• 种在系统保持内容的储存器。

    A type of RAM that retains its contents as long as the system is powered on.


  • 不过下次上电时,需要OTP设置进行重新存储。

    However, the OTP setting is restored during subsequent power-up conditions.


  • 发明的实施例提供的方法包括上电时初始化列表读入缓冲内存

    The initialization method includes that: the initialization list is read and loaded into a buffer memory under electrified state;


  • 矿用上电时,容易负载造成动、可靠性变差

    When the mine intrinsic safe power was energized, due to the loading, the mine intrinsic power would have miss actions and poor reliability occurred by the capacitor charging.


  • 石峰上电操作模式确保潜在有害的110交流不断病人池。

    The Pinnacle is battery powered when in operating mode ensuring that potentially harmful 110 V AC power is kept away from your patient.


  • 基于TMS320C6201DSP嵌入式系统开发需要将应用程序代码DSP外部ROM装载内部RAM中。

    The program code is loaded from external ROM to internal RAM in embedded hardware system based on TMS320C6201 DSP when it is switched on.


  • 附着在副材料它们产生

    Paraelectric materials can generate a current when electrodes are attached to them.


  • 杂志到一关于蚀除瘤的的文章决定尝试。但是她的的医生告诉他如果蚀除瘤效果的话,她必须等到青春期发育两年后治疗才行。

    She decided to undergo electrolysis after reading a magazine article about it, but her GP told her she would have to wait until two years after puberty if she wanted it to be effective.


  • 尽管PC硬件电时喇叭响一下看起来似乎非常自然事情,但实际一些代码驱动喇叭发声。

    While it may seem that PC hardware beeps when it is powered on as a matter of course, in fact, there's a bit of code that makes that beep happen.


  • 我们谈论神经元电时实际没有闪一下子,”莱康博博士注释道

    "When we're talking about neurons firing, there's not any actual lightning," notes Dr Le Comber.


  • 覆盖池板玻璃塑料片沉积透明材料传感器监测灰尘等级,当灰尘达到额定等级,系统发生作用,利用池板所发流产生一个荷。

    An electrically-sensitive transparent material is deposited on glass or a plastic sheet that covers the panel. Sensors monitor the dust levels.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林1752年发现实际就是,在那个著名的实验,富兰克林将金属钥匙风筝放飞雷暴之中,看见钥匙火花四溅关于的猜想得到了证实

    In his now-famous experiment, he sent a kite with a metal key tied to the string up into a thunderstorm. When he saw sparks leap from the key, his hunch about lightning was confirmed.


  • 屏幕看到警告窗口

    When your battery gets low, you will see the low battery warning dialog on the screen.


  • 上电配置FPGA处于等待状态,不能正常工作两个随机序列握手比较,相,使FPGA工作,否则停止工作。

    Then the two pseudo random codes make handshake and compare with each other. when the two codes are same, the FPGA would work, otherwise it would stop.


  • 结构设计和元器件选用方面分析加热式家用全自动豆浆机在抗强度试验遇到的问题就安规测试中需要注意的问题进行了论述

    By analyzing the case of the dielectric strength test on household top-heating automatic soymilk machine, this paper briefly discuss two questions which should be pay attention to during safety test.


  • 设备带有危险压设备运行操作不得打开柜门控制以免带来危险

    Equipment with dangerous electricity. When operation with electricity electric cabinet and control cabinet door cannot be open to avoid electricity danger.


  • 风机偏航制动器提起塔架偏航制动器部分提起,认定为完全被动方式

    The motor brakes are lifted when the turbine is yawing. The yaw brake on the tower axis will be lifted partially but has been assumed fully passive.


  • 纽约很多原因地下,水是不相干的。

    The reason many people in New York are out of power is because it was underground and when the water came onshore, water and electricity don't mix.


  • 熔爆机床工作所产生磁干扰进行了分析计算测量分析基础,提出了防护措施,即用磁屏蔽罩体来控制辐射

    On the basis of calculation, measurement and analysis, it puts forth the protecting measures in the electro-magnetic radiation is controlled by electro-magnetic shielding.


  • 研究金刚石刃磨金刚石刃磨硬质合金刀片引起残余应力及其硬质合金强度影响

    In this paper, a residual stress on cemented carbide inserts caused by grinding of diamond and electrical grinding of diamond, and its effect on cemented carbide strength are studied.


  • 化学传感器构造将被测的化合物吸附到感测部件测量特性变化

    The chemical sensor may be configured to measure the change in electrical characteristics when a compound to be sensed is adsorbed on the sensing member.


  • 热传导理论基础研究药剂次阿累尼乌斯定律发生热分解,所产生的热量火工品(EED)三维热分布的影响。

    Based on the theory of 3 dimension heat transfer, the influence of heat created by priming decomposing according to the zeroth Arrhenius law on the temperature field in EED was researched.


  • 热传导理论基础研究药剂次阿累尼乌斯定律发生热分解,所产生的热量火工品(EED)三维热分布的影响。

    Based on the theory of 3 dimension heat transfer, the influence of heat created by priming decomposing according to the zeroth Arrhenius law on the temperature field in EED was researched.


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