• 由于生存期有限冰雕一般特殊盛大活动联系在一起

    Ice sculptures are generally associated with special or extravagant events because of their limited lifetime.


  • 这一方法整体部分关系、一般与特殊关系实例连接应用数据库设计

    The way will be the whole-part of kind, general-particular and example joining to apply in databases design.


  • 当然这样思考并不意味着对西方现有国际关系理论完全抛弃一般特殊独特普遍关系需要明确前提之一

    Of course, this doesn't mean completely abandoned western existing theories of international relations , general and special, unique and common relationship is the prerequisite to clear.


  • 问题转化为行动特殊一般巧合,这些小把戏也出现每位大家之作中。

    That translation of the problem into action, that coincidence of the general and the particular are recognized likewise in the little artifices that belong to every great creator.


  • 属性字符内容中的特殊字符替换为字符引用(一般结构良好XML相同)。

    Special characters in attribute values and character content are replaced by character references (as usual for well-formed XML).


  • 其次笔者一般特殊逻辑顺序高校道德文化相关学术概念分别进行诠释

    Secondly, the writer annotates the academic concept related to university morale culture respectively from general to special logic order.


  • 创业企业成长过程中面临风险一般企业有所不同,创业投资家需要针对创业企业的成长风险构建特殊风险跟踪管理机制

    Different from the risks common enterprises face in their development, investors need to establish a specific risk-tracking management mechanism against the growth risks of the pioneering enterprises.


  • 公众人物基于特殊身份名誉权公共利益密切相关,一般公民名誉权具有显著的不同

    With their special personality, the public figures' reputation is closely relative to public good, which is different from that of common people.


  • 脊椎动物中系统还有第二系统辅助,即一般所称适应性免疫包含免疫细胞器官形成特殊防御网络

    In jawed vertebrates, this system is supplemented with a second system, known as adaptive immunity, which involves a specialized network of immune cells and organs.


  • 环境侵权特殊民事侵权行为一种特点一般民事侵权行为有着较大区别

    The environment infringement is one of the special civil infringement activities, and its features have large differences from the general tort.


  • 虽然特殊防卫一般防卫在具体适用条件上存在很大差异,但二者在实质上具有一定的相当性。

    Though the application conditions of the Special Defense and the Common Defense have apparent difference, the Special Defense has some equality with the Common one.


  • 由于标的物本身特殊性,建造中船舶抵押权一般船舶抵押权很大的不同

    Because of the special character of the object, there are great differences between the mortgage of under-construction ship and the mortgage of ship.


  • 一般主体特殊身份相互勾结可以构成挪用公款共犯

    The common offender can be a culprit guilty of misappropriating public funds who collude with the state functionary.


  • 穿戴计算机硬件系统受到这些属性特点的约束,一般计算机硬件系统不同有着自身特殊体系结构实现方案和硬件技术。

    The hardware system of wearable computer is different from the general computer due to these properties and features, and it takes its own special architecture, implementation and hardware technology.


  • 本文主要运用一般会话含义特殊会话含义理论单方向研究英谚汉译之过程

    The thesis chiefly applies the theory of generalized and particularized conversational implicature on analyzing the process of E-C proverb translation.


  • 英美新闻侵权损害赔偿主要包括一般损害赔偿、特殊损害赔偿惩罚性损害赔偿。

    In the Anglo-American press infringement cases, there are three basic kinds of damages: general damages, special damages and punitive damages.


  • 传统货物运输不同用于重大件运输甲板或半潜驳一种不同一般货船特殊船舶

    It is different from the traditional transportation of goods in that the deck barge to transport the heavy cargos is a special ship varying from the common ship.


  • 外语学习中的阅读焦虑一般的外语学习焦虑感既有联系区别一种特殊的焦虑情绪。

    Foreign language reading anxiety is a phenomenon related to, but distinct from general foreign language learning anxiety.


  • 接着生产劳动本身进行分析,区分生产一般生产特殊二者之间关系

    Then the production of labor itself, the general distinction between production and production of special, and the relationship between them.


  • 一般民事侵权行为相比垄断行为造成侵害有显著特殊,因此垄断损失计算证明采用专家证言形式

    Since the notable particularities of antitrust violation compared with common tort behavior, the calculation and proof of the loss caused by an antitrust violation mostly rely on expert testimony.


  • 可以形容词连用动词常常表示静态特征,一般不能进行时态一些特殊的动词例外.。

    The verbs that can link to adjectives usually express still state, they can't be used continuous tense, but some special verbs can be used.


  • 农业机械制造技术一般机械制造技术相比具有特殊

    The farm machinery manufacturing technique compare with general machinery manufacturing technique, has special.


  • 教师一个特殊社会群体,由于其职业的特殊性,教师人力资本产权一般人力资本产权存在着某些差异。

    The teacher, as a special social group, has some prominent features when compared with other professions, therefore, teachers human capital property has some differences from others.


  • 研发人员绩效高低直接决定企业成败研发工作特殊决定了研发人员的特点一般员工不同。

    The level of R&D personnel performance directly determines the destiny of enterprises, but the specificity of R&D job lead.


  • 但是由于保险经济保障活动特殊,保险公司具有一般企业不同的特征。

    But there is a decided difference between an insurance company and a common corporation because of the particularities of economic security in insurance.


  • 教学交往一般的交往相比较自己特殊涵义是教学主体间相互施加影响的过程,是可以直接观察到和体验到的精神价值情感交往的现实。

    Teaching communication has its own special meaning because it can influence teaching subjects each other and can directly experience the communication of spirit, value and feeling.


  • 教学交往一般的交往相比较自己特殊涵义是教学主体间相互施加影响的过程,是可以直接观察到和体验到的精神价值情感交往的现实。

    Teaching communication has its own special meaning because it can influence teaching subjects each other and can directly experience the communication of spirit, value and feeling.


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