• 功率补偿工业企业建筑电压设计中经常采用节能方式

    Compensation of wattless power is a kind of energy saving method in enterprise and design of architecture electric ensineering.


  • 无功功率补偿是工业企业建筑电压设计经常采用一种节能方式

    Improving power factor (meaning compensation of wattless power) of enterprise in using power is one of important subjects in economizing power.


  • 美国铁路拥护者中国铁道部也认为,与汽车飞机相比,铁路是一种更环保节能运输方式

    Like railway advocates in the USA, the ministry touts rail as a greener, more energy-efficient form of transportation than driving or flying.


  • 如果说地球现在受到相信节能一种生活方式人们的欢迎,“地球”并非帆风顺

    If Earthships are now finding favor among people who wouldn't normally adhere to a conservation or alternative lifestyle ethos, they haven't had a smooth ride.


  • 爬行者”待在水平面上很慢地爬行但是通常直线上,一种更加节能到处走动的方式

    "Crawlers" stayed horizontal, moving more slowly but generally in straighter lines, a more energy-efficient way of getting around.


  • 表明人类或许演化中形成了在中最时间睡觉的习惯,这可能节能方式西格尔博士

    This suggests that humans may have evolved to sleep during the coldest hours of the day, perhaps as a way to conserve energy, Dr. Siegel said.


  • 低温热水地板辐射采暖系统作为一种节能舒适新型采暖方式日益广泛应用居住建筑工程之中

    As a new heating of energy-efficient and comfortable, low-temperature hot water heating system of floor radiation is increasingly applied to a wide range of housing construction.


  • 介绍低温热水地板辐射采暖特点布置形式指出一种舒适节能的采暖方式

    This paper introduces the features and arrange forms in low temperature radiant floor heating and points out that the system is energy efficient while offering suitable comfort.


  • 建筑空调系统节能途径很多,其中重要方式就是开发利用回收装置

    There are many ways to save energy in air-conditioning, and exploitation of heat recovery facility is important one.


  • 置换通风一种全新的通风方式可获得较高空气品质节能效果以及具有较高的通风效率

    Displacement ventilation is a completely new ventilation way, through which aims such as gaining higher air quality, economizing energy and getting better ventilation efficiency are realized.


  • 取代传统蒸汽热水加热方式具有节能显著能耗费用低等优点一种理想的电加热器材

    It replaces the conventional heating mode using steam and hot water and has the apparent advantages of energy saving low energy cost and so is an ideal heating equipment.


  • 为了建立节能控制系统本文首先分析了常见的住宅内的网络结构,从中选用了以电力线通信介质的通讯网络,介绍了一种基于DTMF编码方式的电力线通信系统。

    To establish a house saving energy system, this text first analyses several net structures, and chooses power line as the correspondence medium, and also USES DTMF coding mode.


  • 前两排沙方式已经广泛应用于工程实践中,螺旋排沙是近年提出一种节能、高效输沙方式,目前还处于试验研究阶段。

    The spiral flow in the horizontal pipe can generate the spiral flow to transport sediment according to the way of equipping the guide blade in the middle of the pipe.


  • 地源热泵系统一种节能减排规模化猪场环境控制方式

    Therefore, it is an energy saving and emission reducing mode of environmental control for scaled pig farms.


  • 地板辐射采暖一种舒适节能新型采暖方式

    Radiant floor heating is a newly-developed type of heating technology which is comfortable and energy-saving.


  • 自然通风可持续性建筑中的主要节能方式将自然风引入城市地下空间的对其空气品质改善节能具有重要意义。

    Natural ventilation is the key tactic of sustainable building design. Bring the natural wind into underground space of the cities could contribute a great in improving air quality and energy saving.


  • 液体粘性调速离合器一种靠摩擦之间剪切力传递动力新型传动方式大功率风机水泵调速节能方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    As a new type of power transmission device utilizing the shear of oil of film between two sets of discs. It is widely used for speed regulation and energy saving in large fans and pumps.


  • 结合工程实例说明建筑采暖采用PEX交联聚乙烯低温热水地板辐射供暖系统一种节能舒适、又便于施工的新型采暖方式

    In this paper, a new house warming model, the PEX pipe cryogenic hot water floor radiation warming system, is introduced with a engineering example.


  • 节能环保型社会和资源节约型社会构建需求下,长江航运作为经济性环保性最佳运输方式综合运输体系一种不可替代的运输方式

    On demand of energy-saving and environment protective society, as the most economic and environmental transport, inland river navigation is irreplaceable within an integrated transport system.


  • 由于微波具有特殊的体加热方式不需媒介就能对物质进行选择性快速加热特点,认为一种高效节能的绿色再生技术

    Microwave regeneration technology is recognized as a high-efficiency and energy-saving regeneration technology, due to its special heating and capability of heating materials in molecular level.


  • 水泵运行水泵节能调节方式确定水泵高效降速范围是保证系统经济运行的前提

    The lapse speed operation ci pumps is a kind of energy-saving regulation. The economical operation of the system presuppose the determination of high-efficient lapse speed range of pumps.


  • 合同能源管理一种实现企业节能改造有效方式

    Research of Income Sharing Model in Contract Energy Management Mechanism;


  • 我们提出这个项目的初衷就是希望不仅仅利用银行的专业资源解决年青代的经济问题重要帮助他们培养和建立一种低碳节能生活方式

    We hope that our project would not only help people to solve their financial problems but the more important is to make them establish the green lifestyle!


  • 我们提出这个项目的初衷就是希望不仅仅利用银行的专业资源解决年青代的经济问题重要帮助他们培养和建立一种低碳节能生活方式

    We hope that our project would not only help people to solve their financial problems but the more important is to make them establish the green lifestyle!


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