• 这只是项小研究但是重要的研究理查森辛辛那提心理学副教授说道

    "It's one study, but it's a great study," said Michael Richardson, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Cincinnati.


  • 一项研究表明,健身房里折腾之后肌肉酸痛,咖啡减轻。当然如果经常牛饮咖啡效果就不太明显,因为已经产生免疫作用

    A small study had shown that 2 cups of coffee alleviated the pain of post-gym muscle pain. Those of you who are big drinkers, you may be immune.


  • 科学》最近发表的一项研究发现,在6岁时,女孩说自己性别的成员“非常、非常聪明”的可能性比男孩

    A study recently published by Science found that as young as age six, girls are less likely than boys to say that members of their gender are "really, really smart".


  • 第二次怀孕期间自己阅读研究发现孕期海鲜食用量妇女有可能生育智商言语测试得分低下孩子

    During her second pregnancy, she read about a study that found that women who ate little seafood during pregnancy were more likely to have children who scored low on tests of verbal I.Q..


  • 新的研究显示分别生活正在南北极须鲸不知为何相会并生出混血鲸,而且可能不止生出了头。

    They may be polar opposites, but something is attracting two species of minke whales, producing at least one hybrid offspring, a new study says.


  • 刊载科学杂志上的研究表明工作得头昏脑胀时打个盹儿,让人头脑清醒,并巩固所学效果。

    Because a new study in the journal Science shows that a quick snooze after a mental workout helps to consolidate learning.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道,英国最近研究表明,身上痣越多骨骼越强健,皱纹越少可以让他们看起来比实际年龄7

    A recent study shows that people with more moles have tougher bones and fewer wrinkles, which helped them to look up to 7 years younger, the Daily Mail of London reported.


  • 一项新的全面研究显示老虎狮子豹子美洲虎之间的联系远三者互相之间的联系

    Tigers are less closely related to lions, leopards and jaguars than these other big cats are to each other, according to a new comprehensive study.


  • 例如其中研究就是应用技术10分钟牧场里18头牛头顶甲烷浓度

    For instance in one study, the technique was used to take repeated measurements of methane concentration every 10 minutes directly above the height of the 18 cattle in the paddock.


  • 我们可能没有什么办法彻底摆脱感冒不过一项新的研究告诉我们定期锻炼身体似乎感冒的几率要很多,并且即使得了也会些。

    There may not be a cure for the common cold, but people who exercise regularly seem to have fewer and milder colds, a new study suggests.


  • 我们知道大象不是真的老鼠但是一项新的研究显示它们真正害怕的是比老鼠N倍的蚂蚁

    We all know that elephants aren’t really scared of mice. But a new study shows that they’re really not crazy about something even smaller: ants.


  • 另外熊猫安全(Panda Security)公司进行研究发现大概三分之中型企业被来自于FacebookTwitter社会化网络恶意软件所感染。

    But another study, by Panda Security, found that about a third of small and medium-sized businesses had been infected with malware originating from social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.


  • 一项新的研究那些自我感觉实际年龄的人可能比那些自我感觉比实际年龄大的更加长寿

    People who feel younger than their actual chronological age may live longer than those who feel older than they truly are, a new study says.


  • 美国一项新的研究已发现比例动脉斑块致命引起心脏病发作中风原因以及大多数其它动脉斑块是良性的、明显危害的原因。

    A new US study found why a very small proportion of arterial plaques become deadly and lead to heart attack or stroke and why the vast majority others stay benign and apparently do no harm.


  • 一项研究中,研究人员鉴定1型糖尿病青少年瞳孔12年后微白蛋白尿视网膜病之间关系。

    In a separate study, researchers identified a predictive relationship between small pupil size in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and the presence of microalbuminuria and retinopathy 12 years later.


  • 新的研究发现促发乳腺癌细胞肆意侵袭其他细胞的分子

    A new study has found that a tiny molecule can trigger breast cancer cells to go on an invasive rampage.


  • 90年代末印度研究指出这种植物年内造成超过500人死亡

    A study from the late 90s done in India stated this little plant contributed to over 500 deaths in a single year.


  • 新的研究显示男性喝咖啡或者什么都不喝的男性腰围但是同样结论女性成立

    A new study shows that men who drink more than two cups of tea a day have trimmer waistlines than men who drink coffee or nothing at all. But the same doesn't hold true for women.


  • 肾脏肿瘤冷冻消融术立即活检组织病理学结果关于50个病例回顾性研究

    Histopathologic findings of small renal tumor biopsies performed immediately after cryoablation therapy: a retrospective study of 50 cases.


  • 尽管研究没有证明卧室里的电视机导致成绩差,但是这增加了发现语出惊人不应该他们卧室电视。

    While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores, it adds to accumulating findings that children shouldn't have TVs in their bedrooms.


  • 最近一项坦桑尼亚研究发现如果孕妇每天服用维他命,婴儿很少非常的。

    A recent study in Tanzania found that when pregnant women took vitamins everyday, fewer babies were born too small.


  • 红外序列图像运动目标检测技术红外搜索跟踪系统核心技术,也是现代研究领域的大难题。

    The detection of small moving targets in infrared image sequences is one of the critical technologies of infrared Search and Tracking System (IRST).


  • 挪威进行一项完整关于不同筑坝材料石坝稳定研究目,研究溃决问题

    In order to study issues related to small dam-break, a series of studies about the stability of earth-rock DAMS that use varies materials for dam construction were conducted in Norway.


  • 摘要关于葡萄酒研究层出不穷,近日一项新的研究公布结果了,快跟着起来看看吧!

    ABSTRACT: There are so many researches of wine and a new research result has been revealed recently. Read this article and you'll know what this research is about.


  • 一项发表医学期刊《ReproductiveHealth》的研究显示,在产程开始之前孕妇的活动就可以影响她们镇痛剂需求

    A small study published in the medical journal Reproductive Health suggests that women can influence their risk for needing pain relief long before labor starts.


  • 最近研究中,在纽约Bronx动物园中,8英尺高镜子放置围栏边,大象头上被涂上个标记

    In one recent study an 8ft mirror was placed in the elephant enclosure at New York's Bronx Zoo and the elephants had marks painted on their heads.


  • 一项新的研究那些自我感觉实际年龄可能那些自我感觉比实际年龄大的人更加长寿

    People who feel younger than their actual chronological1 age may live longer than those who feel older than they truly are, a new study says.


  • 一项新的研究那些自我感觉实际年龄可能那些自我感觉比实际年龄大的人更加长寿

    People who feel younger than their actual chronological1 age may live longer than those who feel older than they truly are, a new study says.


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