• 软件具有一般物质客观实在性

    It deems that software has the objective substantiality like general matters.


  • 一般来说,促使因素叠加显然原产地提供的条件更易获得良好生活物质福利

    In general, pull factors add up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin.


  • 洛克一般讨论的是物质

    Locke talked about pure substance in general.


  • 其实,物理学家对物质存在确信无疑,最早上世纪30年代天文观察显示出保持时刻运转星系稳定聚集在一起远非一般物质所能;换句话说,一个星系的可见部分一定牢牢嵌在一种可见的光晕上的;否则,它就会在运转过程中四分五散。

    Physicists are pretty confident dark matter exists. Astronomical observations first made in the 1930s show there is not nearly enough ordinary matter to hold galaxies together as they spin round.


  • 物质认为联合进化模式中的主导因素,仅仅一般的,笼统意义上

    Dark matter is taken into account in the leading co-evolution models, but only in a general, overall sense.


  • 这些气体行星暴风雨一般发生大气深处所以他们物质粒子可能无法逃脱这些行星而进入太空补充说

    But the storms on those gas giants generally occur deeper in their atmospheres, so their antimatter beams may not be able to escape into space, he added.


  • 物质一般外来的非重子物质普通物质只有较弱的的相互作用

    Dark matter: this generally refers to "exotic" non-baryonic matter that interacts only weakly with ordinary matter.


  • 现在只是云朵一般燃烧的心房,并不是由真实的物质构成的。他沿着匪夷所思弧线摆动巨大的钟摆

    Encompassed in a luminous cloud, of which he was now merely the fiery heart, without material substance, he swung through unthinkable arcs of oscillation, like a vast pendulum.


  • 心灵建立仅仅是非物理的东西,非物质的某种东西,我们可以称作心灵,也可以叫灵魂,还可以说精神,但我们一般用灵魂来命名它。

    The mind is based in, or just is something nonphysical, something nonmaterial, we can call it a mind we can call it a soul we can call it a psyche we typically try to call it a soul.


  • 这种物质一般小牛中采集而来,里面含有多种能够切断牛奶中的蛋白——酪蛋白的水溶性末端

    Then they add a substance usually harvested from veal stomachs called rennet, a mixture of enzymes that slice the ends off caseins, a kind of milk protein.


  • 因为一般测定动物食物测试测量其中氮的含量,这些化学物质可以加入昂贵的食物成分中而不为人所知

    Since the usual test for protein in animal feed just measures the level of nitrogen, these chemicals can be added to far more expensive feed ingredients without anybody noticing.


  • 他们没有其他星团中看到那样,质量一般恒星物质位置吻合相反,他们发现出现失真现象

    Instead of finding that the mass coincided with the location of the ordinary matter of stars, as had been seen in observations of other clusters, they found a distortion.


  • 一般样板中石英其他物质含量相当低的。

    In normal coal samples, quartz and other minerals are found only in trace amounts.


  • 宇宙空间中,一般认为黑洞产生的强引力场可以周围所有物质吸入其中。

    In space, black holes are believed to generate intense gravitational fields that suck in all surrounding matter.


  • 物质一般线粒体活动副产品但是通常都在泄露造成伤害特殊消灭——比如它们可能损害细胞DNA

    These are a normal by-product of mitochondrial activity, but are usually mopped up by special enzymes before they can escape and cause harmfor instance, by damaging a cell's DNA.


  • 科学家们推理说,物质一般大多数其他物质作用,他们认为暗物质直接穿过地球房屋甚至的身体,并不会被原子

    And dark matter doesn't often interact with most other matter, scientists theorize. One idea is that it flies right through the Earth, your house, and your body without bouncing off atoms.


  • 贫穷儿童实际上摄入的蛋白质维生素物质一般儿童一样;事实上他们的肉更多

    Poor children take in virtually the same amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals as middle-class children; and they actually consume more meat.


  • 科学家们正在热切追逐着自然界难以捉摸的物质——神秘物质一般认为它构成宇宙的大部分组成。

    Scientists are hot on the tail of one of nature?s most elusive substances, the mysterious dark matter that is thought to make up the bulk of the universe.


  • 电脑工程师一般城之“表面阻力”——一种显微镜级下物质粘连现象——工程师们已经与之斗争了很长时间

    Computer engineers talk of "stiction" -the phenomenon of microscopic components sticking together-and spend a lot of time trying to figure out ways to avoid it.


  • 如果检测硬度陨石标本太小只能显示出这种物质无疑一般钻石硬

    The sample from the meteorite was far too small to test for hardness, except to show that it is certainly harder than regular diamonds.


  • 例如每天增加克此种物质(一般胡桃芥花籽)摄入量,都会降低百分之18患抑郁症风险

    For every increase of half a gram in daily intake of the substancecommon in walnuts and canola oil, for instance — there was an 18-percent reduction in the risk of depression.


  • 如果我们现在二元论框架讨论灵魂观念是非物质东西,不是一般原子组成物质

    If the very idea of soul that we're working with here under the dualist picture is the soul as an immaterial substance, it's not made of ordinary atomic matter.


  • 总的来说一般认为物质占据宇宙中73%质量能量

    Overall, dark energy is thought to contribute 73 percent of all the mass and energy in the universe.


  • 身高的增长一般20以后就停止,长高需要热量营养物质——主要蛋白质——供应身体组织扩展

    Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients - notably, protein - to feed expanding tissues.


  • 这种物质分子结构致密分布松散一般情况下液体一样能够流动

    The molecules in such liquids are closely packed, but loosely arranged. The result behaves like a liquid in normal conditions, and is able to flow.


  • 一般混合物包括柠檬酸,硼氢化钠(其用于漂白木浆)类化合物所有这些物质人体环境有着危害。

    Common mixtures include sodium citrates, sodium borohydride (also used to bleach wood pulp) and ammonium compounds, all of which can be toxic to humans and the environment.


  • 绒毛取样需要胚胎中取出遗传物质样本,有百分之一可能导致流产所以一般只有胎儿患病风险很高的情况下才会使用。

    The latter tests take samples of genetic material from the foetus but they carry a 1% risk of miscarriage and are therefore reserved for high risk pregnancies.


  • 也许还可以解释中微子为什么会在它的物质状态一般物质状态不停摇摆的问题了。

    This might explain why neutrinos oscillate between their antimatter and regular-matter states.


  • 也许还可以解释中微子为什么会在它的物质状态一般物质状态不停摇摆的问题了。

    This might explain why neutrinos oscillate between their antimatter and regular-matter states.


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