• 三菱汽车发动机平衡装置

    Balancing Device for MISUBISHI Four Cylinder Engines.


  • 子修三菱汽车明显落后”于竞争对手。

    Masuko said has left the company 'significantly lagging behind' its rivals.


  • 至2002年他曾在在日本三菱汽车公司开发部经理

    Xuan used to serve as Development Manager at Mitsubishi Motors Corporation in Japan (1995 to 2002).


  • 三菱汽车旨在制造廉价汽车基于日产汽车公司联合开发的小型汽车

    Mitsubishi Motors aims to manufacture low-priced vehicles based on minicars jointly developed with Nissan Motor Co.


  • 三菱汽车表示财务支持方正在进行谈判过程达成增加股票购买量的协议。

    MMC said that the increased share purchases had been agreed upon during the course of ongoing talks with its financial backers.


  • 据悉三菱汽车财务支持方要求更多援助抵消公司众多召回造成日益增长成本

    It is understood that MMC asked its financial backers for more aid in a bid to offset the growing cost of the company's numerous recalls.


  • 接着,迈克伦登三菱汽车,沿途随意开枪,又打死了至少名路人,打伤了三名前来阻止警察。

    McLendon then drove off in his Mitsubishi car, killed at least three others seemingly at random and injured three police officers who attempted to halt the violence.


  • 此外三菱汽车公司在海外荣获多种权威性奖项产品优良性能得到国内外客户一致好评

    In addition, Mitsubishi Motors has won a variety of overseas authority of the awards, the excellent performance of its products, domestic and international customers alike.


  • 三菱汽车公司经营计划中,明确地中国市场列为重点市场之一,将采取更加积极措施开展各项业务。

    Mitsubishi Motors Corporation clearly arranges China as one of the important markets in their business plan, and will take more active measure to carry out the operations.


  • 三菱汽车公司凭借过去成功拥有先进技术制造更先进的车辆使成为顾客日常生活中的瑰宝。

    Mitsubishi Motors Corporation will rely on past successes and have advanced technology, advanced vehicle manufacturing and make it a gem in the daily life of the customer.


  • 日本第六大小轿车制造商三菱汽车承认雇员某些车型燃油消耗测试中篡改数据使虚报里程数

    Mitsubishi Motors, Japan's sixth-largest carmaker, admitted that its employees had altered data in fuel-consumption tests for some of its models so that they would record better mileage.


  • 冈崎先生表示三菱汽车调查发现美国销售汽车无须召回因为这些汽车发动机规格日本车型不同

    Mr Okazaki said that MMC's investigation had found no vehicles that were subject to recalls in the US, as the engines and specifications of such vehicles differed from Japanese models.


  • 三菱汽车老板出面道歉未能阻止公司股票交易暂时停牌。之前消息爆出三菱汽车股价已经跳水15%。

    Mitsubishi's boss apologised, though that didn't stop a suspension of trading in the company's shares, whose price plunged by 15% after the news broke.


  • 三菱汽车公司发言人KaiInada对于iMiEV电动汽车说道:“他速度既,动力又而且还平稳。”预定明年发售。

    "It's fast, powerful and smooth, " Mitsubishi Motors Corp. spokesman Kai Inada said of the iMiEV electric car, which is due to be launched next year.


  • WiTricity公司去年大型汽车配件delphi电子公司合作开发辆样车三菱汽车最近同意与WiTricity公司展开基础研究工作

    WiTricity last year partnered with major automobile component supplier Delphi Electronics on a demo car, and Mitsubishi Motors recently agreed to work with WiTricity on infrastructure research.


  • 这些公司已经加入了三菱日产丰田争夺电动汽车产业领地

    Those companies have joined Mitsubishi, Nissan and Toyota in the scramble for a place in the new electric-car industry.


  • 1998年,三菱(日本汽车制造商)为了打造商务麦田怪圈,付给Carson先生笔费用以求取田地里一个星空怪圈中的一块。

    In 1998 commercial circle-makers acting for Mitsubishi, a Japanese carmaker, paid Mr Carson for the right to cut an outline of a new model named the Space Star in his fields.


  • 4日本第4大汽车制造商三菱公司宣布,因财政原因不再参加达喀尔拉力赛

    Mitsubishi will no longer compete in the Dakar Rally for financial reasons, the company said Wednesday.


  • 有了三菱亚洲市场地位,在美国企业网络以及经销商帮助法国汽车集团将减少欧洲市场的依赖

    With its presence in Asia and its network of factories and dealers in America, Mitsubishi could help the French group reduce its reliance on the European market.


  • 日本无论三菱铃木这样小型汽车制造商有多么不中用,本田或许还有马自达还是会继续挑战丰田本国国内市场上的主导地位。

    And in Japan, however great the cull of smaller outfits such as Mitsubishi and Suzuki, Honda and perhaps Mazda will still be around to challenge the dominance of Toyota in its home market.


  • 其他一些小汽车厂商比如三菱则反映日本爱知岐阜冈山的研发中心并未地震影响。

    Among smaller car makers, Mitsubishi said its production hubs in Japan's Aichi, Gifu, and Okayama prefectures were not affected by the earthquake.


  • 汽车行业预测,包括通用福特丰田三菱汽车企业在明两推出的其他新型混合动力车也会畅销。

    The auto industry expects similar demand for other new electric and plug-in hybrid cars hitting U.S. roads this year and next from General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Mitsubishi and others.


  • 标致雪铁龙三菱之间谈判在继续,法国汽车生产商有望收购日本对手近50%的股份

    Talks are continuing between PSA Peugeot Citroen and Mitsubishi, which could see the French carmaker take a stake of up to 50% in its Japanese counterpart. See article.


  • 电动汽车未来可以由以下几款车预见:通用汽车被大肆炒作混合动力雪佛兰Volt日产的全电动Leaf三菱电动i -MiEV

    The immediate future of the electric car can be seen in GM's much-hyped plug-in hybrid Chevrolet Volt, Nissan's all-electric Leaf, and the pure electric Mitsubishi i-MiEV.


  • 设计中心大厅三菱氢动力汽车,也是结合这次环保的主题。

    A hydron car at the entrance hall, combining the theme of environmental protection.


  • 一方面,三菱集团有着生产汽车悠久历史。

    On the other hand, Mitsubishi Group has a long history of car production.


  • PS A标致雪铁龙集团三菱已经签署了一项协议2010年初家公司分享汽车随着4007年欧蓝德根据

    Mitsubishi and the PSA Peugeot-Citroen group had signed an agreement in early 2010 which will see both companies sharing cars, with the 4007 already based on the Outlander.


  • PS A标致雪铁龙集团三菱已经签署了一项协议2010年初家公司分享汽车随着4007年欧蓝德根据

    Mitsubishi and the PSA Peugeot-Citroen group had signed an agreement in early 2010 which will see both companies sharing cars, with the 4007 already based on the Outlander.


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