• 电压IC哪个提供显示器电压透过开改变他们柱子。 (不要控制人员IC弄糊涂)。

    Driver Voltage IC mounted on the display which provides the voltage to each row and column by switching them on or off. ( Do not confuse with the controller IC ).


  • 连接交流电源之前,请验证交流电压相位频率是否控制装置外壳参数相应数据相同。

    Verify ac line voltage phase and frequency with the controller data plate on the enclosure door prior to connecting ac power.


  • 直接控制理论基础,推导出一种基于定子磁链矢量增量确定定子参考电压矢量的新型无速度传感器直接转矩控制方案

    This paper obtains a new speed-sensorless direct torque control scheme for induction motor based on calculating the stator flux vector increment to determine the stator reference voltage.


  • 基础,对励磁系统加以改进,将电网电压等效定子磁场电流动态变化引入系统考虑电网波动情况下建立了风力发电励磁控制系统。

    On the base of traditional vector control, the improving excitation system is established by importing the dynamic change in network voltage and state flux current.


  • 从理论推导电压传输采用PI调节器实现了系统闭环控制

    The voltage ratio is derived and the system closed-loop control is realized with PI regulator.


  • 基础提出利用输出电压脉冲微分反馈这类电路系统中的混沌进行控制方法

    Then based on the above analysis, we present the method of using output voltage pulse differential feedback to control chaos in the buck converter.


  • 分析了该系统控制方法基础,建立了交直交变频器电压定向以及转子定子磁场定向的矢量控制系统模型。

    Based on the analysis of control strategy of the system, this paper used respectively voltage oriented and stator flux oriented vector control in grid side and rotor side of the converter.


  • 文中概述了利用静止补偿作为电力系统补偿电压控制主要手段动态模型上的试验研究结果

    In this paper, test results on dynamic models of static var compensators as chief means to control the node-voltages and reactive power flows in power systems are described.


  • 电压调节环节详细分析了基于SG1525控制芯片PWM控制电路

    On the voltage regulation part, this paper has analyzed PWM control circuit on the basis of SG1525 in detail.


  • 矢量控制交流感应电动机数学模型基础采用电压阶跃电流方法实现了交流电机电气参数静态检测

    On the basis of mathematical model of AC induction motor in vector control inverter the static measurement of electrical parameters for AC motor is completed using pulse voltage and pulse current.


  • 前者常规的采用电压电流内环闭环控制基础搭建数字相环、数字滤波器

    Digital PLL and digital filter are built based on conventional double closed-loop control which contains voltage loop and current loop.


  • 传统PWM整流控制基础,论文利用开关函数建模法,提出了基于预测电流的PWM电压空间矢量控制方法。

    Based on the traditional control on PWM rectifier, space vector PWM predictive current controller is presented using the switching function model.


  • 电压、谐波测量显示超出设定下限保护范围时,控制报警指示灯亮

    When display value of voltage is out of the scope of upper and lower limit protection value, alarm indication lamp of controller is lighted.


  • 基础本文设计了一个具有机电压反馈转速偏差反馈双环非线性PID控制

    Based on forenamed knowledge, the paper designs a double-loop NPID excitation controller, which has parallel feedback of voltage and error of rotate-speed.


  • 发射机所有电路基本都是围绕着如何给行波管各电极提供正确稳定工作电压使行波管正常工作的各种保护控制功能而设计的。

    All circuits of the transmitter are basically designed to offer the proper, steady voltage for the electrodes of TWT and various protective, control functions for its smooth operation.


  • 优化分段基础根据控制时段内不同时刻的网电压质量,再决定是否OLTC进行二次调节。

    After the partition results being achieved, a secondary control strategy of the OLTCs is implemented depending on the voltage quality and energy loss reduction in the period of specified interval.


  • 充放电电流流入IIN端的电流控制的,由加到FADJDADJ上的电压调制。

    The charging and discharging currents are controlled by the current flowing into IIN, and are modulated by the voltages applied to FADJ and DADJ.


  • 带有编程控制转化速率可以控制负荷装置转换另一装置,降低电力布线感应电压控制测试设置上的感应瞬变电流

    A programmable slew rate allows a controlled transition from one load setting to another to minimize induced voltage drops on inductive power wiring, or control induced transients on a test device.


  • 充分发挥PMU广域量测系统(W AM S/PMU)电力系统安全预警、保护控制中的作用,研究节点相角-电压空间保证暂态稳定的动态安全域的边界性质。

    To make full use of the WAMS/PMU in the security monitoring, protection and control of power system, PDSR in phase angle-voltage space was studied.


  • 控制效果实现脉冲电源主要参数控制采用专用PWM波发生器UC3825A实现加工电压自适应控制

    This project controlled the main parameters of inverting EDM pulse generator: used the special PWM generator UC3825A to realize voltage adaptive controlling;


  • 三相电压变换器(VSC控制的关键在于控制其输入电感电流

    The math model of three-phase VSC is established in this paper, a current control scheme is applied base on the model.


  • 控制算法—直—交变换器控制算法复杂度相当电压传输理论达到0.955。

    The complexity of control strategy is equivalent with that of ac-dc-ac converter, and the voltage transfer ratio is theoretically up to 0.955.


  • 在电路设计根据环路传递函数特征利用简单电压模式控制基本PI补偿器,保证了宽带环路控制稳定性

    According to the characteristic of the control loop, simple voltage control mode and basic PI compensation are employed to ensure the stability of the converter.


  • 研究基础搭建了一台容量为150kva样机以此样机为平台实现了电压暂降谐波发生控制

    On the basis of the study, a prototype of 150kva capacity has been built, and the control occurred of voltage sag and harmonic have been achieved using this prototype as a platform.


  • 系统控制策略区图为基础,并且容易引起频繁动作边界采用人工神经网络预测变压器接头调节电容器投切后的电压无功,以决定采用何种控制方式。

    The control strategy is based on nine-zone diagram and combined with artificial neural network, which makes a decision about the change of transformer taps and capacitor switching.


  • 本文介绍了一种简化模型感应电机电压解耦控制原理基础

    This paper describes a simplified model of induction motor based on voltage decoupling control principle.


  • 本文介绍了一种简化模型感应电机电压解耦控制原理基础

    This paper describes a simplified model of induction motor based on voltage decoupling control principle.


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