• 笔5美元赏金用以悬赏阿瓦雷博士人头

    A bounty of $50,000 was put on Dr. Alvarez's head.


  • 格拉哥市中心,车主约翰·安德森和他的同事卡罗·劳伦回到那辆价值3.5英镑的车时,他们震惊地发现车旁边站着两名警察。

    When the car's owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to the car—which was itself worth £35, 000—in Glasgow city center, they were shocked to find two policemen standing next to it.


  • 戈登忠诚尔斯成千跟随小弟剩下了。

    GORDON: Most loyal Balls, now only you remain Of all the thousands who once flattered me.


  • 史蒂夫。齐尔斯一家人哈奇门廊上。

    Steve, Joan and Kyle Vander Ziels on the back porch of the Hatches'.


  • 。齐尔斯只鸡哈奇夫妇院里。

    Kyle Vander Ziel with one of their chickens in the back yard of the Hatches.


  • 墨瑞·尔斯一位纽约市公共关系执行官作家去年也经历了类似暑假儿子伏蒙特大学读完第一回家

    Meryl Pearlstein, a New York City public relations executive and writer, experienced that last summer when her son, Evan, returned home after freshman year at the University of Vermont.


  • 想想看吧,曼谷巴西成千以模仿为生,而上次看到毕加索的印象派画作什么时候的事呢?

    Consider that thousands of human beings, from Bangkok to Brazil, make their living by pretending to be Elvis Presley. When was the last time you saw a good impression of Picasso?


  • 长着头篷松头发弗兰西人伊·记得年前兄弟瑞恩驾驶一辆1981产的VW大巴车驶哥伦比亚的这座城市。

    Evan Dore, a shaggy-haired native of San Francisco, remembers driving through this part of Colombia four years ago with his brother, Ryan, in a 1981 VW bus.


  • 佩里州长高度赞扬了其他沿岸地区成千上居民风暴来临之前,成功、有序地转移到了其他地区。

    Governor Perry hailed the pre-storm evacuation process in which hundreds-of-thousands of people left Galveston and other coastal areas in an orderly fashion days before the storm.


  • 加那利曼查风车米格·唐吉柯德》书著名俘虏当时,那位爱管闲事的骑士唐吉柯德认为风车巨人,因而向它发起冲击。

    La Mancha's windmills were famously captured in Miguel DE Cervantes's Don Quixote, when the bumbling knight of the title rushes the windmills, thinking they're giants.


  • 弗雷研究公司的无线产品分析师尔斯.是个怀疑论者

    Charles Golvin, a wireless analyst at Forrester Research, is a skeptic.


  • 阿什莉·蒂饰演的角色蓓·伊毕业闪亮的粉色长袍来弥补在毕业舞会没有舞伴的事情(弟弟可能合适)。

    Ashley Tisdale's character, Sharpay Evans, makes up for not having a PROM date (bringing her brother might not be appropriate) by buying a pink sparkly gown for graduation.


  • 节目主持人·赛尔斯是个重要问题是谁或是什么创造天地

    LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: It's the fundamental question: who or what created the universe?


  • 尔斯至少有7已经无家可归

    Eeles says at least 70,000 people have been displaced.


  • 尔斯至少有7已经无家可归

    Eeles says at least 70, 000 people have been displaced.


  • 最近3我们输送石勒苏益格-尔斯泰因汉堡医院1.2单位血清,而正常数量800—1000单位。

    In the last 3 weeks we had to deliver 12, 000 units of blood plasma to the hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, the normal amount is 800-1000 units.


  • 上周日,“猫王”埃·普雷纪念品拍卖会惊倒所有竞拍者,这位已故摇滚乐头发1.83美元的高价拍出,衬衫则拍得6.2美元。

    An auction of Elvis Presley memorabilia got bidders all shook up Sunday, with a clump of the late King of Rock and Roll's hair selling for 18,300 dollars and one of his shirts for 62,000 dollars.


  • 法律文件来看,原告克雷格伍德声称2004年2009年天堂ii的时间已经超过小时

    In court documents, plaintiff Craig Smallwood claims he played the game Lineage II for over 20,000 hours during a six-year period from 2004 to 2009.


  • 格林加德用所得40美元,成立一个新的奖项·美特·格林加德

    Greengard invested the entire sum of his winnings, about $400, 000, to establish a new award: the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize.


  • 瑞士人获得了这项赛事2003- 04,2006 - 07以及2010年冠军,与皮特·桑普拉·伦德齐名,是历史上获得5次冠军的仅有3个人。

    The Swiss won the title in 2003-04, 2006-07 and in 2010, when he joined Pete Sampras and Ivan Lendl as the only five-time winners of the event.


  • 阿拉莫国家实验室地质学者沃德·盖布·瑞采集化石挖掘地点上层下层火山土壤层分析测定其年代440年前

    Geologist Giday WoldeGabriel of Los Alamos National Laboratory was able to use volcanic layers above and below the fossil to date it to 4.4 million years ago.


  • 2008年11月苏福宇宙之星国际公司开始价值180美元的订单供应36架气球飞艇美军它们部署伊拉克

    In November 2008 Aerostar International of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, began filling a $1.8m order for 36 blimps to be deployed by the American armed forces in Iraq.


  • 三千多位忧心如焚的居民最近走上街头抗议,要求将处拥有两八千居民净地作为生态旅游中心,不要沦为淘金城。

    More than 3,000 worried Esquel residents recently took to the streets in protests aimed at assuring that their neat community of 28,000 beco mes an ecotourism center, not a gold-rush town.


  • 尔斯联合国儿童基金会到目前为止已经居住临时安置点中的1多人提供了救援物品。目前正在努力让55千位灾民获得援助。

    Eeles says UNICEF so far has provided relief items to more than 10,000 people in temporary settlements and is seeking to reach 55,000 affected people in total.


  • 尔斯联合国儿童基金会到目前为止已经居住临时安置点中的1多人提供了救援物品。目前正在努力让55千位灾民获得援助。

    Eeles says UNICEF so far has provided relief items to more than 10,000 people in temporary settlements and is seeking to reach 55,000 affected people in total.


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