• 2010东丽泛太平洋网球公开赛官方的球员亲笔活动(包括伊达公子莎拉波娃沃兹尼亚奇扬科维奇德门蒂耶娃齐亚沃尼,拉德万·卡,兹沃娜列娃萨芬娜奈良久留美):250,000日元

    Toray PPO official program with player autographs (Date-Krumm, Sharapova, Wozniacki, Jankovic, Dementieva, Schiavone, Radwanska, Zvonareva, Safina, Nara) : 250, 000 yen.


  • 作为中情局和这些家庭联络人,本·德费利多年来他们——尤其是唐尼母亲——进行过成千上万次的电话交流

    As the Agency's point of contact for the families, Ben DeFelice held thousands of phone conversations over the years, especially with Downey's mother.


  • 史蒂夫凯尔万德。齐尔一家人哈奇门廊上。

    Steve, Joan and Kyle Vander Ziels on the back porch of the Hatches'.


  • 凯尔万德。齐尔只鸡哈奇夫妇院里。

    Kyle Vander Ziel with one of their chickens in the back yard of the Hatches.


  • 题目学者们推论情节可能塞万提的《唐吉》有关,因为后者有一角色名字就是卡迪·尼奥

    From the title, scholars infer that the plot had something to do with a scene in Miguel DE Cervantes' Don Quixote involving a character named Cardenio.


  • 残雪作品确实属于现代主义但是曾经早期作家影响过例如塞万提的《唐吉可德》。

    CX: My works do belong to modernism, but I was also influenced by earlier writers, such Cervantes's Don Quixote.


  • 每个万圣节瑞德坚持要扮成女巫,于是乔布劳伦艾琳伊芙只好陪他一起扮巫士

    When Reed insisted on dressing up as a witch every Halloween, Steve, Laurene, Erin and eve all went wiccan.


  • IDC公司杰德·凯拉米勒,1996至2006年期间,服务器数量由600万增加2,800万台,每个服务器平均能耗150w增长至400w。

    Between 1996 and 2006, says Jed Scaramella of IDC, the number of servers in use went from 6m to 28m and the average power consumption of each server grew from 150 watts to 400 watts.


  • 帕梅拉·米尔本,安妮·万巴赫索尼·娅库德,亚当是一些重要朋友生活不能用只言片语说清。

    Pamela Milburn, Anne Wambach and Sonia Coode-Adams were all important friends who do not get a single sentence in his life


  • 洛克奥古·学院威廉·哈默领导第二小组比尔德·莫尔冰川附近1.3万英尺山顶发现了距今有两亿年的食草恐龙化石

    A second team led by William Hammer of Augustana College in Rock Island found the 200 million-year-old plant-eater's fossils on a mountaintop 13,000 feet high near the Beardmore Glacier.


  • 德沃能够提供资金仅有1000万,但却要求公共财政提供2000万。

    The family offered to chip in only $10 million but asked for $200 million in public money.


  • 弗蒂会计师吕克·德贾丁告诉说拉弗蒂总共花费超过100万美元,但那幅没有卖出

    Lafferty's accountant, Luc Desjardins, told me that altogether Lafferty spent well over a million dollars-but the painting never sold.


  • 法律文件来看,原告克雷格默尔伍德声称2004年2009年天堂ii的时间已经超过两万小时

    In court documents, plaintiff Craig Smallwood claims he played the game Lineage II for over 20,000 hours during a six-year period from 2004 to 2009.


  • 在美国圣地亚哥的卡尔巴德·圣马科都会人口300万。

    The San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos metropolitan area has a population of around 3-million.


  • 格林加德用所得40万美元,成立一个新的奖项尔·美特·格林加德

    Greengard invested the entire sum of his winnings, about $400, 000, to establish a new award: the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize.


  • 瑞士人获得了这项赛事2003- 04,2006 - 07以及2010年冠军,与皮特·桑普拉伊万·伦德尔齐名,是历史上获得5次冠军的仅有3个人。

    The Swiss won the title in 2003-04, 2006-07 and in 2010, when he joined Pete Sampras and Ivan Lendl as the only five-time winners of the event.


  • 阿拉莫国家实验室地质学者沃德·盖布·瑞尔采集化石挖掘地点上层下层火山土壤层分析测定其年代440万年前

    Geologist Giday WoldeGabriel of Los Alamos National Laboratory was able to use volcanic layers above and below the fossil to date it to 4.4 million years ago.


  • 开始为:海伦·米兰(身着薇薇安·伍德设计的礼服);莎朗·(身着迪奥礼服);希拉里·万克(身着古琦礼服)以及海莲·伯翰·卡特

    From left: Helen Mirren wearing Vivienne Westwood; Sharon Stone in Dior; Hilary Swank in Gucci Premiere; Helena Bonham Carter.


  • 具体说来陪审团认为德鲁女士未经授权进入电脑系统罪名成立,这三次指的是德鲁女士以乔什·伊万名字登录MySpace发布欺骗性信息。

    Specifically, the jury found Ms. Drew guilty of accessing a computer without authorization on three occasions, a reference to the fraudulent postings on MySpace in the name of Josh Evans.


  • 基金会创始人、附属教堂的负责人、80岁的雷夫•塞西尔威廉姆牧师一次访谈中巴菲特午餐的收益占格莱德基金会1700万美元年度预算十分之一。

    The Rev. Cecil Williams, 80, who founded Glide and leads its affiliated church, said in an interview that Buffett's lunch covers about one-tenth of Glide's $17 million annual budget


  • 该法案由犹他州共和党人参议员里德·穆特俄勒冈共和党人众议员威利·霍利提出,主张提高美国2万多种进口商品关税

    The tariff, championed by Sen. Reed Smoot, R-Utah, and Rep. Willis Hawley, R-Ore., raised U.S. tariffs on more than 20, 000 imported goods.


  • 厄德成就在于设计了一个气候可控玻璃穹顶,可以让4万阿拉居民置身于封闭社区虽然这个设想最终未能付诸实施。

    Seward's Success, while never built, was designed to enclose a community of 40, 000 Alaskan residents beneath a climate-controlled glass dome.


  • 即使是明亮的行星黑斑卡查德小姐这样眼睛只能看到细微的缺陷星球万丈光芒视而不见

    Even the brightest planets also have this kind of dark spots, and miss Scatcherd that eyes can only see subtle defects, but turned a blind eye rays of the planet.


  • 上一次提到佛洛伊德不是无缘无故,才引述恩比特克拉陈述:宇宙万物上帝最为纯朴无知因为懂得什么叫恨

    I mentioned last time that it's no accident Freud arms himself with Empedocles' statement that God must be the most ignorant of all beings, since he does not know hatred.


  • 塔法星球欧比万·克决斗时身受重创,如今只能依靠这套服装内的各种装置维持生命,可说是“三分人类,七分机器”。

    Critically injured in a lightsaber battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, Vader became "more machine than man, " kept alive only by the devices built into his suit.


  • 人们普遍认为,鲁德维克爵士所写的有关伊万的《雷灵10号》一书英国取消死刑了推动作用

    Sir Ludovic's book about Evans, "10 Rillington Place", is widely said to have played a part in ending capital punishment in Britain.


  • 仍然未来强敌万磁王迈克尔宾德)的最好朋友

    He's still best friends with future nemesis Magneto (Jane Eyre's Michael Fassbender), and he helps defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis.


  • 想逗弄必须小心可能---米盖尔。塞万提西班牙作家

    Those who'll play with cats may be scratched---Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish author.


  • 想逗弄必须小心可能---米盖尔。塞万提西班牙作家

    Those who'll play with cats may be scratched---Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish author.


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