• 英国一项报告表明该国大多数濒临灭绝野生物种松鼠当地小龙虾正在惊人速度消失。

    Some of Britain's most endangered wildlife, from red squirrels to native crayfish, are vanishing from the countryside at an alarming rate, a report warns.


  • 最近一项报告表明空气污染状况不容乐观

    A report published recently brings bad news about aire pollution.


  • 英国一项报告表明该国大多数濒临灭绝野生物种——松鼠当地小龙虾——正在惊人速度消失。

    Some of Britain's most endangered wildlife - from red squirrels to native crayfish - are vanishing from the countryside at an alarming rate, a report warns.


  • 报告表明就像网球高尔夫肘”,对自拍的高度着迷导致主要用于拍照的肘关节疼痛

    Like tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, an  addiction 2 to selfie-taking can cause a pain in your primary pic-snapping elbow, according to a report.


  • 依据英国《独立报》的报告表明诸如可口可乐雪碧胡椒博士芬达减肥百事等饮料发现普通防腐剂造成严重细胞损伤

    A common preservative found in drinks such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Fanta and Diet Pepsi and may cause serious cell damage, according to a report in Britain's The Independent.


  • 一项针对图坦卡蒙木乃伊最新分析表明,这位年轻的法老患有严重骨科疟疾,这研究报告发表美国医学会杂志上。

    New analysis of the mummy of king Tut, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, shows that the boy king had severe bone disease and malaria. Christopher Intagliata reports.


  • 一项新的报告表明它们真的孩子既有好处有风险

    And a new report suggests they can have real benefits and risks for children.


  • 根据最新一项研究报告表明地球上空的大气臭氧层开始停止变薄

    The ozone layer in Earth's upper atmosphere has stopped thinning, concludes a new report.


  • 2009年发布篇有关当前跑鞋研究报告发现没有一项基于实例的研究可以表明跑鞋确实有助于防止受伤

    A review of current studies on running shoes published in 2009 found that there were no evidence-based studies that showed running shoes actually helped prevent injury.


  • 一项美国研究报告表明年轻的网民逐渐失去对传统的博客兴趣倾向用更短小更轻便手机来进行沟通。

    A US study has indicated that younger internet users are losing interest in blogging and switching to shorter and more mobile forms of communication.


  • 这些统计来自英国国家统计发布的一项最新报告。 该报告表明,英国男性女性健康工作方面存在很大差异

    This comes as a new report by the Office for National Statistics uncovers wide discrepancies in men and women's health and working lives.


  • 研究人员报告称,韩国严格全面研究表明美国和其他国家,自闭症的患病率可能之前预想的要高很多

    The study, being published Monday in the American Journal of Psychiatry, suggests that, under rigorous examination, many more children may be affected than previously suspected.


  • 国际金融公司进出口银行的这提供支持之前,也2007年发布研究报告表明坦桑尼亚妇女面临金融行业巨大障碍。

    IFC's support for the Exim Bank program followed an IFC study published in 2007 showing women in Tanzania faced major hurdles in the financial sector.


  • 日本四大手机运营商做的一项研究报告却发现没有证据表明来自手机无线电波人体细胞或者脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)造成损害

    But a study by Japan’s four mobile telephone operators found no evidence that radio waves from the phones harmed cells or DNA.


  • 最近发布一项研究报告表明,居住非洲南部的史前人类发明了远胜过欧洲旧石器时代的高超方法,此方法可把石头刮削锋利器具

    Prehistoric people in southern Africa developed a highly skilled way of shaping stones into sharp-edged tools long before Europeans did, suggested a study released recently.


  • 孩子身体告诉他他已经饱了的时候,不要强迫你孩子继续吃下去。 发表美国饮食协会杂志》上的一项研究报告表明家长们不应该再让孩子记住那条曾经的主流餐桌规定——“不许剩饭!”

    A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association suggests that parents stop teaching their children the once popular cardinal rule of the dinner table, ” clean your plate, eat it all”.


  • 47一项报告表明男性女性对于疼痛感受是有显著差异的,医生止痛药方时候应该考虑到这种差异。

    47a new report suggests that men and women experience pain very differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing pain medications.


  • 公司同时援引外国咨询公司所作的5研究报告,它们表明系列水库落成之后,增加孔加附近地区的可用水源

    The firm also cites five studies by foreign consultants, which show that the project would increase the water available for Conga’s neighbours once a series of reservoirs are built.


  • 指着一项研究报告问道,那份报告表明,20世纪90年代哈佛毕业生那些80年代的容易进入金融业

    "He asked, pointing to a study indicating Harvard graduates from the early 1990s were far more likely to go into finance than were those who had graduated a decade earlier."


  • 事实上这些公开分享星探报告表明哈佛学子进行一项我们都很擅长活动:给彼此评分归类

    But in fact those publicly Shared scouting reports show Harvard students engaging in an activity at which we excel: rating and categorizing one another.


  • 本周公布研究报告表明由于“互联网Web 2.0方面的政策存在真空”,使得Youtube上充斥着赞成烟草内容

    A study released this week describes an "Internet policy vacuum on Web 2.0" that's left YouTube rife with pro-tobacco content.


  • 调查报告证实了这个假设报告表明20世纪70年代大量灰尘到了喜马拉雅山冰川上,而且就在时期许多欧洲国家制定了净化空气的法规

    That hypothesis is supported by the observation that soot levels fell during the 1970s, a period when many European countries enacted clean-air regulations.


  • 今年早些时候苏格兰特许会计师协会(ICAS委托研究报告表明,四大的“男性企业文化使得女性很难事业个人生活之间保持平衡。

    A study commissioned by ICAS earlier this year claimed that the 'macho' culture of firms makes it hard for women to balance career and private life.


  • 一项报告表明男性女性对于疼痛感受是有显著差异的,医生止痛药方时候应该考虑到这种差异。

    A new report suggests that men and women experience pain very differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing pain medications.


  • 消费者报告最近公布一项研究表明跑车混合动力车型主流车型目前消费者喜爱的车型。

    Our readers love sporty cars, hybrids, and ones that are out of the mainstream. That"s the message from our most recent Annual Auto Survey, conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center."


  • 消费者报告最近公布一项研究表明跑车混合动力车型主流车型目前消费者喜爱的车型。

    Our readers love sporty cars, hybrids, and ones that are out of the mainstream. That"s the message from our most recent Annual Auto Survey, conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center."


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