• 对于孩子来说,由于一些原因,他们的成绩并没有得到改善,只是因为改变略有下降

    For three-year-olds, for reasons that are still in need of clarification, no improvementrather a slight drop in performance resulted from the change.


  • 需要考虑件事情改善服务运行时间可用性

    You need to consider three things to improve service uptime availability.


  • 布朗称,任何企业改善风水简单的事情增加植物摆放办公桌时所有都能面向房间中央;避免杂乱无章

    There are three simple things any business can do to improve its feng shui, according to Mr Brown: bring in plants; position desks so that people face into the room; and get rid of clutter.


  • 是要改善合作环境

    Thirdly, improve the environment for cooperation.


  • 视力完全改善需要个月,选择prk手术的大多数同一天只眼睛

    It may take three to six months before your vision improves completely. Most people undergoing PRK have both eyes done on the same day.


  • 到了周末这些看起来感觉年轻岁,他们听力视力改善了,关节灵活了,肌肉更强壮了,同样思维也更敏捷了

    By the end of the week, the men were perceived to look around three years younger. Their hearing and eyesight improved, arthritic joints were more flexible, muscles were stronger and minds sharper.


  • 我们公司私有化后,改善经营年后把它给了“石油公司”特易购,使我们的股东获得了四倍的回报

    We took the company private, improved the business, and three years later sold it to Tosco, an oil company, earning our investors a more than quadrupled return on their money.


  • 内河航运期项目包括航运水电目标改善湖南湘江沿岸大多数贫困家庭经济状况

    This project, a combination of navigation and hydropower, aims to improve the economic well-being of the majority of the poorest families along the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province.


  • 到下温和展开耳朵外部区域改善注意力焦点。重复次。

    Improve attention and focus by gently unrolling the outer area of your ears, from the very top down to the bottom.


  • 亨利先生血压术后已经下降。据说,大多数病人的血压个月内明显改善

    Mr Henry's blood pressure has already come down, just two weeks after the operation and it is thought most patients will see an improvement within three months.


  • 放弃吸烟几天之内能清除一氧化碳个月内肺部功能改善10%。

    Carbon monoxide is eliminated within days of giving up and lung function can improve by 10 per cent within three to six months.


  • Carin可爱水獭修建围栏环境行为社会方面得到更改善

    Carin says this future enclosure will be greatly improved in terms of environmental, behavioral and social enrichment for the lovely otter.


  • 期望视觉接下来月后改善

    Expect your vision to improve over the next two to three months.


  • 例中jvm运行模式带来不同程度改善因为它们分别采用所特有对象分配模式

    In this case, the JVM tuning resulted in varying improvements for the three run time modes due to the unique object allocation patterns associated with each.


  • 降低血压甘油酸酯含量改善动脉血管功能

    Lower blood pressure, triglyceride levels and improve the functioning of artery linings.


  • 项调查显示大约51%年轻女性希望通过手术改善容貌分之一12尺码(英式,相当于大号)的妇女仍然认为自己

    Some 51% of young women would have surgery to improve their looks and a third of those who are a size 12 think they are overweight, a survey suggests.


  • 克里希纳星期抵达告诉记者,这次出访标志着努力改善双边紧张关系一个开端

    Krishna told reporters on arrival Wednesday that his visit marks a new beginning in the efforts to improve strained relations.


  • 一些水产生物学相信外围运河可以改善角洲地区生态系统,只有足够水源才适合鱼类的生存。

    Some fisheries biologists now believe building the Peripheral Canal could also improve the delta's ecosystem-as long as the fish were guaranteed adequate water.


  • 伦敦(pti):好消息巧克力葡萄酒爱好者每天摄入食物将有助于改善认知能力

    London (PTI) : Good news for chocolate, wine and tea lovers as consuming the three delights daily actually helps improve your cognitive performance.


  • ,联想希望改善供应链(第二点紧密相联),梅里奥说,这是公司中国之外的最大弱点

    Third, and closely related, it wants to improve its supply chain-the firm's greatest weakness outside China, according to Mr Amelio.


  • 项调查显示大约51%年轻女性希望通过手术改善容貌分之一已经是12尺码(英式,相当于大号)的妇女仍然认为自己

    Some 51% of young women would have surgery to improve their looks and a third of those who are a size 12 think they are overweight, a survey suggests.


  • 这里能够帮助开发团队成员实现他们改善客户联系承诺技术

    Here are three techniques that will help development team members make good on their commitment to improve customer contact.


  • LG地在推广品牌上下功夫,而是专注改善制造效率。

    LG also made much less of an effort than Samsung to promote its brand, focusing instead on improving its manufacturing efficiency.


  • 世界国家,虽然贫穷条件的改善全世界都好处。

    Poverty in the third world is still rife, but rising incomes there should be welcomed by all.


  • 总的来说大约分之一病人症状改善分之一的病人症状保持稳定分之一的病人症状会恶化

    Overall about one third of patients with claudication will improve, one third will remain stable and one third will deteriorate.


  • 保罗将大学生们每分成一个小组,要求他们提出改善校园的建议。

    Baruah and Paulus had groups of three college students generate ideas to improve their campus.


  • 宣布季度业绩较为稳健有所改善同时,卢英德宣布将新建一个部门负责利用水果蔬菜谷物牛奶开发创新性营养品

    Reporting solid, improved results for the third quarter, Nooyi also announced a new unit responsible for developing innovative nutrition products using fruit, vegetables, grains and dairy.


  • 现在已经知道怎样配置定义公共元素改善使用jsf组件开发经验

    By now you have seen how to configure many of the common elements in a library definition to improve the development experience using third-party JSF components.


  • 第四展示MQT引入改善,即第二之间时间差异第五列展示改善百分比。

    The fourth column shows the improvement introduced by the MQTs as a time difference between the second and third columns and the fifth column shows the percentage of the improvement.


  • 第四展示MQT引入改善,即第二之间时间差异第五列展示改善百分比。

    The fourth column shows the improvement introduced by the MQTs as a time difference between the second and third columns and the fifth column shows the percentage of the improvement.


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