• 1988年。群的蝗虫西非长途跋涉到了加勒比地区。

    In 1988, another made the lengthy trek from West Africa to the Caribbean.


  • 最后得到的热化的,中子的,反应堆泄露可能性

    Ultimately ending up with a group of thermalized neutrons that also have a certain probability of leakage from the reactor.


  • 所以还是很大觉得烦恼,我没觉得需要试图简化它,或简化它。

    So it's still in great flocks, and I don't feel troubled and I don't feel the need to try to reduce it or not to reduce it.


  • 知道营养学知识充其量也是参差不齐而已,所以我的努力下,为了饮食的问题,我营养师

    I know my knowledge of nutrition is spotty at best, so in my efforts to eat better, I asked a bunch of nutritionists for meal ideas.


  • 作者讲述了他南越士兵惊人邂逅

    The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of South Vietnamese soldiers.


  • 男人正在泛光灯强光足球

    A group of men were playing football under the glare of floodlights.


  • 记者跟随身后

    A group of reporters followed in her wake.


  • 记者堵住了

    A group of reporters blocked his path.


  • 确保身边有自己亲手挑选聪明年轻军官当作自己的职责。

    He had made it his business to surround himself with a hand-picked group of bright young officers.


  • 兴高采烈村民观看仪式

    A merry crowd of villagers watched the proceedings.


  • 他们很棒小伙子

    They're a great bunch of guys.


  • 故事围绕辍学中学生展开。

    The story is built around a group of high school dropouts.


  • 起涉及年轻人严重事件

    There was a serious incident involving a group of youths.


  • 席地而坐妇女偏偏《绿袖子》。

    One group of women, sitting on the ground, was singing, of all things, "Greensleeves."


  • 安全部队瞬间突然看见越过边境年轻人

    The security forces sighted a group of young men that had crossed the border.


  • 吵吵嚷嚷孩子窝蜂地下了公共汽车

    A group of noisy children tumbled out of the bus.


  • 密友十分了解她的遭遇

    She has a close group of friends who are very well aware of what she has suffered.


  • 聚集工厂大门口

    A crowd gathered at the factory gates.


  • 这些家伙公司他们贪婪

    These guys destroyed the company. They're all a bunch of greedy pigs.


  • 吸引了一群群旅客来到拉斯维加斯。

    This attracts hordes of tourists to Las Vegas.


  • 喧哗记者不耐烦地坐在酒店大厅里等待

    A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently.


  • 要不是一群群孩子搅得我们生活不宁,还是喜欢在这里的。

    I would really like living here if it wasn't for the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery.


  • 调查针对组织松散罪犯的。

    The investigation had aimed at a loosely organized group of criminals.


  • 就这样避开急于提问记者

    He thus avoided a pack of journalists eager to question him.


  • 公共汽车上涌下来叽叽喳喳的孩子

    The bus disgorged a crowd of noisy children.


  • 观众混杂在学生游客

    The audience was a motley crew of students and tourists.


  • 他们称作懵懂无知、喜怒无常孩子冤枉了他们。

    Calling them a bunch of capricious kids with half-formed ideas does them an injustice.


  • 他们未经训练的新兵组织成了支有战斗力部队

    They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.


  • 喧闹25000名狂热球迷格兰德中心车站欢迎球队

    A raucous crowd of 25,000 delirious fans greeted the team at Grand Central Station.


  • 一群群愤怒年轻人朝着警察石块

    Groups of angry youths hurled stones at police.


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