• 努纳维特“冰电子邮件社会,在出生人们的孩子可能从未陆地抑郁症发病率很高

    In Nunavut's "igloo and email" society, where adults who were born in igloos have children who may never have been out on the land, there's a high incidence of depression.


  • 他们传统最近一段时间,他们沿海水域建立了吊脚楼

    They have traditionally lived on houseboats; in recent times, they've also built houses on stilts in coastal waters.


  • 如果冰箱食物,身衣服可穿,有篷遮蔽地方睡觉……那么,比起世界75%,你真是富足多了。

    If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world.


  • 图片弹跳在小健卖,而且$199(租一次至少$100),但是有点担心质量。

    The bounce house in the picture above is on sale through Little Tikes for just $199 (a rental costs at least $100), but I worry about the quality.


  • 最初,例会目的是想为难总会---就是那些公司会议散布流言蜚语继而还债务敲诈者。

    The practice was originally intended to make life difficult for sokaiya, racketeers who dish dirt at the meetings of firms that do not pay them off.


  • 我们到达人群中没有人回过头来看,他们面朝跑道着,似乎意念集中机场的站期盼飞机到来

    Nobody turned when we arrived. They stood facing the runway, as though focusing their collective energy upon the airport building, willing the plane to come.


  • 这个度假干草垛浇筑混凝土建造,内部叫作宝琳娜奶牛掏空而成

    This holiday home was created by pouring concrete over bales of hay; the interior was then hollowed out by a cow named Paulina.


  • 兰德斯乡村酒店(位于坎不利亚都郡,温德·梅尔湖)的厨师长马克·吉伯特手工作品,并今天开始英国巧克力展出。

    It is the handiwork of Marc Guibert, head chef at Lindeth Howe Country House Hotel in Windermere, Cumbria, and is being launched for National Chocolate Week, starting today.


  • 尽管如此,夫妻还是不愿意床而英国科学界获悉,英国40 -50夫妻睡觉占8%。

    Despite this, couples are reluctant to sleep apart, with only 8% of those in their 40s and 50s sleeping in separate rooms, the British Science Festival heard.


  • 本周工程队曾试图一个100重的钢制形盖置于漏油,不过很快不断积聚甲烷堵塞了装置,最终以失败告终。

    Efforts failed this week to lower a 100-ton steel containment dome onto the leakage site, because quickly accumulated methane hydrates blocked the device.


  • 靠着殿所造层高,香柏木栋梁搁在殿墙坎

    And he built the side rooms all along the temple. The height of each was five cubits, and they were attached to the temple by beams of cedar.


  • 许多其它旅游品牌万豪酒店喜达酒店赫兹租车公司社交媒体建立强大地位。

    Many other travel brands, including Marriott, Starwood and Hertz also have strong social media presences.


  • 如果将这个说法运用气候,那么学术领域中的科学家们就是拼图派,持有不同观点的人则属于卡片派。

    When it comes to climate, academic scientists are jigsaw types, dissenters from their view house-of-cards-ists.


  • 日本南部小岛——久岛(Yakushima旅馆已经全部预订一空,人们来到这里过一个为期两天的节日庆祝日本1963年以来第一次日全食

    And hotels on the small southern Japanese island of Yakushima are booked out as people arrive for a two-day festival to celebrate the country's first total eclipse since 1963.


  • 那以后咖啡成了一家闹鬼咖啡”,人们络绎不绝的来晚餐,希望能和鬼魂一面。

    Since then, my coffee shop has become a 24-hour "haunted coffee shop," where people drop by for supper, hoping to see the ghost.


  • 2005年,几乎有7000万人口每年城市迁移导致了十亿居民(地球每六个人中就有是贫民),一个很麻烦趋势

    As of 2005, close to 70 million people were migrating to cities each year, resulting in a billion squatters (one in six people on Earth live as squatters). A troubling trend?


  • 电影工业轻声嘀咕,称《飞环游记》是皮克斯的老于世故的电影,艺术另一个楷模

    The movie industry cooed that "Up," Pixar's sophisticated 10th feature, was another artistic triumph.


  • 如果冰箱食物,身衣服可穿,有遮蔽,有地方睡觉……那么,比起世界75%人来,你真是富足多了。 。

    If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place tosleep… You are richer than 75% of this world.


  • 可悲的是,尽管琥珀认为是世界奇迹之一。

    Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world.


  • 可悲的是,尽管琥珀认为是世界奇迹之一,可是现在它消失了。

    Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is missing.


  • 在内部,一面片玻璃玻璃直接嵌入地板重新居住者树联系在一起,尊重巧妙地大自然致意

    Inside, a single glass cut out in the floor reconnects the tree house inhabitant to the tree itself, a respectful and subtle nod to Mother Nature.


  • 比如泰国正在试验漂流,洪水来临时,这些置于泡沫浮的漂流可以漂浮在水面

    Thailand, for instance, is experimenting with floating homes that can rise up above the waters on pontoons filled with styrofoam.


  • 东方西方拱形延伸着,巨大的圆顶支撑着,另一半圆顶依次延伸到更的半圆形顶的开座谈话间

    The arches at the east and west are extended and buttressed by great half domes, while the half domes in turn are carried on smaller semidomed exedrae.


  • 可悲虽然琥珀是世界一个奇迹,可是现在却找不到了

    Sadly, although the Amber room was considered one of the great wonders of the world, it is now missing.


  • 2013年艾美奖颁奖,《纸牌拿下了座奖杯表现不俗。凯文·史派西罗宾·怀特获得了剧情类主要角色提名

    At the 2013 Emmy Awards, "House of Cards" picked up three statues and shook up the race. Stars Spacey and Wright both earned nominations in the lead drama categories.


  • 蒂诺鸽子建造精心挑选地点而且靠近肥沃土地山坡

    Pigeon houses on Tinos are built at well-chosen locations on the slopes of mountains and near fertile land.


  • 事实琥珀不是作为礼物而建造的。

    In fact, the room was not made to be a gift.


  • 事实琥珀不是作为礼物而建造的。

    In fact, the room was not made to be a gift.


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