• 上赛季我们前锋,而更多的是左路。

    Last season we played with three strikers so I was more on the left side.


  • 可以前锋,双前锋前锋没有所谓

    'I can play as one up front, or as two or three up front, it doesn't matter to me.


  • 另外一种选择4-3-3,萨拉耶塔居中,皮耶罗博季诺夫组成三前锋

    Another option would be a 4-3-3 tactic with Del Piero and Valeri Bojinov fanning out around Zalayeta.


  • 活跃设备安装1包括一个基地2手段附加连接光纤连接器前锋

    An active device mount 1 comprises a base 2 having a forward face with a connecting means 3 for attaching an optical fiber connector.


  • 巴拉克不在,所以可能会排出4-3-3阵型,卡劳、得罗巴舍瓦组成前锋

    A 4-3-3 formation is likely to be deployed in the absence of Ballack, with Kalou, Shevchenko and Drogba to make up the front three.


  • 不管是前锋还是前锋前腰,更何况这名前腰还是目前米兰最佳射手,他们重要球员

    Whether we have three out-and-out strikers, or two strikers or a playmaker, who by the way is Milan's top scorer, they remain three important players.


  • 尔克上赛季一共出场13次,打进6新赛季,科洛普有可能利用瑟尔克、本杰明-奥尔格贝尔前锋战术。

    Thurk scored six goals in 13 games and Juergen Klopp is likely to play him as part of a three-man forward line, along with Benjamin Auer and Fabian Gerber.


  • 锋,禁区球员需要的能力,并且在禁区内充当第前锋的角色,ST或者AMC球员在必要的时候可以这个位置。

    AML - Inside Forward: This is your third man in the box, they will look to cut inside and get into the box as a third striker, a striker or an AMC can also play here if needs must.


  • 温格前场部署名小个子前锋斯里左路游弋,阿尔沙文担纲中路罗西基右路活动。

    Up front Wenger deployed three diminutive forwards: Samir Nasri on the left, Andrey Arshavin centrally and Tomas Rosicky on the right.


  • 这位20岁的前锋五个进球次助攻赢得本届世界杯金靴奖

    The 20-year-old striker received the Golden Boot trophy as the tournament's top scorer, with five goals and three assists.


  • 北京时间23日凌晨赛季欧洲冠军杯决赛马德里伯纳乌球场打响,凭借阿根廷前锋迭戈·米利托的2粒进球国际米兰2比0击败拜仁慕尼黑,在阔别欧洲冠军45年后第3举起奖杯,并成为首支加冕"冠王"的意大利球队。

    Diego Milito scored twice as Inter Milan beat Bayern Munich 2-0 in the Champions League final early Sunday(Beijing Time) to end a 45-year wait for its 3rd title.


  • 费德勒很享受巴克莱at P世界巡回赛总决赛期间的休息日。晚上,他好友阿森纳前锋亨利一起出现在酋长球场

    Roger Federer enjoyed his day off at the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals by spending Wednesday evening at the Emirates Stadium with his friend and former Arsenal striker, Thierry Henry.


  • 前锋呈圆形就像一条幽灵手臂正在伸向密西西比角洲的尖端。

    The front of the oil slick is a rounded, ghostly arm reaching toward the tip of the Mississippi Delta.


  • 巴萨目前前场叉戟梅西、佩德罗比利亚名义上是边锋,即使是以“前锋”名义引进瓦伦西亚球员比利亚,也经常游弋各个位置

    Barca's current roaming front three of Messi, Pedro and David Villa are nominally wingers, and even Villa, the "striker" brought in from Valencia, often plays in a wide position.


  • 报道,曼城前锋马里奥巴洛特利本周六球队训练场上队友发生了赛季次口角

    Manchester City forward Mario Balotelli has reportedly been involved in his third row of the season with a team-mate at the team's training ground on Saturday.


  • 于是告诉我们一方的个人传中,对方前锋,然后他右边挡住那个高个子后卫。

    So I told the third man on our team to center the ball, let the rusher come after me, and go block the tall man defending the backfield to the right.


  • 这场包括了两个不沾山猫前锋的封盖。

    It included two air balls and four times getting his shot blocked by Charlotte's formidable basket defenders.


  • 这位巴西前锋明确表示,意甲冠军们已经目光瞄准了周日圣保罗球场获得完美进球。

    The Brazilian attacker has made it clear that the Serie a champions have set their sights on gaining the full three points on Sunday evening at the Stadio San paolo.


  • 两个大前锋巴斯安德森上赛季都稳定的坐在替补席上,巴斯出战50,安德森虽然有63场,但是二月连续的13场比赛有9场没上场

    Bass appeared in just 50 regular-season games. Anderson played in 63 games, but he logged nine DNP-CDs in one 13-game stretch last February and March.


  • 这种阵型防守型中场坐镇名后卫身前,的两侧各有名中场球员,顶前面的是前锋

    In this formation, a defensive midfielder played in front of the back four and was flanked on either side by another midfielder, with three strikers up front.


  • 迈克尔·欧文坚持了几乎小时星期时间里这位纽卡斯尔前锋锋芒也许已经回到了能够抓住获得的两次机会中的次的程度

    Michael Owen lasted almost an hour and in three weeks' time the Newcastle forward's sharpness may have returned to an extent where he will take at least one of the two good chances that fell his way.


  • 这位切尔西前锋此前曾2006年摘得桂冠(下图),入围此项评选的甲。

    The Chelsea striker previously won the honour in 2006 (pictured below) and has been in the top three places on four other occasions.


  • 明年就是这位优秀的前锋塞维利亚效力的个年头,到时候俱乐部可能只好眼睁睁看着离开。

    The highly-rated forward will have been at Sevilla three seasons next summer and the club could risk seeing him slip through their fingers.


  • 作为一个前锋很好的身板,你可以分球或者突破冲击篮筐得分。

    You have great size for a small forward, you can knock down the three or slash to the hoop .


  • 阿根廷前锋赛季线中的新人之一,他取代了上月转会阿什顿·维拉的的西德维尔穿上了9球衣。

    The Argentine forward is one of three new faces in the first team squad, and replaces Steve Sidwell as number 9, following the midfielder's move to Aston Villa last month.


  • 股强冷空气前锋使堪萨斯天气发生了剧变

    A very active cold front brought dramatic weather changes to Kansas on Wednesday.


  • 舍甫琴柯于1999年来到俱乐部何塞·阿尔塔菲尼配合之后现在米兰创记录前锋

    Shevchenko, who arrived at the club in 1999, is now the joint third all-time hitman for the Rossoneri after he matched Jose Altafini's tally.


  • 梅西巴塞罗那阿根廷前锋在下冠军联赛最有可能摧毁切尔西球员

    Leo Messi, Barcelona's Argentine forward, is the player most likely to destroy Chelsea when the teams meet in the Champions League next Wednesday.


  • 梅西巴塞罗那阿根廷前锋在下冠军联赛最有可能摧毁切尔西球员

    Leo Messi, Barcelona's Argentine forward, is the player most likely to destroy Chelsea when the teams meet in the Champions League next Wednesday.


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