• 雷阿伦保罗皮尔斯可能不会参加休息季后赛

    Ray Allen and Paul Pierce also likely won't play Wednesday as they rest up for the playoffs.


  • 弗雷德坐在办公桌表现一个真正骑兵”这乐于每个星期休息孩子们打高尔夫球前明显迹象

    "Fred showed up and sat at his desk like a real trooper" is a sure sign that Fred enjoys taking every Wednesday off to go golfing with the boys.


  • 其他几位正在休息办公室人员旁边自己明治

    She ate her sandwich alongside several other office workers taking their break.


  • 我们海口休息一会儿然后开车

    We stayed in Haikou for a short rest and then we drove on to Sanya.


  • 运输过程中,我们每个小时就在高速服务区休息30分钟。

    During the transportation, we rested at the high-speed service areas for 30 minutes every three hours.


  • 不过休息之前你必须约法章,这90分钟之内不能其他事情转移注意力;因为思路被打断之后大脑需要20分钟才能重新投入工作状态。

    Until that break, however, be disciplined about not being distracted by anything else for those first 90 minutes; it can take the brain some 20 minutes to “reboot” after an interruption.


  • 福特利用削减分之一的转变使用频繁生产休息节约现金

    Ford has cut one shift in three and is using frequent production breaks to conserve cash.


  • 休息后开始锻炼头肌、背部

    Take a quick break during the day to work the triceps, chest muscles and back.


  • 赛程进入到明天休息比赛休息第一个,Evans一定庆祝

    Heading into tomorrow's rest day, the first of two 24-hour breaks during the three-week race, it's the Australian, Evans, who has the most to celebrate.


  • Siddique博士及其同事发现,在白天过于困倦高中生重度抑郁症状几率那些休息充分的同学

    The students who were excessively sleepy during the day were three times more likely to have strong depression symptoms than their well-rested peers, Dr. Siddique and his colleagues found.


  • 大夫要再休息

    The doctor said another three weeks.


  • 星期:舒适的交叉训练活动(骑车游泳空中漫步机)3040分钟如果感觉到非常迟缓或者疼痛休息一日

    Wednesdays: Do a cross-training (ct) activity (biking, swimming, elliptical trainer) at easy to moderate effort for 30 to 40 minutes. If you're feeling very sluggish or sore, take a rest day.


  • 建议每周休两作为试验,再进展到休息

    Suggest two or three days at home per week as a trial for two weeks.


  • 费德勒很享受巴克莱at P世界巡回赛总决赛期间休息日。晚上,他好友阿森纳前锋亨利一起出现在酋长球场

    Roger Federer enjoyed his day off at the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals by spending Wednesday evening at the Emirates Stadium with his friend and former Arsenal striker, Thierry Henry.


  • 一半休息一半升降梯浮动酒吧海洋绿洲号之间上下浮动。

    Part lounge, part elevator, the Rising Tide Bar floats up and down between three levels on the Oasis of the Seas.


  • 小时的演出之间,安排一次中场休息这部简单突出作品仍然舞台保持着高度的戏剧冲突性。

    With just one intermission, it lasted nearly three hours. Yet it held the stage with mostly sure dramatic pacing in this simple, striking production.


  • 巴马参议员维尔京群岛稍事休息之后星期前往北卡罗来纳州恢复竞选活动。

    Senator Obama will resume his campaign with a visit to North Carolina on Wednesday after a short vacation in the Virgin Islands.


  • 休息后,对组成员进行另外星期第二阶段的实验分配青少年摄入量的

    After a break, the groups resumed the experiment for another three weeks, with teens assigned to a different calcium intake level for the second stage.


  • 食物明治水果等等如果小孩些点心并不忘停下休息食。

    Food: Sandwiches, fruit, etc. Bring extra snacks if kids are coming along and be sure to stop often to rest and munch.


  • 丁纳夫妇赶上的时候,达西先生请大家一块儿屋子里休息一下,可是客人谢绝大家有礼貌地告辞分手

    On Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner's coming up, they were all pressed to go into the house and take some refreshment; but this was declined, and they parted on each side with the utmost politeness.


  • 地方议会实行“弹性工作制”,工作人员可以不同时间段休息如果他们出去明治,就必须刷卡登记。

    Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards .


  • 夕阳西下,博茨瓦纳卡万戈角洲片紫色光辉所照耀,驴正在休息

    Lechwe rest as the setting sun casts a purple glow over Botswana's Okavango Delta.


  • 玛丽亚史蒂文回家好好休息天后回来上班

    Maria : Steven, go home. Get lots of rest. Don't come back to work for three days.


  • 一直努力训练,自己休息一下,准备下周训练量开始新一轮训练

    You've been working hard, give yourself a break this week and prepare to start back again hard the following week at a mileage level similar to the third week of training.


  • 我们餐都食堂里吃,在校园里有宿舍让我们休息

    We were provided with three meals a day in the cafeteria and a place to stay in dormitories of the school's campus.


  • 小店星期二、四、、六星期天上午开业,星期天下午星期一休息

    It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday morning, but it is shut on Sunday afternoon and on Monday.


  • 经过短暂休息怀疑证实了被召回工作室罗根坐在一起了!

    After a short break, my suspicions were confirmed: I found myself again sitting in Small Workroom 3 with Rogan!


  • 经过短暂休息怀疑证实了被召回工作室罗根坐在一起了!

    After a short break, my suspicions were confirmed: I found myself again sitting in Small Workroom 3 with Rogan!


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