• 如果队列管理器执行需要传递设置上下文程序那么实现配置文件最少特权以便只有需要这个特权用户拥有相应特权。

    If your queue managers execute programs that need to pass or set context, then implement profiles and least privilege so that only the users that require this authority have it granted to them.


  • 所以全局事务上下文需要维护事务的完整性因为事务只有一个资源管理器

    Therefore, a global transaction context is not necessary to maintain transaction integrity, as there is only one resource manager within the transaction.


  • 不同不信任普通应用程序设置消息上下文字段而是队列管理器认为合适继承这些字段。

    This differs from ordinary applications that are not trusted to set the message context fields and instead inherit these from whatever values the queue manager deems appropriate.


  • 一旦创建菜单管理器可以用菜单上下文菜单(就是弹出菜单)工具栏下拉菜单表示它

    Once you have created a menu manager, it can be represented by either a bar menu, a context menu (in other words, a pop-up menu), or a toolbar drop-down menu.


  • 体系结构中,队列管理对象名称上下文用于管理操作过程反映了这种倾向

    In this architecture, the queue manager is the root context for object names, and the procedures for administration and operation reflect this orientation.


  • 用户上下文不由队列管理器自动设定

    User context is not set by the queue manager automatically.


  • 为了成为分布式事务一部分资源管理器必须支持XA标准标准控制事务上下文传播

    To be part of a distributed transaction, a resource manager must support the XA standard, which governs the propagation of transaction contexts.


  • 如果需要多个资源管理器(两个不同CICS系统)进行更新需要全局事务上下文

    If updates are required to multiple resource managers, such as two different CICS systems, then a global transaction context is required.


  • 运行框架控制组件通信提供交互管理器交付上下文数据组件的运行时支持

    The runtime framework controls communication between components and provides runtime support for the interaction manager, delivery context, and data component.


  • 情况下通常使用队列管理器别名实现节点等效性但是总体效果仍然队列管上下文解析队列。

    In this case, a queue manager alias is typically used to achieve node equivalence, but the overall effect is still that the queue is resolved in the context of its queue manager.


  • 一个命令放置SYSTEM.COMMAND . INPUT中时队列管理器检查身份上下文中的userid以便授权

    The queue manager checks the userid in the identity context for authorization when a command is put to the SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT.


  • 设置Yes报表管理器无需报表提供另一个时间上下文

    By setting this to Yes the report manager does not need to provide another time context for the report.


  • 上下文其它交互作用应用程序资源管理器之间流动上下文整个集合动作粘合在一起形成一个事务活动

    The context flows with other interactions between the application and resource managers; it is the context that helps glue together a whole set of actions into one transactional activity.


  • 具有事务功能资源管理器资源管理器可以参与事务上下文但是事务结果的影响,事务结果没有影响。

    A resource adapter with no transactional properties, this can participate in a transactional context but is not influenced by, and has no effect upon the outcome of the transaction.


  • 磁盘管理控制台载入后我们首先必须删除硬盘所有磁盘因此右键点击磁盘卷并上下文菜单中选择删除卷。

    When the disk management console loads we are first going to have to delete all the volumes on the disk, so right click on the volumes and select delete volume from the context menu.


  • 结果在于业务上下文命名队列管理不再意义例如应用程序名称命名队列管理器

    The result is that it no longer makes sense to name queue managers in a business context; for example, by application name.


  • 或者放在前面讨论上下文中来说集群用于名称解析不是队列管理器

    Or, to put it in the context of the earlier discussion, the cluster is the root container for the resolution of names rather than the queue manager.


  • 如果或者资源管理器数据包视图访问元素重构 >重名命这个上下文菜单可以产生同样结果

    The same result can be achieved by accessing the element's Refactor > Rename context menu in the diagram or the Package Explorer view.


  • 可以直接启动工具或者当前管理器上下文有用命令行选项

    This can be simply starting the tool or launching with a set of command-line options that make sense within the current explorer context.


  • 持久性上下文实体基础持久性存储区的关联实体管理(entity manager,EM)管理

    Within the persistence context, the entity's association with the underlying persistence store is managed by the entity manager (EM).


  • 这个上下文WebSphereApplicationServer包括所有的WebSphere Application Server组件包括部署管理器节点代理应用服务等等

    In this context, "WebSphere application server" includes all WebSphere application server components, including deployment manager, node agent, application server, and so on.


  • 身份发送者上下文多数字段通常队列管理器提供

    Most fields of the identity and origin context are usually supplied by the queue manager. Of course, applications with appropriate authority can provide their own context.


  • ArgoUML提供大量基于自定义规则模型资源管理器透视图它们允许按照上下文特定的方式查看模型。

    ArgoUML also provides a large number of model explorer perspectives based on customizable rules, which allows you to view the model in context-specific ways.


  • 我们知道Windows外壳扩展即一个进程内的COM服务Windows资源管理器执行某种动作装入内存——如显示上下文菜单

    As you know, a Windows shell extension is a COM in-process server that Windows Explorer loads when it is about to perform a certain action on a document-for example, displaying its context menu.


  • 那些涉及多个资源管理器事务事务上下文需要跨越多个部件时,可以采用企业服务声明式事务处理。

    Use Enterprise Services declarative transactions for transactions that span multiple resource managers or where you need to flow transaction context across components.


  • 派生中重写时返回一个值,值指示上下文管理器是否包含指定类型项。

    When overridden in a derived class, returns a value indicating whether the context item manager contains an item of the specified type.


  • 一个自动运行杀手任务管理器计算文件浏览只有运行文件列入甚至没有基本上下文菜单

    You have an Autorun Killer, Task Manager, Calculator and file Explorer that only lets you run files, not even a basic context menu being included.


  • 上下文存储上下文管理器之前对其进行调用

    Called on a context item before it is stored in the context item manager.


  • 描述资源管理器及其上下文菜单

    Describes the Macros Explorer and its context menus.


  • 描述资源管理器及其上下文菜单

    Describes the Macros Explorer and its context menus.


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