• 消费者理性对待情况,不宜盲目开发商行为也是赌博,高回报高风险同在。

    Consumers must be rational treatment of this situation, not the blind pursuit of high, and the developers of such ACTS is also a kind of gambling, high-return and high risk the same.


  • 赌博永远美国人生活共同特征时间以来,广泛地认为一种罪恶抑或一种社会疾病

    Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever, but for a long time it was broadly considered a sin, or a social disease.


  • 路西安弗洛伊德常年保持着一种引人注目隐居状态,流言火上浇油:女人赌博模特所有这些流言到最后都已工作无关

    For years Lucian Freud maintained a conspicuous privacy, fueling the rumors about women and gambling and models, which in the end really had little or nothing to do with his work.


  • 时期心理学家弗朗斯·克莱蒙斯认为赌博信仰有共通之处两者都表现了一种安全感秩序赎罪需要

    A psychologist of the same period, Clemens France, saw similarities between gambling and faith: both expressed a need for reassurance, order and salvation.


  • 后来,这个故事极端结局就是这些消费者患上了盗窃癖。 他们同样驱使赌徒赌博瘾君子去贩毒的强迫力量驱使着去疯狂的消费和盗窃。

    At the extreme end of the spectrum are kleptomaniacs, driven to steal by the same compulsive urge that fuels gamblers and drug addicts.


  • 别人问他是否构成赌博行为时,牧师答道:“仅仅是决定由善事一种科学方法。”

    When asked if that didn't constitute gambling, the minister replied, "It's merely a scientific method of determining just who is going to commit an act of charity."


  • 暴雪承诺会是游戏有趣运输方式因为在船上可以进行些小游戏,可能性的赌博,或任务,甚至可能遭到海怪海盗袭击

    Ships promise to be one of the most interesting forms of transportation as it has been said there will be mini games, possible gambling, quests, and maybe attacks by monster or pirates.


  • 网络赌博新型犯罪形式凭借犯罪成本低、风险利润丰厚等优势,而全球迅速蔓延

    The network gamble crime is a new kind of crime form, rely on its crime with low costs, little risk advantage, lucrative, spread rapidly in the whole world.


  • 别人问他是否构成赌博行为时,牧师答道:“仅仅决定件善事科学方法。”

    Wh en asked if that didn't constitute gambling, the minist err epli ed, "It's m er ely a scientific method ofd et ermining just who is going to commit an act of charity."


  • 大马华人正统文化沦丧到正常化程度赌博外人少数大马华人称为华人的文化根本是对华人的一种污辱。

    Malaysia Chinese mainstream culture has normalized gambling as a part of their culture, it's a shame when outsiders and some Chinese proclaim that gambling is a Chinese culture.


  • 大马华人正统文化沦丧到正常化程度赌博外人少数大马华人称为华人的文化根本是对华人的一种污辱。

    Malaysia Chinese mainstream culture has normalized gambling as a part of their culture, it's a shame when outsiders and some Chinese proclaim that gambling is a Chinese culture.


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