• 他们来自社区230名居民进行调查,其中90%来自韩国

    They questioned 230 residents from three communities in Wangjing, and over 90 percent of respondents were South Korean.


  • 帕特森研究结果是公布的,结果显示冰岛定居者刚刚到来几十年后,大约在公元970年前后,场严寒让他们陷入困境。

    Patterson’s findings, published in March, suggest that Viking settlers in Iceland ran into trouble when a cool period hit around A.D. 970, just a few decades after they arrived.


  • 巴马参议员维尔群岛稍事休息之后星期前往北卡罗来纳州恢复竞选活动。

    Senator Obama will resume his campaign with a visit to North Carolina on Wednesday after a short vacation in the Virgin Islands.


  • 第二分别来自中国外交学院的张和来自香港理工大学获得。

    The second and third places went to Zhang Jing, a sophomore from China Foreign Affairs University, and Zhang a Xu, from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, respectively.


  • 一周之前,制咳嗽痰喘丸经销商EKONG国际公布上个月召回通知,至今为止,依然分之一的产品没有召回

    The week aheadEkong International (UK) Ltd, which distributes the tablets, issued a recall last month but more than three-quarters of the stock has still not been returned.


  • 韩国鲜电讯公司表示,定制此项服务用户只需花3000韩元(合2.50美元)便可下载一种声波。 这种声波可以英尺范围内驱赶蚊虫,而不见

    SK Telecom Co. said subscribers can pay 3, 000 won (US.50) to download a sound wave that is inaudible to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of three feet.


  • 执导音乐剧橘子爱情正在蜂巢剧场上演,演出将持续到3月初。

    Chinese romantic musical, "The Love of Three Oranges," is running at the Beijing Fengchao Theater. Directed by Meng Jinghui, the drama is based on an ancient European fairy tale.


  • 另外考古学最近加拿大发掘了疑似的维遗址

    Additionally there are three possible Viking sites that archaeologists have recently excavated in Canada.


  • 铁路铁路,每天常规列车通过一对旅游专列空调车往返之间。

    Beijing railway has the original railway, every day through three pairs of conventional trains, a pair of train travel round-trip air-conditioned car in Beijing - brook sources.


  • 加东渥太华蒙特利尔魁北克士顿,千岛湖,周五下午回多伦多。

    East canada three days tour ottawa montreal quebec city kingston thousand islands.


  • 天然气输气管线设计,结合管线具体情况所进行全面技术经济对比,选用PE防腐

    In the design of Shaan Jing gas pipeline, in the light of the concrete condition and the overall technical and economic contrast, three ply PE external anti corrosion layer has been adopted.


  • 巴西固氮螺菌8018菌株菌肥拌黔单46玉米种子于普定县块田村进行田间应用实验。

    The yield response of two common corn cultivars (Qiandan NO. 4 and Jingza NO. 6) to inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense strain 8018 was studied under field condition in Puding county.


  • 加东渥太华蒙特利尔魁北克士顿,千岛湖,周五下午回多伦多。

    East canada three days tour ottawa montreal quebec city kingston thousand islands .


  • 物流形象主要颜色构成从上下依次是橘黄色图标绿色英文缩写黑色的中文名。

    Beijing Railway Logistics LOGO are three colors, top to bottom: the orange icons, green and black of the English abbreviation of Chinese names.


  • 部分第四部分是国家社科基金项目组以及地区调研过程进行了阐述对调研结果进行了分析。

    In the third and fourth part, the thesis will introduce and analyze the investigation conducted by National Social and Scientific Fund Program inside and outside Beijing.


  • 乘坐人工轮车刚刚刚刚停稳便一度正步上去,大洋到了车夫手心

    Beijing on artificial tricycle just los stationary, and he just once just step jump to a piece of the ocean, fall to the driver "s palm."


  • 参加“绒花”、穗艺术家邀请展上海

    Participate in the Velvet Flowers --- Invitation Exhibition of Woman Artists from Peking, Shanhai, Guangzhou, Shanghai;


  • 园区距高速出口8公里台高速,驱车30分钟,即达刘家窑

    It is only 8 kilometers away from the exit of Jingtai Expressway, just taking 30 minutes' drive to Liujiayao Bridge of Beijing S. 3rd Ring Road by way of Jingtai Expressway.


  • 预告里可以看到可怕残杀,而郎纳行进船上装点骷髅

    Some of the gruesome killings can be seen in the Season 3 trailer for "Vikings" as Ragnar travels on a boat decorated with skulls.


  • 本文研究对象是、昆传统戏中的疯子形象根据传统文化对疯癫的解释其分为真、装疯准疯大类,并由此展开对人物的分析。

    The Analysis on Mad Figures in The Traditional Peking Opera and Kunju Opera This article will take a close look at the mad figures in the traditional Peking and Kunju opera.


  • 小说创作主要包含小说题材:其一,关于外乡人漂泊的“漂”小说

    Xu Zechen's novels consist mainly of three types of fictions:the first fiction is about "outlanders living in Beijing";


  • 小说创作主要包含小说题材:其一,关于外乡人漂泊的“漂”小说

    Xu Zechen's novels consist mainly of three types of fictions:the first fiction is about "outlanders living in Beijing";


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