• 基础上给出一类特殊形式非线性滞后广义系统一致稳定充分条件

    Then the sufficient conditions for uniformly stability of a class of special nonlinear singular systems with delay is given.


  • 讨论一类中立型非线性动力方程稳定得出了方程一致稳定充分条件

    In this paper, we study the stability of a class of neutral dynamic equations on time scales, the sufficient conditions of uniform stability of this equation are obtained.


  • 这种方法首先把一致稳定系统转化成一个内部平衡系统,然后选择一个内部优势子系统作为降阶模型子系统可保留原系统的可控可观部分一定稳定性。

    Then an internal superior sub-system is selected as the reduced model which retains the strong controllable as well as observable parts of the system and has certain stability.


  • 最终贷款人政策包括临时性地增加偿债能力回归价格稳定一致价格路线

    Lender of last resort policy involves temporarily expanding liquidity and then returning to the price path consistent with price stability.


  • 但是如果公司或者客户要求一个一致稳定项目环境那么敏捷方法适用

    But if your company or client demands a consistent and stable project environment, then agile methods shouldn't be followed.


  • 所以站得,会使稳定我们看到一致

    So the person standing very low made it more stable, exactly consistent with what we just saw.


  • 失业率处于物价稳定一致水平之下

    The jobless rate is well below the level that is consistent with stable prices.


  • 美联储推出了新的“更长期通货膨胀预测促进充分就业物价稳定使命一致的。

    The Federal Reserve unveiled new "longer term" projections for inflation that will be consistent with its mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability.


  • 面对确定性时获得稳定原因管理需要在其所有当中保持连续性一致

    The reason for obtaining stability in the face of uncertainty is the need of management for continuity and sameness in all they are doing.


  • 各国外长东盟建立共同体主张表示支持,并一致认为东盟共同体东南亚地区带来和平稳定繁荣

    The foreign ministers expressed their support for the establishment of the ASEAN Community which as they believed will bring peace, stability and prosperity to the Southeastern Asian area.


  • 不仅仅产品折旧一致既定资产管理而且和服务器的稳定可用生命周期有关

    "It's a scheduled management of assets that lines up with depreciation but also with stability and the useful life of the boxes," he says.


  • 我们继续土耳其一系列共同目标上达成一致尤其是促进当地稳定

    We will continue to engage with Turkey on a broad range of mutual goals, especially with regard to pursuit of stability in its region.


  • 条约设立一致标准要求将来的会员国达到通胀债券收益汇率稳定预算赤字公众债务等标准。

    The "convergence criteria" set out in the treaty called for would-be joiners to meet targets for inflation, bond yields, exchange-rate stability, budget deficits and public debt.


  • 他们出现温和”时代一个宏观经济稳定思维一致时代。

    They came of age during the Great Moderation, a period of macroeconomic tranquillity and intellectual consensus.


  • 但是面对现实冲击中央银行必须采取短期稳定政策长期价格稳定目标相一致

    But in the face of real shocks central banks also need to follow short-run stabilisation policies consistent with long-run price stability.


  • 两个研究小组目的一致的:利用更加丰富稳定高海拔风能发电,普通涡轮发电机则依赖于地表风能。

    The aim of both teams is to tap into high-altitude wind, which is an energy source that is more abundant and reliable than the ground-level wind on which normal turbines depend.


  • 环顾德国权力殿堂,“文化这个出现多次特别是金融稳定财政纪律团结一致方面与众多欧盟文化不同的时候。

    Touring the halls of German power, the word "culture" comes up a lot, especially as in how European cultures differ over monetary stability, fiscal discipline and solidarity.


  • 金融稳定委员会可能已经过高调表明态度会使人们更难达成一致但是由于缄默寡言,让人很难判定政策制定者身份

    The FSB may have taught him that broking consensus is harder with lots of loud voices, but his reticence makes it hard to judge him as a policymaker.


  • 他们2013年推行永久稳定救援机制的问题上达成一致但是由于默克尔女士拒绝财政大臣承诺的为其提供资金的提议,这个机制不能得到充足的资金。

    They agreed on a “permanentrescue mechanism to be introduced in 2013, but couldn’t fund it properly, because Mrs Merkel refused to put up money her finance minister had pledged.


  • 这次协调一致行动主要为了稳定全球经济提振股市

    The coordinated move is aimed at bringing some stability back to the shaky global economy and slumping stock markets.


  • 中国和国际社会支持下东帝汶人民团结一致克服困难实现国家稳定繁荣

    He said that with the support of China and the international community, the people of East Timor will unite to overcome difficulties and achieve national stability and prosperity.


  • 二氧化碳排放亚洲气候造成何种影响的问题上,经济学家科学家争论不休他们基本上一致认为,亚洲的气候可能变得更加稳定

    Economists and scientists are still debating how emissions will affect climate in Asia, though generally they agree that weather patterns should become more volatile.


  • 自民党的多数决策人一致认为是经济动荡造成了早起民调结果理想,一直要等到明年9月才能彻底稳定首相的位子。

    Most LDP leaders agree that the economic turmoil makes early polls inadvisable, and one is not due until next September.


  • 作为微软以DOS为基础Windows产品线的苟延残喘,这个垂死的、非常稳定版本用户评论家们一致唾骂

    As the last gasp of MS-DOS-based Windows, this long-in-the-tooth, highly unstable release was reviled by users and critics alike.


  • 如果创造一个稳定有效形象那么一致关键

    If you want to create a stable and effective image, then consistency is the key to that.


  • 公司雇佣过程中尽力建立保持稳定公平的机会,高效经济运行的要求保持一致

    The company endeavors to establish and maintain stability and equal opportunity in employment, consistent with its requirements for efficient and economic operations.


  • 卫生官员,2004年10月11月,就脊髓灰质炎非洲暴发开展了大规模协调一致免疫接种运动,一最初反应以来取得的进展积极的也是不稳定

    Health officials say that progress made since the first response to the outbreak in Africa - massive co-ordinated immunization campaigns in October and November 2004 - has been positive but fragile.


  • 卫生官员,2004年10月11月,就脊髓灰质炎非洲暴发开展了大规模协调一致免疫接种运动,一最初反应以来取得的进展积极的也是不稳定

    Health officials say that progress made since the first response to the outbreak in Africa - massive co-ordinated immunization campaigns in October and November 2004 - has been positive but fragile.


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