• 年以来,一只鸟一直来同一个地方筑巢。

    For seven years a bird had come and built her nest in the same place.


  • 去年,英国离婚数量年以来首次上升

    The number of divorces rose for the first time in seven years last year.


  • 年以来第四圣诞对话。

    It will mark the fourth time in seven years the two teams have met on Christmas Day.


  • 同一个季度公司公布年以来头一损失

    During that same quarter, the company reported a net loss for the first time in seven years.


  • 重庆城市化水平直辖以来稳步提高,取得飞速发展

    Urbanization level of Chongqing is improving steadily and developing speedily within the seven years in directly under the jurisdiction of the central government.


  • 中国去年第四季度GPD增长率至6.8%,以来最低位。

    China's GDP growth fell to 6.8% in the year to the fourth quarter, the slowest pace for seven years.


  • 七年以来经过,报导期间有几十万超过一百万伊拉克市民牺牲

    During that period reportedly hundreds of thousands to over a million of Iraq citizens had been sacrificed.


  • 已经以来第一次接触英语那以后这些可爱的字母生活带来快乐奇迹

    It has been seven years since I first got in touch with English and ever since then, these cute little letters have brought joy and wonder to my life.


  • 十月,日本央行施行了年以来第一降息,利率0.5%降至0.3%,估计不久还会再次降息

    At the end of October the central bank cut rates for the first time in seven years, from 0.5% to 0.3%, and another cut looks likely before long.


  • 想对你们致以谢意,感谢你们的出色工作年以来我们合作一直友善坦诚稳健、互敬富有建设性的。

    I should pay tribute to all of you, thank you for your excellent work. In the past seven years, our cooperation has always been friendly, frank, stable and constructive.


  • 本周末播放了津巴布韦新闻,罗伯特·穆加贝,这位83高龄的强人,已抵达里斯本(Lisbon)参加欧盟峰会,这是穆加贝(受制裁)年以来首次出席该会议。

    Zimbabwe is in the news this weekend as its 83-year-old strongman, Robert Mugabe, arrives in Lisbon to attend his first European Union summit meeting in seven years.


  • 调查公司尼尔森”称,2003以来CBS(哥伦比亚广播公司)观众年龄中位数增长,而ABC(美国广播公司)NBC(美国全国广播公司)则增长了年,福克斯电视台更是增长了七年

    Since 2003 the median age of a prime-time CBS viewer has increased by three years, according to Nielsen, a research firm. Viewers of ABC and NBC are five years older; Fox's, seven and a half.


  • 从这起调查开始以来现在我们一直与有关方面合作

    We have been cooperating now for six or seven years, the time this investigation has been ongoing.


  • 扩散安全倡议”提出以来时间里大约有100个国家加入倡议

    Nearly 100 countries have joined the loose PSI coalition since its inception seven years ago.


  • 没有节假日的十一月该国工业产量增长创纪录放缓其出口也出现以来首次下跌

    The country's factory output grew at a record slow pace for a non-holiday month in the year to November and exports declined for the first time in more than seven years.


  • 自从第一次荧屏上露面以来侦探史一直都是7的样子,的年龄来计算的话(人的一约相当于狗的七年),现在已经245岁了。

    Canine crimefighter Scooby-Doo may have remained seven years old on screen since he first appeared - but in dog years he would be 245 by now.


  • 自2005年非洲一家孔子学院落户肯尼亚以来,孔子学院非洲已走过七年的风雨历程。

    In 2005, the first Confucius Institute in Africa was set up in Kenya.


  • 塔里木河下游2000年第一应急输水以来进行了七次应急输水,总输水量达到20。

    From the first emergency water transfer in 2000, the lower reaches of the Tarim River, has carried on seven times during the seven years and the total water transfer quantity achieved 2.


  • 以来伊拉克足球队首次自己的国土上踢球并且赢得了胜利

    For the first time in more than seven years, the Iraqi national team was playing at home and they won.


  • 公司成立以来连续七年评为中国大影响力企业”,2009年,荣获中国水利部“年度水务知名企业”称号。

    General Water of China has been continuously awarded as Top Ten Most Influential Water Company from 2003 to 2009, awarded as Famous Water Company in 2009 by the Ministry of Water Resources of China.


  • 公司成立以来连续七年评为中国大影响力企业”,2009年,荣获中国水利部“年度水务知名企业”称号。

    General Water of China has been continuously awarded as Top Ten Most Influential Water Company from 2003 to 2009, awarded as Famous Water Company in 2009 by the Ministry of Water Resources of China.


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