• 9月26日三星电子首尔举办一个三星移动业务总裁JKShin主持媒体活动

    On September 26th, Samsung Electronics holds a Media Day event in Seoul, hosted by JK Shin, President and Head of Samsung's Mobile Communications Business.


  • 我们请求用户切断手机电源尽快更换手机,三星移动业务总裁高东真声明中说道

    "We are asking users to power down their Galaxy Note 7s and exchange them as soon as possible, " Koh Dong-jin, Samsung's mobile president, said in the statement.


  • 美国的地区的销售活动将从八月开始,三星移动数字图像业务总裁Shin Jong-Kyun称。

    The phone’s U.S. release is slated for some time in August, according to Samsung president of mobile business and digital imaging Shin Jong-kyun.


  • 三星预期由于淡季到来,第四季度电脑需求仍旧很弱但是对于移动设备服务的需求相对强劲

    Samsung expected demand for PCs to remain weak in the fourth quarter because of weak seasonality, while demand for mobile devices and servers will be relatively strong.


  • 36个国家57家移动运营商使用三星设备

    Samsung equipment is used by 57 mobile operators in 36 countries.


  • 演示中,三星使用现有移动WiMAX基站

    Samsung used its existing Mobile WiMAX base station for the demo.


  • iPad三星galaxyTab平板电脑之所以市场取得了成功,是因为它们采用基于平板电脑操作而设计移动操作系统。

    The iPad and the Samsung Galaxy TAB have been successful in the market because they are both powered by mobile OSes designed from the ground up for tablet operation.


  • 三星大部分手机型号都采用安卓(android系统移动操作系统的选择方面,安卓依然第二大选择,不过一点可能未来有所改变。

    Android, which powers most of Samsung’s phones, is still a second best option when it comes to mobile operating systems also, though that could certainly change in the future.


  • 索尼也需要替换symbianUIQ操作系统。Palm三星LG诺基亚以及摩托罗拉也需要各自移动手机策略

    Sony needs a replacement for Symbian's UIQ; and Palm, Samsung, LG, Nokia, and Motorola need to develop winning strategies for the smartphone game.


  • 其他手机制造商——比如三星、HTC——来说,谷歌收购摩托罗拉移动不是什么好消息,他们面临谷歌的直接竞争

    A Motorola tie-up may also irk other phone manufacturers, like Samsung and HTC, which will now be competing directly with Google.


  • 三星发言人表示苹果侵犯了三星移动通信技术领域一系列专利

    According to a company spokesman they allege that Apple infringed on a series of Samsung patents covering mobile communications technology. Specifically.


  • 忘了还有接下来移动通信世界大会,届时HTC三星还有索尼爱立信这些手机厂商可能公布更为先进的智能手机,而这些手机最终都就将使用Verizon的服务。

    Don't forget we still have Mobile World Congress coming up when manufacturers like HTC, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson may reveal even more new smartphones that will eventually launch on Verizon.


  • 三星故事以及如何几个明星生活差异,交叉移动用户

    This is the story of Samsung and how it made a difference in the lives of several star-crossed mobile users.


  • 夏季系列三星手机展示一个在你面前移动通信设备最新简报。

    The Samsung Summer Collection of mobile phones showcases the latest in mobile communication devices in an in-your-face presentation.


  • 一家韩国法院做出裁决,判定美国技术巨头苹果公司与其韩国竞争对手三星公司相互侵犯了对方移动电话设计专利权。

    South Korean court has ruled that U. S. technology giant Apple and its South Korean rival Samsung Electronics have infringed each other's patents for mobile devices.


  • 三星太阳能方面早已确定兴趣,在2009年的巴塞罗那全球移动大会上就展出应用技术手机

    Samsung has an established interest in solar power, launching a mobile phone using the technology in 2009 at the mobile World Congress show in Barcelona.


  • 三星LTE数码相框把LTE生态系统业务扩展其它消费电子设备移动互联网设备,数码相机,电子相册社交网站等等

    Samsung's LTE Media Frame is an example of expanding the LTE ecosystem into other consumer electronic devices such as MIDs, digital cameras, online galleries, social networking sites and more.


  • 中国三星竞争对手小米则会绕开移动运营商用户免费推送MIUI升级,升级频率往往每周一次。

    In China, Samsung rival Xiaomi bypasses the carrier and pushes out free updates to its MIUI flavor of Android as often as once a week.


  • 这个新的存储环境中移动用户充分利用三星最新UFS内存性能优势充分发挥。

    Within this new storage environment, mobile users will get to take full advantage of the performance benefits of Samsung's latest UFS memory.


  • 因此三星计划建立一个方法非接触式移动电话

    Thus, Samsung is planning to establish a new method of contactless mobile phone.


  • 公司拥有专利技术三星姿态识别移动电话

    The company has patented technology Samsung gestures of recognition for mobile phones.


  • 中国移动、中国联通沃达丰摩托罗拉三星国信等优秀企业参加了本次盛会

    China Mobile, China Unicom, Vodafone, Motorola, Samsung, the country letters were outstanding enterprises participated in the event.


  • 这个问题消费者可以问问另一个移动通讯领域巨头——三星电子,设备配备指纹扫描仪

    It's a question that consumers could ask of another big player in the mobile sphere, Samsung, which also equips its devices with fingerprint scanners.


  • 2010年01月17日韩国三星电子公司近日发布款针对移动设备的大容量存储产品,扩大数据存储密度

    2010-01-17 South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. unveiled recently two new high-density memory solutions for mobile devices, which will greatly expand its data storage density.


  • 三星发言人表示苹果侵犯了三星移动通信技术领域一系列专利

    According to a company spokesman they allege that Apple infringed on a series of Samsung patents covering mobile communications technology.


  • 作为绿色环保倡议三星著名韩国移动电话制造商刚刚公布新的努力太阳能为基础移动电话消费市场空间

    As an effort towards green environment initiative, Samsung, the famous Korean mobile phone manufacturer has just released a new solar-based mobile phone to consumer market space.


  • 三星手机购买移动review. alsohere .we船舶worldwide.also参加我们的节目-赚钱上网转成网站移动网站。

    Samsung mobile review. Also buy mobile phone here. We ship worldwide. Also join our program-make money online - turn your website into mobile website.


  • 三星手机购买移动review. alsohere .we船舶worldwide.also参加我们的节目-赚钱上网转成网站移动网站。

    Samsung mobile review. Also buy mobile phone here. We ship worldwide. Also join our program-make money online - turn your website into mobile website.


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