难,更不用说从头开始了。

    Once one of the world's top naval powers, Russia is now struggling to complete even the repair of an aircraft-carrier destined for India, let alone to build new ships from scratch.


  • 这个过程早已使尚德能够太阳能电池板“美国”的标签。因而,他们现在有资格获得“美国的”联邦补贴了。

    This process has already enabled Suntech to label the solar panels as "made in U.S.A." as a result, they now qualify for federal "Buy American" subsidies.


  • 去年,当黄日新凑巧新闻看到日本的“胶囊公寓”之后,萌生自己“胶囊公寓”的想法

    After Huang Rixin accidentally saw the Capsule hotel from Japan on the newspaper last year, he had the idea of building his own "Capsule Apartment".


  • 绝不会喜欢陆地因为水中生活而被的,你不许展翅飞翔,他必然无法满足

    A fish would never be happy living on land, because it was made for water. An eagle could never feel satisfied if it wasn't allowed to fly.


  • 绝大部分水用在蒸馏冷却环节啤酒相似

    Most of that goes into the boiling and cooling process, which is similar to making beer.


  • 靠着殿层高,香柏木栋梁搁在殿墙坎

    And he built the side rooms all along the temple. The height of each was five cubits, and they were attached to the temple by beams of cedar.


  • 就是苹果”的迷恋——诸多博客不停发出各种猜测而且Twitter大概8分钟就有一篇有关“苹板消息冒出来。

    Such is the fascination with all things Apple that blogs are humming with speculation and a new mention of the tablet crops up on Twitter around every eight minutes.


  • 开发人员不必面对种不同机器,只需针对Windows程序就可以每一台个人电脑运行不管是的。

    Instead of writing a program for thousands of different machines, developers could write it once for Windows and have it run on every PC, no matter who built it.


  • 菲亚特表示,公司已经学到的宝贵经验教训用在Linea178打一整套全新平台明年启用。

    Fiat says that it has learnt valuable lessons which it has applied to the Linea and the all-new successor platform to the 178, due next year.


  • 穿新人新人知识渐渐更新,正如他主形像

    And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.


  • 近日杜克大学电子信息工程学院副教授SteveCummer声称,从理论这种声音屏障是可的。

    Recently, Steve Cummer, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University announced that it is theoretically possible to create such a sound shield.


  • 空间航天器名字Ikaros刚好暗合希腊神话人物卡洛斯(Icarus),使用蜡和羽毛的翼逃离克里特岛时,因得太高,靠太阳,双翼的蜡融化跌落中。不过津田佑一承诺这个Ikaros不会飞入太阳。

    The name of the spacecraft alludes to Icarus, the figure from Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun and fell into the sea, but Tsuda promised that "this Ikaros will not fly into the sun".


  • 元数据滥用SemanticWeb可能麻烦甚至更大网站不再限于仅仅自己站点的假。

    The potential difficulties of metadata abuse are even larger on the Semantic Web: a Web site would no longer be restricted to making claims only about itself.


  • PIsztok:“女朋友爷爷,躺不久前自己木凳休息。”

    P Isztok: "My girlfriend's grandfather is relaxing on a wooden bench he crafted himself some time ago."


  • 宇航员说他们月球看到地球惟一东西就是长城。

    The astronauts reported that it was the only man-made thing they could see from the moon.


  • 宇航员说他们月球看到地球惟一东西就是长城。

    The astronauts reported that it was the only man-made thing they could see from the moon.


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