• 这些基金至少保证一部分非洲获得基本经济保障。

    These funds will ensure some African people at least an economic base.


  • 由于非洲农业仍然普遍缺乏生产力,所以粮食需要进口,消耗一部分收入

    Since African agriculture is still broadly unproductive, food is imported, consuming a portion of revenue.


  • 参观纳什维尔号非洲合作驻扎」计画一部分起源于美国提倡国际安全想法但是训练团队包涵欧洲各国

    The visit of the Nashville is part of the “Africa Partnership Station”, an international security idea promoted by America but including training teams from Europe.


  • 巫术魔法贯穿了多数非洲信仰并且巫术视作是日常生活一部分

    Throughout much of Africa belief in magic and witchcraft is common, and black magic is considered part of everyday life.


  • 50年前当时新兴非洲独立国家继承下来公路铁路基础设施,现在很大一部分都已经年久失修

    A large part of the road and rail infrastructure inherited by newly independent African countries about 50 years ago has fallen into disrepair.


  • 作为研讨会一部分大约50名与会者聚集世界银行总部一个房间里,就非洲金融前景展开了激烈的辩论。

    As part of the seminar, some 50 participants packed a small room at World Bank headquarters and engaged in a lively debate about Africa's financial future.


  • 这些规则状条纹属于舍什沙漠一部分,位于非洲阿尔及利亚西南部荒凉沙海,不断吹拂大风创造无数漂移不定、呈线性沙丘

    These patterned stripes are part of Erg Chech, a desolate sand sea in southwestern Algeria, Africa, where the prevailing winds create an endlessly shifting collage of large, linear sand dunes.


  • 这种支持全球黄热病行动一部分行动的目标是预防灾难性的黄热病流行非洲获取足够的黄热病疫苗供应

    This support is part of the global Yellow Fever Initiative which aims to prevent devastating yellow fever epidemics and secure adequate yellow fever vaccine supply for Africa.


  • 有人非洲民族联盟争取下届选举一部分也许明年非洲民族联盟就一贯的民粹主义作风来谴责西方国家津巴布韦造成所有弊病

    Some say this is part of Zanu-PF's plan to fight the next election, perhaps as early as next year, on its usual populist platform, blaming the West for all Zimbabwe's ills.


  • 要求欧盟提供一部分资金帮助非洲解决气候变化问题比如说建立一个相应基金

    The African Union has asked the European Union to provide some financial assistance to help Africa address the challenges of climate change, for instance, to set up a fund for that purpose.


  • 非洲角海上安全中心“阿塔兰塔”军事行动一部分欧盟海军2008年末成立该中心打击海盗行为。

    The Northwood centre was established in late 2008 as part of Operation Atalanta, a European Union (EU) naval initiative against Somali piracy.


  • 分割9块钻石其中包括530克拉非洲之星”,现在皇冠珠宝中的一部分

    It was cut into nine major stones, including the 530-carat Star of Africa, now a part of the Crown Jewels.


  • 安德鲁(Andrew)批评其他外国人只当游客,也会责难自己浅薄的非洲经验不过占有欲不是其中的一部分

    Andrew may judge other foreigners for being tourists and decry his own "Africa-lite" experience, but a sense of possessiveness is not a part of the equation.


  • 他们远离非洲的过程中丢失一部分遗传变异,”Rosenberg

    So there is a loss of genetic diversity with the distance from Africa, " Rosenberg said.


  • 有一些非洲部落做为得到他们所爱灵魂一部分并且与灵魂或部分共生的方法。

    Some African tribes did it as a means of taking the spirit, or part of their loved one, and incorporating it into their own being.


  • 大象斑马羚羊只是非洲南部喀拉哈里沙漠长途跋涉,来到北方富饶三角洲一部分动物而已。

    Elephants, zebras and antelope are just some of the animals that make the trek from the Kalahari Desert in the south to the nutrient rich delta in the north.


  • 参与到弗雷德里克·道格拉斯、布鲁克·t .·华盛顿理查德·怀特文学见证行动过程马尔科姆成为了美国非洲文学重要流派一部分

    By joining Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and Richard Wright in the act of literary testimony, Malcolm became part of the most essential genre of African-American literature.


  • 它们的海岸线不是非洲板块一部分

    Their coastline is not part of the African Plate.


  • 马上得出结论非洲国内一部分妖魔化了。至少亚的斯亚贝巴给了一个惊喜要比想象很多很多

    I immediately concluded that Africa have been demonized by some people in China. Addis Ababa, at least, gave me a surprise, much better than I imagined.


  • 研究认为非洲早期人类在大约8万年前离开非洲并带走一部分语言。

    It is thought that early man then left Africa around 80,000 years go - taking with him some of the diversification but not all of it.


  • 马达加斯加岛如今非洲一部分,9400万年前,它今天印度所在的位置分离出来。

    Now considered part of Africa, Madagascar split from what's now India about 94 million years ago. (Learn about plate tectonics.)


  • 由于西奈半岛认为是非洲板块一部分,那么明显红海会扩张。

    Where the Sinai Peninsula is considered part of the African Plate, the red Sea is clearly ripping open.


  • 俄罗斯正在取代欧盟成为北非中东一部分以及撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲地区的粮食供应商。

    "Russia is replacing the EU as a supplier in North Africa and also in parts of the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa," said Mr Abbassian. "This was not expected in such a short space of time."


  • 认为,多年来,人类形式艾滋病毒仅限于一个偏远一部分非洲

    It is thought that for many years the human form of the HIV virus was limited to a remote part of Africa.


  • 然而如果我们坦诚面对现实,对于无数非洲人来说,冲突已成为生活一部分如同太阳一样永恒

    But if we are honest, for far too many Africans, conflict is a part of life, as constant as the sun.


  • 然而如果我们坦诚面对现实,对于无数非洲人来说,冲突已成为生活一部分如同太阳一样永恒

    But if we are honest, for far too many Africans, conflict is a part of life, as constant as the sun.


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