• 上帝照耀保佑你。

    May the lord shine upon you, bless you.


  • 每一生灵都透上帝之光都是关于上帝的书。

    Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God.


  • 为了达到这种目的我们灵魂中容纳所谓良心上帝

    And for the attainment of these aims there has been put into our souls the light of God, called the conscience.


  • 什么有此需要的是宽容祈祷上帝揭示途径一个人。

    What is need here is forgiveness and prayer: That the light of God will reveal a new way to everyone.


  • 可以把“地球中心上”直接放置在地球太阳作为发自我们内心声音感受到来自上帝之光

    You could also say that it is "in the heart of the Earth" as it is placed directly between the Sun and the Earth, just as the voice of our heart receives the light of our Lord.


  • 没有看见?虽然你面对阻碍这个环境,但是它真正给予你机会,寻找到上帝之光完成你的存在——上帝

    Don't you see that notwithstanding the impediments you face it is this environment that will truly offer you the opportunity to find your God light and be through your living, God.


  • 未来时期你们要求很多如果此刻能开始继续做出一切想得到的努力上帝之光时刻闪耀你鉆探出源泉

    The times ahead will require much from you and it will auger well for you if you can start or continue in the now to make every conceivable effort to have your God light shining all the time.


  • 没有上帝真理邪恶的伪造欺骗模糊难以鉴别的。

    Without the light of God's truth, the devil's counterfeit and deception is murky and hard to identify.


  • 60年代三部曲穿过黑暗玻璃》、《冬日之光沉默》,看来是超自然消减”,揭露上帝缺失

    His trilogy of the 1960s, "Through a Glass Darkly", "Winter Light" and "the Silence", were described by him as a "metaphysical reduction" in which God's absence was unmasked.


  • 你们内在全景更多一种知道来自上帝之光作为内在灵感并且下载那些寻求知道的东西。

    Your inner vision is more of a knowing that comes through the all knowing light of God which flashes as inspiration within and downloads to you that which you seek to know.


  • 这时应该知晓地并且自愿选择在整个造物中间回应上帝,回到内心保持觉醒至最高频率

    This is the point when he shall knowingly and willingly choose to ring the bell of God throughout creation and reach within to keep the light of awareness at its highest frequency.


  • 上帝保佑美国热爱土地并肩而立上天指引下带领她度过夜晚

    God Bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her through the night with a light from above.


  • 莎拉话语:“上帝的宽恕之光”,不停地耳边响起,我终于明白其背后的意义。

    Sarah's words of: "God's forgiving grace", kept passing through my mind, as a final acceptance materialized.


  • 上帝利益保护者天堂包围帮助治愈他们生活所有寻求帮助的那些人。

    Protector of god's good light, surround me in the light of heaven, help heal all those seeking help in their lives.


  • 然后生命欢乐每个蛰伏的角落,朵花儿,每个芽儿,每只鸟儿悸动起来,上帝瞩目之光转而温和仁慈

    Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them, and all the flashing of God's gaze merged into soft beneficence.


  • 绝望不迷失自己,奋斗抗争最终会使你回到上帝真理之光记住你在这儿所学到仁慈力量

    When you find yourself in the darkness of despair, and you are struggling to get back into the clear light of God's truth, remember what you learned here, about the simple power of compassion.


  • 绝望不迷失自己,奋斗抗争最终会使你回到上帝真理之光记住你在这儿所学到仁慈力量

    When you find yourself in the darkness of despair, and you are struggling to get back into the clear light of God's truth, remember what you learned here, about the simple power of compassion.


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