• 手臂抬高等张测试出现疼痛无力提示累及上肌

    Pain or weakness on isometric testing of arm elevation suggests involvement of the supraspinatus.


  • 结论:退变性撕裂大多数位于后方,临近结合部

    Conclusions Degenerative rotator cuff tears most commonly involve a posterior location, near the junction of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus.


  • 上肌辅助的闭锁,咽缩使食物蠕动较容易。

    The superior pharyngeal constrictor assists in gaining velopharyngeal closure, while peristaltic movement of food is facilitated by the middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictors.


  • 研究目的评价关节镜修复重度上肌部分撕裂(>50%)的功能结果解剖愈合

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the functional outcome and anatomic healing rate after arthroscopic repair of high-grade partial (>50%) thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon.


  • 为了达到最好效果把注意力都集中在收缩盆底

    For best results, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles.


  • 但是对于松弛来说,他们可以坐骨很高以至于腘绳包裹住坐骨,最终也会使腱受损。

    But people with loose hamstrings can lift their sitting bones so high that the tendon starts to wrap around the bone. This can weaken the tendon.


  • 因为科学家们已经中的平滑发现发现舌头负责品尝苦味味蕾一样的味觉感受器

    Because scientists have discovered that the same receptors that exist on the tongue to taste bitter substances are also found on the smooth muscle of the lungs.


  • 附着在骶骨大腿骨的强大回旋他们拉伸有损于关节稳定性

    The piriformis muscles, strong external rotators of the thigh, attach to the sacrum and the femur. Stretching them can increase S-I joint instability.


  • 二头扎着带子小臂里扎进去一个注射器。

    A belt was cinched at his biceps and a syringe protruded from his forearm.


  • 我们祖先身体毛发覆盖时,当人感到沮丧或者寒冷的时候皮肤的一种叫“立”的会收缩使他们的毛发竖立起来。

    When our ancestors were covered in fur, muscles in their skin called "arrector pili" contracted when they were upset or cold, making their fur stand on end.


  • 超过一半自闭症婴儿都有手臂的缺陷,不是过于疲软就是过于僵硬情况在正常婴儿占22%。

    More than half of babies later diagnosed with autism had abnormal arm tone - either too floppy or too rigid - compared to 22% of babies that developed normally.


  • 比目鱼小腿肚另外一块重要位于腓肠前面跑出去之前落地重要

    The soleus is the other major muscle in the calf, located in front of the gastroc. It is important for planting the foot on the ground before your push off.


  • 预测市场,就情人名字在二头一样高傲,特别是一般规则都不起作用的动荡时刻

    Predicting markets is as hubristic a business as tattooing a sweetheart's name on a bicep, particularly at times of high volatility, when normal rules no longer seem to apply.


  • 八月在苏格兰举行的慈善足球赛展示就是个很好的例子

    Case in point: The pecs he put on display at a charity soccer match in his native Scotland in August.


  • 这个过程中,医生或者其他健康保健指导人员会在盆底通电,电量很小,不会您有太大伤害。

    During this procedure, your doctor or other health care provider applies a small electrical current to your pelvic floor muscles.


  • 意味着他们眼睛微笑(面部收缩),而不仅仅他们的嘴。

    And they mean it: they smile with their eyes (a contraction of the orbicularis oculi facial muscles), not just their mouths.


  • 一般来说包括睑提沉重,和全身其他疲劳类似

    Generally speaking, heaviness of the muscles around the eyes, including the levator muscles that open the upper eyelids, is similar to fatigue of any muscle of the body.


  • 1850年,德国生理学家HermannvonHelmholtz电线连只青蛙这样收缩断掉电路

    In 1850 German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a frog's leg muscle so that when the muscle contracted it broke a circuit.


  • 这种体态使稳定,从而容易使用呼吸

    This posture stabilizes the upper chest and shoulders, making it easier to use the accessory breathing muscles


  • 我们研究的是治愈癌症传染病的药物,不是森林砍掉用来养牛,”这个着山羊胡在二头BobMarley(雷鬼音乐的鼻祖)的植物学家说道。

    "Instead of replacing the forest with cattle we are studying a cure for cancer and for infectious diseases, " said the botanist, sporting a goatie beard and a tattoo of Bob Marley on his bicep.


  • -计算机界面(muscle - computer interface)则使通过佩戴于前臂传感器收集信号,再通过电信号识别器解读手势动作,从而能够识别手掌手指点击在皮肤的信号。

    The muscle-computer interface enables hand and finger input by means of gestures learned from an electromyographic recognizer collecting muscle signals from a band of sensors on the upper forearm.


  • 无论女性男性身体都有很多重要的功能包括保持骨密度

    Testosterone performs many essential functions in the bodies of both men and women including maintaining muscle strength and bone density.


  • 由于国家队比赛中撕裂,托雷斯错过一次比大战。

    Torres missed out on the last derby due to an adductor injury sustained on international duty.


  • 伸展可以拉长单位减少活动时在张力进而减少会导致变性化学变化

    Stretching can also elongate the muscle-tendon unit, reducing the tension placed on the tendon during activity, thereby reducing the chemical changes that cause degeneration.


  • 作为关节显露一部分股直纤维关节掀起

    As part of the capsular exposure, fibers of the rectus femoris are elevated off the anterior capsule.


  • 抗胆碱药作用于气道平滑特定毒蕈受体以抑制迷走张力

    Anticholinergics act by blocking muscarinic receptors in the smooth muscle of the airways and inhibiting vagal tone.


  • 插图躯干同时菱形肩胛骨中线拉

    Inset: the erector spine muscles lift the torso and the rhomboid draw the scapulae towards the midline.


  • 至于最大等长,三显著差异存在

    As to effects on maximum isometric strength, there were no significant differences in all groups.


  • 组织特别聚集血管又多,皮肤血流颜色容易呈现眼皮

    The organization is also extremely small, gathered together in this vessel and, under the skin blood flow color easy to appear on the eyelids. Muscle.


  • 组织特别聚集血管又多,皮肤血流颜色容易呈现眼皮

    The organization is also extremely small, gathered together in this vessel and, under the skin blood flow color easy to appear on the eyelids. Muscle.


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