• 该邦议会一致投票反对行刑。

    The state assembly also voted unanimously against them.


  • 两院一致投票赞成这项决定

    Both Houses voted unanimously in favour of the decision.


  • 上次会议股东一致投票阻挠我们公司布莱考公司合并

    At their last meeting, the Stockholders voted unanimously to block the merger of our company with Blycore. All the executive committee was in favor of the merger...


  • 天后美洲国家组织洪都拉斯峰会上,一致投票决定古巴重新加入

    Three days later the OAS, at a summit in Honduras, voted unanimously to let Cuba rejoin.


  • 不过律师们研究后发现,需要全体一致投票通过几乎可能实现

    But when lawyers looked into it, they concluded that it would take a unanimous vote, and there is almost no chance of that.


  • 10分钟的会议上董事会一致投票做出决定,在此期间,伍德福德禁止说话

    The board voted unanimously at a ten-minute meeting where Mr Woodford was not allowed to speak.


  • 阿根廷足协本周二宣布,足协官员一致投票决定不再国家队主教练迭戈·马拉多纳续约,马大帅阿根廷国家队的执教生涯就此结束

    As Argentina coach came to an end on Tuesday when soccer chiefs voted unanimously not to renew his contract, the country's AFA football association said on Tuesday.


  • 阿根廷足协本周二宣布,足协官员一致投票决定不再与国家队主教练迭戈·马拉多纳续约,马大帅阿根廷国家队的执教生涯就此结束

    Diego Maradona's spell as Argentina coach came to an end on Tuesday when soccer chiefs voted unanimously not to renew his contract, the country's AFA football association said on Tuesday.


  • 出于同样想法,纽约市教育局4月12日一致投票同意创建一个学校互联网门户收益通过销售广告特许电子商务网站的方式获得。

    In the same spirit, the New York City board of education voted unanimously on April 12 to create a school Internet portal, which would make money by selling ads and licensing e-commerce sites.


  • 这项决策联邦公开市场委员会(Federal Open Market Committee)10名成员一致投票通过最近几个月美联储首次达成一致行动

    The decision was taken by a unanimous vote of the 10 members of the Federal Open Market Committee, the first time in recent months the Fed has acted by consensus.


  • 投票一致通过这家公司进行清算

    A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.


  • 尽管先生勇气前后不一致惊人表现只通过本周投票上表示弃权可以窥得一二。

    Although Mr Fini has courage, he is capable of breathtaking inconsistency-just take the abstention in this week's vote.


  • 如果陪审员们第一次投票无法达成全体一致他们必须听取主任法官意见之后他们可以通过简单多数作出决定

    If jurors cannot reach a unanimous verdict on their first vote, they must hear the views of the presiding judge, after which they may decide by simple majority.


  • 伊拉克国会议员法律争吵了好几个星期了,包括美国在内的观察员担心一些原则上不能协商一致延迟投票举行

    Iraqi MPs have been wrangling for weeks about the law, and observers, including the US, have been worried that failure to agree on the guidelines may delay the poll.


  • 但是表示出来信息是有一定一致的,如果电子游戏玩家不肯外面投票的话,他的竞选电子游戏上的投入不会产生多大的改变

    But his message seems coherent to me. His campaign's investment in video games won't make much of a difference if users don't get up after awhile and go outside to vote.


  • 激进投资者卡尔·爱康争夺委托投票权失败之后,百视达当时在任CEO不得不面对一个新的难题执行战略受到董事会一致反对

    After losing a proxy fight to the activist investor Carl Icahn, Blockbuster's then CEO faced a new obstacle: executing strategy in the face of boardroom opposition.


  • 投票结束小时阿富汗各大主要外国观察团都对此一致赞赏有加。

    A coordinated torrent of praise from the main foreign missions in Afghanistan began to gush a few hours after polls closed.


  • 国会成员上周未能选举法达成一致提高延迟投票可能性

    Members of parliament last week failed to agree on a new election law, raising the prospect of a delay to the poll.


  • 如果我们的意见不能达成一致,我们采取投票的方式。

    If we cannot reach an agreement, we will have to vote.


  • 11月3日国民议会第一次赢得了全体一致投票

    On November 3rd he won the first unanimous vote in the National Assembly of his four years in office.


  • 选举一开始定于2010年1月伊拉克议会对于投票基本事宜达成一致之后,选举最终推迟到2010年37日。

    Elections were originally planned for January 2010 but were delayed until March 7 2010 after the Iraqi parliament failed to agree on the basic terms of the vote.


  • 选举一开始定于2010年1月伊拉克议会对于投票基本事宜达成一致之后,选举最终推迟到2010年37日。

    Elections were originally planned for January 2010, but were delayed until March 7, 2010, after the Iraqi parliament failed to agree on the basic terms of the vote.


  • 丈夫投票观点上总是一致呢,还是各持不同的政见?。

    Do you always vote with your husband, or do you have different political opinions?


  • 比如投票出口人数(exit polls)实际投票人数统计的不一致问题上,人演绎统计上的舞弊

    For example, statistical discrepancies between exit polls and actual votes cast have been used by some to deduce widespread fraud on statistical grounds.


  • 一致同意”表示要对某个做法进行投票结果至少要来自项目管理委员会(PMC)的赞成票,而且不能有反对票。

    'Consensus approval' refers to a vote, which has completed with at least three binding +1 votes and no vetos.


  • 众多要求代表一致通过女性争取投票这一提议。

    The delegates passed a declaration calling for voting rights for women, among other demands.


  • 当然也知道不是所有人都拥有相同观点不会投票做出一致决定

    I know, of course, that not everyone Shared the same point of view, or voted in the same way.


  • 当然也知道不是所有人都拥有相同观点不会投票做出一致决定

    I know, of course, that not everyone Shared the same point of view, or voted in the same way.


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