• 为了得到人体上肢关节运动数据利用多维摄像系统,拍摄人体上肢日常生活中的典型活动。

    To get the data of joints motion, a multi-dimension camera was used to get the human upper limbs motion of daily life.


  • 结果: ①脑卒中患者予早期手法康复措施,并发时,上肢关节活动范围受限程度疼痛程度手法康复轻。

    Result:The limiting of passive ROM and shoulder pain of affected limbs in manipulation treatment group were less than that in non-manipulation group.


  • 球状关节是的人类上肢骨骼可以肩部自由旋转也是汽车车轮在转向柱操控下转向的关键所在。

    Ball and socket joints let your arm bones rotate at the shoulders and also allow the wheels of your car to be turned through the steering column.


  • 北部白颊长臂猿特殊关节强壮的上肢肌肉可以它们树枝间荡荡去,就张摄于菩玛公园的照片显示的一样。

    Northern white-cheeked gibbons have specialized wrist joints and powerful arm muscles, which allow them to swing from tree branches, like the male pictured above in Pu Mat.


  • 模拟临床实验研究中,可以定量测量上肢关节活动范围肌肉力量

    The ROM and muscle strength of the upper limb in rats can be measured quantitatively in studies that simulate clinical situations.


  • 伤员上肢出血,且没有骨折关节损伤采用加压包扎止血法止血。

    When there is a bleeding in the upper limb of a wounded person but he suffers no bone fracture or joint damage, the bleeding can be stopped by pressurized dressing.


  • 利用运动质量评定指标函数描述方法人体上肢触点运动进行了运动质量评定和关节角度的函数合。

    Based on the evaluation indices and the function description method, the pointing movement quality of human upper limb was evaluated and the joints angles were fitted.


  • 此项研究测量主要结果通过3个关节活动度,主动被动活动百分比以及上肢Fugl -Meyer评分等都发生改变

    The primary outcome measure was a change in range of motion across 3 joints and the percentage of active over passive movements as well as changes in the Fugl-Meyer upper-extremity score.


  • 治疗过程除以降低张力改善关节活动度主要目的外,重视改善上肢实际功能,促使完成有动机、有目的技能

    The goal of therapy is to decrease the muscle tone and increase the range of motion. In addition we should emphasize the functional ability and purposeful skill of the upper extremity.


  • 目的观察关节持续被动运动对上肢骨折关节脱位关节僵硬疗效

    Objective to observe the effect of CPM on restoration of stiff elbow joint after upper extremity fracture and elbow joint dislocation.


  • 常用评价方法包括张力关节活动度测定上肢功能评价

    The common assessments include muscle tone, range of motion and upper extremity assessment.


  • 上肢关节活动障碍16,下肢关节功能障碍68例,并随机分成,治疗组42例,对照组42例。

    Of them, 16 cases were elbow movement disorder and 68 were knee movement disorder. They were randomly assigned into two groups with 42 cases each.


  • 结论系统康复治疗有效地改善上肢关节损伤患者上肢功能adl能力

    Conclusion Systematic rehabilitation intervention can significantly improve the upper limb function and ADL performances of patients with fracture and soft tissue injuries in the upper limb.


  • 结果患者上肢水肿的发生率症状体征检查分别为51%和49%,关节功能下降分别为49%和58%。

    Results: The complains and signs of arm edema were found in 51% and 49% patients respectively, and which of shoulder joint disease were found in 49% and 58% patients.


  • 目的探讨针刺夹脊穴配合推拿偏瘫患者关节半脱位上肢运动功能恢复影响。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effects of acupuncture combined with massage on shoulder subluxation and motor function recovery of the upper extremities in patients with hemiplegia after stroke.


  • 剂量子鼠上肢切片可见软骨细胞关节结构破坏

    A damage of cartilaginous cell and joint structure of arm bone of the newborn mice was observed in high dose fluoride group.


  • SCA第二受压,患上肢动脉关节过度峰值流速明显减慢

    The peak velocity of the same side arm artery decreased significantly when excessive abduction of the shoulder joint resulted in SCA second part compressed.


  • 所有滑雪运动造成损伤中,大约有一半位于上肢其中腕部手臂肘部以及肩部骨折关节错位尤为常见

    About half of all snowboarding injuries occur to the upper extremities, and fractures and dislocations of the wrists, arms, elbows, and shoulders are common.


  • 工作不忙的时候,可以自行放松腕部上肢肌肉自然握拳然后缓慢松开反复多次放松手部关节

    When work not favour, can relax the wrist and arm muscles, such as natural clench fist, and then slowly loosen, repeatedly, loosen the hand joint;


  • 工作不忙的时候,可以自行放松腕部上肢肌肉自然握拳然后缓慢松开反复多次放松手部关节

    When work not favour, can relax the wrist and arm muscles, such as natural clench fist, and then slowly loosen, repeatedly, loosen the hand joint;


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